The Ending decyphered *BIG SPOILERS*

Yeah, you are right. You mean like "Resist this guy we show"?

What about the other graf with the soldier and the baby?
Yea, the "resist" posters definitely look like Breen. As for the Overwatch holding a baby, I surmise that it's a reference to the Combine's preventing human reproduction. Basically, the idea of, "Are you willing to let the Combine have YOUR children?" It's a reminder to the people what the Combine has taken away and why they should fight.
Man, I bet all the new born kids are going to be named Gordan or Barney or Alyx. He will be famous and write a book about his life and the G-man. :borg:
Samon said:
Yes, thats the continium. Its where the dimensions intersect and thats why they are all lying dead there because the very place they are is lost between the dimensions...its as simple as that.
I thought it kind of looked like Xen myself…. Which they call a “Borderworld.” So I think that could fit your understanding of the “continuum.” sp? Let me know if I’m on the same page as you. In any case I’m just glad someone else doesn’t make the quantum leap to a theory of time travel just because he/she hears the word continuum used.
I think the continuum is actually space and something else as a whole...hmmm
Anyone watch star trek the next generation.. there was a character on there named Q .. he was a higher life form that could stop, reverse and fast foward time and had other powers that were god like. it kinda has the same concept with G-man.
In Opposing Force, you can clearly see a vortigaunt transporting from tramcar to tramcar, during the point when you have to go through the tram system Gordon Freeman took in the beginning of HL2.
Bing_Oh said:
the Overwatch holding a baby

i don't think it is a soldier. i always thought it was a mother wearing a gas mask, judging by the shape and the clothing.

the picture

maybe it is supposed to underline the grave situation of having to live and raise children in a toxic world .. but again, what children?
it doesnt quite make sense .. but i dont think it is a soldier.

any ideas what the text might mean? caste? o_O
Foxtrot said:
From the leaked alpha there were assasins(who acted just like the ones from half-life) who looked like those things in the citadel.


Hummerluver58 said:
Part 3 of my theories

About Antlions.

I think there is a simple explination to these things. Despite not looking very Xen-Like (the only Xen alien to have long claws like that are the head crabs, and they are small) I do beleive they came from Xen. I think they are used a somthing of a measure to keep things in (and out) of Nova Prospek. Like some kind of watch dog. Thats the reason for those big machines they have along the beach, as some kind of Ant Lion supression device used to protect the Guards.

the biggest thing I haven't seen anyone say are the pounders that are in ?all? the half life series when in Xen. Yes, they are bio-looking, but that would add into combine assimilating technology to make theirs on individual worlds. and if Xen had pounders.... wouldn't that mean antlions ( I even doubt that sort of)

poo poo head said:
The combine are odd, if anyone looked at one of the monitors in nova prospekt, you can see a combine in a bed, and he had no shirt or mask. It had a pale body, and wierd holes throughout their arms and chest and neck.

Pic Please.
The REAL story

Gordan Freeman is an assassin for President Bush, but he fails on his mission, so Bush punishes him by sending an evil FBI agent to follow him (the g-man). While walking down the street, he trips and goes into a coma. Then, he has dreams of this evil g-man and aliens.
Messermeier said:
i don't think it is a soldier. i always thought it was a mother wearing a gas mask, judging by the shape and the clothing.

the picture

maybe it is supposed to underline the grave situation of having to live and raise children in a toxic world .. but again, what children?
it doesnt quite make sense .. but i dont think it is a soldier.

any ideas what the text might mean? caste? o_O

I do however think it is something inbetween. Look at the back of the person holding the baby, looks like implants. Maybe there was something between the 7 hour War and the situation that is now, that was dictated by a caste system (which would make more sense, since the word is written below). Only a certain caste was allowed to have babies.

If you put it together with what is said in Raising The Bar, that the original idea was that the combine were destroying the atmosphere I could gather the following:

After the 7 Hour War a certain caste was allowed to have children. The Combine however decided to destroy the atmosphere so gas masks had to be worn. When the reproduction process didn't work out as planned (the caste had implants so they would breed transhumans) they squashed reproduction as a whole.

That is pure speculation but it's the way I see it now.

