the "Facts About Iran" Thread

Whats the deal with women in the country? They can't possibly be for these laws that demean them.
Is having your own computer as you do (I assume) commonplace?

What about English skills?

What is your opinion on violence in video games, and what is the general consensus of your countrymen?
i read a few months ago that if you weren't sharing a bed due to lack of space or otherwise, you are considered gay and subsequently executed.

STRONGLY DENIED, what if i wanted to sleep with my uncle or cousin for example? but naked, why the hell would i do that?

supposing you were gay! what I'm asking is if a gay couple sleeps together in Iran do they get killed?
yeah but in the first page jerkasaur said you only got fined or taken in or something like that..I wanted to confirm if it is a death penalty offense.
What do you feel about the Nuclear program that your president wants to go on with? And how a handful of countries wants the program to be immediately halted or face "consequences"?

Iran is categorized with North Korea in my point of view, and I think the program should also be stopped.
Do other religions get treated the same? or are they treated like 2nd class citizens?
supposing you were gay! what I'm asking is if a gay couple sleeps together in Iran do they get killed?

it's not like the police is looking for gay people to kill them, as long as they do no harm to the society, they could do whatever they want.

Is having your own computer as you do (I assume) commonplace?

What about English skills?

What is your opinion on violence in video games, and what is the general consensus of your countrymen?

well, you could have the best home computer here for like 300-400 dollars, so lots of people have computers here.

english is thaught in the mid- and highschool courses here, the learning of it, however is more focused on grammer, rather than just speaking english.

i don't really care that much about it.

Whats the deal with women in the country? They can't possibly be for these laws that demean them.

i don't think they think like you.

but isn't Hugo Ch?vez your president? we love chavez.
yes wrong spelling
and why?

well i guess cause he cares about he's country? this is what we see from him, i think you people like him too...

What do you feel about the Nuclear program that your president wants to go on with? And how a handful of countries wants the program to be immediately halted or face "consequences"?

it's not just the president who wants that, it's the country, personally i think the it's my country's right. "consequences"? what could they possibly do? we're not afraid of them for god's sake.

jerkasaur are you iranian/ do you live in Iran?

both yes.

Do other religions get treated the same? or are they treated like 2nd class citizens?

no they are not treated like 2nd class citizens, they get exactly the same respect as muslims do.

How does the judiciary work in Iran?

like how?
You have no idea do you

the problem is we always tend to believe what the media give us, even if it's BullS.
Can we invade Iran with paratroopers or should we just use our mechanized divisions?
but isn't Hugo Ch?vez your president? we love chavez.
yes wrong spelling
and why?

well i guess cause he cares about he's country? this is what we see from him, i think you people like him too...


not everyone love chavez

and the number one reason is cuz he is making a Castro's like goverment and problably you wont like the goverment of castro

for example he imposed laws that prohibits any negative coment about the goverment, even in humoristic shows

and who knows what others laws are to come
he started to close private tv networks

and problably you wont like to hav a law like that

buts that the whole problem whit this stuff,the people of others country only see how "good" he is an how he "cares for the people"
but believe me is not like that
I love Chavez!

Don't believe RJMC and his petite bourgeoisie propaganda!!!
Getting "facts" from a 16yr old, is like getting advice from a homeless man.
What do you know about the new Panha 2091 attack helicopter in service with the Iranian airforce?
Getting "facts" from a 16yr old, is like getting advice from a homeless man.

well if you wanted to know what's it like to be homeless I'm sure reading about it would only give you half the picture

you've posted your opinion about your country ..should I just chalk it up to a meaningless drivel because it comes from someone younger than me? he's giving us his perspective, there's nothing wrong with that
well if you wanted to know what's it like to be homeless I'm sure reading about it would only give you half the picture

you've posted your opinion about your country ..should I just chalk it up to a meaningless drivel because it comes from someone younger than me? he's giving us his perspective, there's nothing wrong with that

Kind of reminds me of those people who chalked up RJMC's posts as meaningless drivel, when he gave his opinions about his country and government.

Oh wait... Solaris has already been blathering his undying love for Chavez in this very thread, last page. Kind of reminds me of those foolish people who unquestionably believe George Bush to be a beacon of god, the way he goes about it.
well if you wanted to know what's it like to be homeless I'm sure reading about it would only give you half the picture

you've posted your opinion about your country ..should I just chalk it up to a meaningless drivel because it comes from someone younger than me? he's giving us his perspective, there's nothing wrong with that

Oh please Stern, when the guy says this:

"i've been to a lot of foreign countries, i do have the oppertunity right now too, but i like my country better. i've been to canada for example, my aunt and uncle li?"ve there, but i won't like living there. i mean i don't get it, what's the problem with here?"

How much does he really know? People get whipped and thrown in jail for attending parties, unemployment is killing the already worthless economy, religious oppression is omnipresent, there's zero freedom of speech, the "president" is taking the country closer to the brink of war, archaic laws = shariah, etc...

And he asks what the problem is? he SHOULD know.
Oh please Stern, when the guy says this:

"i've been to a lot of foreign countries, i do have the oppertunity right now too, but i like my country better. i've been to canada for example, my aunt and uncle li?"ve there, but i won't like living there. i mean i don't get it, what's the problem with here?"

How much does he really know? People get whipped and thrown in jail for attending parties, unemployment is killing the already worthless economy, religious oppression is omnipresent, there's zero freedom of speech, the "president" is taking the country closer to the brink of war, archaic laws = shariah, etc...

And he asks what the problem is? he SHOULD know.

This perception you have of Iran is one that was created by the US media. To really understand the country and its people, you need to experience it first hand. Yes maybe some of the things they do seem foreign to us, but I'm sure we do plenty that seems odd to them.

My view of the country isn't really a negative one. The Muslim religion hasn't been around as much as the other religions. Christianity at one point was just as restrictive as the Islam, but slowly it begins to change the laws start transforming and aren't based on religious doctrines, but what is right for the country and the people.
Oh please Stern, when the guy says this:

"i've been to a lot of foreign countries, i do have the oppertunity right now too, but i like my country better. i've been to canada for example, my aunt and uncle li?"ve there, but i won't like living there. i mean i don't get it, what's the problem with here?"

How much does he really know? People get whipped and thrown in jail for attending parties, unemployment is killing the already worthless economy, religious oppression is omnipresent, there's zero freedom of speech, the "president" is taking the country closer to the brink of war, archaic laws = shariah, etc...

And he asks what the problem is? he SHOULD know.

you mean like how all americans know that the war in iraq is a sham and based on lies? or how the bush admin deliberately manipulated facts so that tyhe american public would support the invasion of iraq? or that the US uses torture on a routine basis? or that almost half of all americans believe in creationism? or that Mary actually had a virgin birth?

it's his perception doesnt make it accurate/inaccurate .. it's just an opinion based on his real world experiences
you mean like how all americans know that the war in iraq is a sham and based on lies? or how the bush admin deliberately manipulated facts so that tyhe american public would support the invasion of iraq? or that the US uses torture on a routine basis? or that almost half of all americans believe in creationism? or that Mary actually had a virgin birth?

it's his perception doesnt make it accurate/inaccurate .. it's just an opinion based on his real world experiences

I'm not sure I understand your first point, but for the second one, yeah sure it's an opinion, he's entitled to it, in fact I'm glad he has the internet to be able to share his thoughts and to have access to outside news and whatnot but those problems I mentioned are fundamental problems which every Iranian adult is aware of. My point is, when a teenager says there aren't any problems here, I like living in a corrupt and dysfunctional theocracy - how can you take his opinion seriously?

Core407 said:
This perception you have of Iran is one that was created by the US media. To really understand the country and its people, you need to experience it first hand. Yes maybe some of the things they do seem foreign to us, but I'm sure we do plenty that seems odd to them.

I'm Iranian, and I was a political refugee for all my life in France up until December 2005 when I got French citizenship.
I'm not sure I understand your first point, but for the second one, yeah sure it's an opinion, he's entitled to it, in fact I'm glad he has the internet to be able to share his thoughts and to have access to outside news and whatnot but those problems I mentioned are fundamental problems which every Iranian adult is aware of. My point is, when a teenager says there aren't any problems here, I like living in a corrupt and dysfunctional theocracy - how can you take his opinion seriously?

I'm Iranian, and I was a political refugee for all my life in France up until December 2005 when I got French citizenship.

well look at it this way.

this kid has a computer at home reads and posts on, where the most obscure and dangerous ideas are born.

if i were china i'd ban j/k
How does the judiciary work in Iran?

like how?

Well, in the UK you have politicians, who draft laws and vote them in. You then have a judiciary that implements those laws. The politicians and judiciary are independant in the sense that a politician cannot interfere in the legal process - for instance, a politician cannot change a sentence, or openly critisise a judge.

How does Iran's system of justice compare to this? Does Iran have Sharia law for instance?
Getting "facts" from a 16yr old, is like getting advice from a homeless man.

but Gunner, you're already reading this...

in reply to <RJMC>'s post

well i like the fight he does with those who want to decide about his country, but i'm not living in venezuela to know much about him, from what i have seen from him, i like him, but that law you say, well, i don't know... i never liked castro, that's for sure.

Can we invade Iran with paratroopers or should we just use our mechanized divisions?

maybe you should first use your mind 15357. :D

Why do you feel the way you do about homosexuals?

it's just how i feel, just like how i hate macaroni.

How do you/your country feel about Israel?

no one likes killing, no matter who does it. people have the right to live peacfully, wherever they want, but they don't have the right to take other's freedom to get to that.