I think the fact that Gman says that xen is now under "our control" means that he was on the same side as the combine in half-life 1. This is because the combine used the xen creatures to aid their taking over of earth, to make the people flock to the cities. But sometime during these ten years, the g-man's and the Combine's aims became seperated and Gordon was brought back out of his nap to deal with Breen. It is important to note that most probably, the gman has no interest in saving humanity, but his goals and the resistance's goals happened to coincide with the destroyal of the combine presence in city 17.
Speculation: someone earlier mentioned a link between Nihilanth and Buggsy that Dr. Breen was talking to at the end of HL2. Since we know that Nihilanth was the mechanism through which teleporting from Xen to Earth was made possible, assuming Bussy's kinda the same, perhaps Buggsy is the combine's "mother"/"leader"/"figurehead" because of, or in large part due to, the fact that it's only through Buggsy that the combine can teleport to Earth. Perhaps both Buggsy and Nihilanth are related to the big thing from the end of Opposing Force? If so, perhaps all 3 are rebels from the big bad slug society? The G-man could be an employee of the main society from which these three broke off, tasked with bringing them back in line/killing them before they run amok. This would explain:
-"Under our control for the time being" comment: Once Nihilanth is killed, the aliens' teleporting ability fails. That is, until a new badass rebel slug comes along and starts throwing hordes of his babies our way again: the first time in Opposing Force, and then again in HL2 with the Combine and their overlord slug.
-G-man's original motives: he would have been hanging at Black Mesa just for the sake of figuring out the best way to kill off the rebel slugs, then noticed how this one dude in an orange suit was doing a real good job at killing the slug (Nihilanth) himself, and decided to hire him to get the remaining bug (the second one having been polished off by Adrian Shephard). Perhaps he even deliberately set up the resonance cascade in the first place, to lead Nihilanth into a trap (i.e. knowing the slug wouldn't be able to resist the chance to teleport like crazy into another dimenstion)? Perhaps, then, this is the point of setting up Gordon's actions in HL2: destroying their main teleport, just pissing off the combine slug enough to draw him out into a fight, one that hopefully Gordon will win, but if not, hey that was the G-man's job to do anyway. Eh. Anyway, I hope that Half-Life won't be restricted to a trilogy, I would hope it gets at least 4 or 5 full-length outings.
I am thinking that what breen is talkign to isnt the leader of the combine, its to far fetched...the name combine "advisor" appears to be something that would be a sort of advising breen etc.

I dont think the leaders would be capable, or willing enough to talk to some menial human.
I can't remember where this was posted, but if anyone can translate this, it would be a big help - "per arden ad astra nemine contradicente"
it was text from these pictures -

nevermind. I found this
dæmon said:
I think the Latin inscription reads, "The way to the stars is not easy without opposition" but I'm not sure that is grammatically correct. "No one contradicts that the way to the stars is difficult" makes more sense, but it's been a long time since I studied Latin.

Good find Mickey :thumbs:
Well, I have read throught all of first six or so pages and it is a bunch of great ideas there. I have what to thing about before I fall asleep...thanx everybody;) I will read the rest soon...

I wanted to add my bit to this scheme...I might answer the question about what the combine soldiers are - they are what shown the image somewhere back there - pure humans (however somewhat pale - but maybe it is soldiers corpse, who knows?) with some holes or more likely some mechanical attachments (hard to tell). How do I know? Well, open your hardrive, go wherever you installed halflife, open this directory, then open hl2 directory, then open models directory and there is a whole load of images (even in the subdirectories). Ones that do open new questions and answer some old...for example, does anyone know anything about those "SuperSoldiers"?

It seems to me that I must play half-life, opposing force, blue shift and then half-life 2 once again;)
There is one clue to what could await in an expansion or HL3 that comes at the very end of HL:

GMan: "I can give you a job that you have no chance of surviving."

Flash to the alien corridor shot with the large rock-like monsters.
okay, here's my two cents.

I just wanna touch on something that it seems alot of people have missed in relation to Xen and teleporting and all that. As you know, Xen is called the 'border world'. Now to me that sounds like it's somethin that exists outside space/time as we know it. In HL2, Kliener says that the reason they can teleport from one point on earth to another is because the 'slingshot' through Xen. Basically, you're teleporting there and back in one go. This could also explain the one week jump, the explosion knocked you of the 'path' of the teleport and left you floating for a week.

The other thing i wanna mention is to do with the sample and the resonance casscade. It seems that not many people are aware that scientists had been travelling to and from Xen long before the events of HL1. this is seen from chapters 'residual processing' onwards, as well as the fact that once in Xen, you see many other figures in HEV suits and equipment lying around.
THE SAMPLE WAS NOT BROUGHT BY THE GMAN. It was brought back by another scientist. How the ever got the teleporting started in the first place, i don't know. What the resonance casscade did was creat an unstable temporal rift, which the Nihilanth used (as an agent of the combine, like breen) to send through the creatures as the first wave to suppress earth. The combine would've already been aware of earth due to the previous actions of other scientists.

hope that made sense
I think the speculation is more along the lines of who made the arrangements to have the sample analyzed that day and in such an unusual way, thus causing the resonance cascede, rather than who ORIGINALLY obtained the sample.