How much does he really know? People get whipped and thrown in jail for attending parties, unemployment is killing the already worthless economy, religious oppression is omnipresent, there's zero freedom of speech, the "president" is taking the country closer to the brink of war, archaic laws = shariah, etc...
I'm Iranian, and I was a political refugee for all my life in France up until December 2005 when I got French citizenship.

no one ever asked about unemployment, if there is, it's just as there is in france, and please don't talk about freedom of speach, we've already seen what happened in france last year. the president does nothing to get us into war, i don't think US is that stupid to put itself into a war with iran, just after it's mess in iraq and afghanestan, and for what "good" reason this time? and no one get's whiped for just attending in parties, you could go to a party, drink as much as you want, f*** whoever you like, but yes, you're not allowed to spread this in the country, you're not allowed not to let the neighbours sleep just because you're having a party.
gunner, there are some rules that has to be obeyed in any country, if france says no women should go to school with scarf, well i think it's bullshit and i think it's against freedom, but just because i think like that, it doesn't mean i could do or say whatever i like. i would much rather go to a country that doesn't have that rule. what happened if i were french and complained about the rule i just said?

Well, in the UK you have politicians, who draft laws and vote them in. You then have a judiciary that implements those laws. The politicians and judiciary are independant in the sense that a politician cannot interfere in the legal process - for instance, a politician cannot change a sentence, or openly critisise a judge.

How does Iran's system of justice compare to this? Does Iran have Sharia law for instance?

because whatever's right should be a law, being a politician doesn't give you the right to change what's right. if a law has a problem with it and it's not right, it should be critisized and changed by the law makers and those who protect people's rights, not by a politician.
there are some rules that are fixed, based on those rules, new ones are made. for example, "harming and being harmed" is forbidden in islam, they make rules badsed on this.

and gunner, badam nemiad farsi harf zadanet ro bebinam lotfan.
maybe you should first use your mind 15357. :D

Nah, my telekinesis isn't that strong. I can barely crush a aluminium can. :D


#1. Where exactly do you live in Iran?

#2. Are there many soldiers near your area?

#3. Whats the system of economy like?
it's taken out of context how a canadian newspaper reported that it was mandatory for jews to wear arm bands ...turns out that was just a lie ..then again the National post is about as right wing as they come in canada

question: do iranians still harbour resentment towards the US for overthrowing democratically elected Mosaddeq?

from Iranians I've met, most say that fundamentalists are not the norm in iran; most people just want to live their daily lives and are unconcerned about politics/religion this true?

Dont forc eme to look for Videos where he talks shit against Jews and Westerners.I have seen them in multiple German Tv shows like,Spiegel or Focus,these a respectable TV shows
Why does Iran kill all their macaroni instead of just not eating it.
More personal questions:
What do you think of Denmark?
Where you at the rallies cheering when they where burning our flags (or flags they thought was ours)?
What do you think of the death of Saddam Hussein, and what is your view of the general opinion of this is in Iran? (sorry for bad sentance, I dont really know how else to put it)
Dont forc eme to look for Videos where he talks shit against Jews and Westerners.I have seen them in multiple German Tv shows like,Spiegel or Focus,these a respectable TV shows

so what does that have to do with whether it was taken out of context or not?

and please, you're a holocaust denier ..dont you think you're being hypocritical criticising someone else for the very same thing?

#1. Where exactly do you live in Iran?

#2. Are there many soldiers near your area?

#3. Whats the system of economy like?

1. Tehran
2. many soldiaers? no, why? there are men that are sent to military services but it's not like we live in a war zone. actual military soldiers, not much.
3. that's too general, in what way do you mean? like how's the economy?, or like how does the economical system work?

Why does Iran kill all their macaroni instead of just not eating it.

because i hate macaroni.

Dont forc eme to look for Videos where he talks shit against Jews and Westerners.I have seen them in multiple German Tv shows like,Spiegel or Focus,these a respectable TV shows

respectible, maybe, reliable, ich don't think so.

More personal questions:
What do you think of Denmark?
Where you at the rallies cheering when they where burning our flags (or flags they thought was ours)?
What do you think of the death of Saddam Hussein, and what is your view of the general opinion of this is in Iran? (sorry for bad sentance, I dont really know how else to put it)

it's a country with people that live in it, what special thing should i think about it? governments do wrong things sometimes, politiacians too, but this doesn't mean we hate a whole country just because of them.

ok burning flags might not be a good idea, but you must understand that they were pretty angry when the Denmark government let that newspaper print those caricatures, twice.

we had an 8 year war with iraq, saddam started it, many young people died in that war, people who would sacrifice for their country, doing whatever they could. people would do they same if it happens again, i personally think he was better off dead, seeing how many people he killed. i don't think anyone here is sad that saddam is dead.
You're some man to bother answering all these questions and I'm afraid I've got some of my own.

Do girls generally go to school and how is their standard of education compared to boys?
Do women generally work or stay at home?

Thanks in advance
You do understand, the Danish government didn't print the cartoons, its was a comic strip in the free media.