And, there was always an indication that Xen was vital in teleportation. In Blue Shift, we realize that it is SO vital that early teleportation experiements actually relied in a physical relay station on Xen.
Damn, senshi, I just said a lot of the same stuff in another thread. If I knew how to link it, I would. People tend to forget the events at Black Mesa. (The point I made in the other thread was that Xen relay teleportation might be Breen's "bargaining chip" with the Combine. Apparently Combine teleportation technology is not as advanced as the Kliener/Vance model.)

Or that he was using the promise (or threat) of another "resonance cascade" as leverage.

That's the long and short of it anyway.
Originally Posted by Hummerluver58
As for the mentioning of the gravity gun before, the reason it was not "confiscated" I have come to beleive is that the "confiscator" was only programed for recognized weapons. Stuff that normal people use. Now the gravity gun is a rare item and there is only one. So I presume that the "confiscator" could not recognize it. Therefore could not pick it up. The "confiscators" attempts to pick it up with its electricity is what I beleive made it the SUPER GRAVITY GUN
isnt there some anouncement which says that it found unrecognized weapon or something? try playing that part again and listen what women says when all your weapons dissapear.
Some thoughts. These hit on points made through out the entire thread so you may have to do some cross-referencing.

G-man is not human. I can almost guarantee it. Look at how much trouble he has acting normal or even speaking. His physical representation is not his real body. As for G-man's past? I would say that he functioned as a plant or mole inside the U.S. governement for some outside interest (probably alien). I like to think that even if G-man does not care specifically about mankind, he is opposed to the Combine.`

I agree with the idea that the Nihilanth was the Combine overlord for Xen. More importantly though, I think he served as a teleportation controller for Xenian life. Notice that the Vortigaunts and Grunts from the first game could teleport into a given area. You can't explain all of that by the fact that a portal storm was going on. Some of it was too localized. With the Nihilanth dead, notice that you don't once see a vort teleport. Local teleportation appears to belong soley to mankind now.

In reference to the Grunts from HL1, notice their vague similarity to vorts but with distorted features. Clearly they represent the Combines attempts at a Xenian "super soldier", just like the trans-humans in HL2.

Combine soldiers appear to be at least part human. Perhaps their are different steps to the procedure, hence the variation in appearance and ability. Maybe the Combine crosses the human genome with alien and animal genomes in order to improve performance. Pound for pound an ape is much stronger than a human, and since they are close relatives, it should be easy to create a hybrid. Interesting thought, and it does explain the picture.

Barney and the restistance where not expecting Freeman specifically. Barney infiltrated the Combine at the train station to rescue anyone who came off the train and looked like they still had any spark of life left. Barney was there to divert people to the resistance. They only expected Gordon in a general sense that one day he would return (hence the suit, kept in storage) and that City 17 would be the logical choice as the seat of Breen's power. Plus, as the hero of Black Mesa you would naturally be a quasi-legendary figure since you helped most of the founding members of the resistance escape with their lives.

Breen, unlike the resistance members, knows about (or at least of) the G-man. In all likelihood he knows that the G-man is not human. This might be why he fears Freeman, (under all that bravado) and why he is so eager to capture Freeman. Gordon represents a way to find out about G-man or, who exactly is opposing the Combine

Personally, I like the idea of Gordon as a universal adapter. Gordon survives, always. He has the rare combination of wits, brawn, and tools to allow him to suceed almost anywhere. This is why G-man retains his services. Gordon can sort things out. He's unpredictable, not god-like or messianic.
They only expected Gordon in a general sense that one day he would return (hence the suit, kept in storage) and that City 17 would be the logical choice as the seat of Breen's power.

Breen, unlike the resistance members, knows about (or at least of) the G-man.

I think you may have missed a connection, here. Remember back to the end of HL..."As for the suit...I think you've earned it." The G-Man himself "bestowed" the hazard suit on Gordon before placing him into deep freeze. How, then, did the resistance get Gordon's hazard suit? Realistically, there is only one was given to them by the G-Man (or his "employers"...but, considering that THEY seem to work exclusively through the G-Man, I doubt that's a real possibility).

We KNOW that the resistance has contact with the G-Man throughout the game (he's seen speaking with the british general who give you the rocket launcher). It only follows that the MAIN members of the resistance (Eli, Kleiner, Alyx, Barney, etc) know of him and have contact with him.
Here's what i got from the nihilanth.

"Alone, Not You Alone, Not You Alone"
"Comes Another"
"Deceive you, Will deceive you"
"Die, you all die, you all die"
"Done, what have you done"
"The last, you are the last, you are"
"You are man, he is not man, for you he waits.. for you"
"Now Die, Now Die, Now"
"Their slaves, we are their slaves, we are"
"The last, i am the last"
"The truth, you can never know the truth"
"Thieves, you all are thieves, you all are"
"Win, you can not win"

I know this was probably posted about 6 years ago, but due to some of the speculation posted here I thought it was about time i wrote it down for you.
Bing_Oh said:
We KNOW that the resistance has contact with the G-Man throughout the game (he's seen speaking with the british general who give you the rocket launcher). It only follows that the MAIN members of the resistance (Eli, Kleiner, Alyx, Barney, etc) know of him and have contact with him.

Agreed. Plus, listen to Alyx and Eli objecting to Breen when he mentions your contract in the Citadel.

Br1ght Boy said:
Barney and the restistance where not expecting Freeman specifically. Barney infiltrated the Combine at the train station to rescue anyone who came off the train and looked like they still had any spark of life left. Barney was there to divert people to the resistance. They only expected Gordon in a general sense that one day he would return (hence the suit, kept in storage) and that City 17 would be the logical choice as the seat of Breen's power. Plus, as the hero of Black Mesa you would naturally be a quasi-legendary figure since you helped most of the founding members of the resistance escape with their lives.

Barney is a key figure in the resistance: doesn't he practically lead the uprising after the fall of Nova Prospect?

I agree perhaps that he wasn't expecting Gordon on that day, but he was expecting Gordon - hence placing such a key figure in a relatively menial job at the station: waiting for him.

I'm almost convinced the Reistance hired Gordon out from the G-man.
Yeah, I think Bing is right. I don't know what I was thinking. In all likelyhood G-man stays in touch with at least a few members of the resistance (what was that thing with Cubbage?). I do, however, think that they really didn't know precisely when to expect him. G-man could have returned the suit at any time post Black Mesa. Everyone does seem really suprised to see him when he first shows up. Some of that could just be his rock star status, but I think there was also some genuine amazement at Gordon's return.
Its good to see all you guys making this story a more fuller experience for all us gamers. I hope the developers take note of this and make half life 3 as good in story as this outing.

I think the G-man is from a race of beings that bring order to interdimensional realitys. Much in the same way the Vorlons act as caretakers of order in Babylon 5 (if i remember rightly).

Gman is from a parent race that makes sure all other races follow specific learning curves to ascend beyond time. Gmans race has evolved beyond time to where it no longer exists as a constant. Thus they can manipulate the whole of existence at any point and at any period.

I think we will find the Gman will allow gordon to ascend to be a manipluator as he is at the end of half life 3. Just a theory i have.

Remember the Gman said much of what you are involved in was never up to you or something like that.
Wraith said:
i agree but that brings up an interesting paradox in that if he is shaping your future, why would he need to test you?

When he says he won't give you the illusion of free will it seems he is almost certainly speaking of whether or not you get to choose to accept or not accept the assignments he mentioned, not that you have no free will whatsoever... as that obviously wouldn't mkake sense in the context of the game.

general griffin said:
Gman is from a parent race that makes sure all other races follow specific learning curves to ascend beyond time. Gmans race has evolved beyond time to where it no longer exists as a constant. Thus they can manipulate the whole of existence at any point and at any period.

I think we will find the Gman will allow gordon to ascend to be a manipluator as he is at the end of half life 3. Just a theory i have.

im just putting 2 and 2 together here

it was mentioned earlier in the thread (and i think i remember it myself) that g-man told Shephard at the end of opposing forces that he rather reminded him of himself, being able to survive in the face of adversity.
This leads me to believe that G-man was not disimilar from Gordon or Shepard at one time.

bare with me:

say that there are a number of 'forces' that reside within each and every dimension of existence, some stronger than others, which manipulate their dimensions or others to their own inconceivable ends. i.e. those directing the 'Combine' (bare in mind that the teleportation of an entire citadel by the combine is frankly over the top) or those behind g-man, trying to hinder the combine invasion of earth. I cant make a guess as to why they are invading earth myself.

aaanyyway, G-man, after proving himself in the eyes of a previous 'manipulator', ascended to be the powerful wierdo we see now, and he in turn is guiding gordon down that path, and perhaps keeping shephard as a backburner project elsewhere.

again, im just putting 2 and 2 together.
I just spotted the gman!!! in a commercial! One of those antidrug public service announcements.

There's this girl who is obviously under the influence of something, and she's driving at night. It's dark and stormy.

This guy in a blue suit, who looks quite a lot like the Gman, pops out in front of her.

Long story short. She hits him.

edit: woops, sorry, thought this was a different thread. It's still funny anyway.