The final hours is online

Ritz said:
Very interesting read, I never knew about the hacker (what went on behind valves closed doors) I think its GREAT the way Gabe tried to fool the hacker into thinking he would get a job, what an idiot the hacker was to beileve that, he would be dead before he finished his first day at work.

Great read.

The police would have a murder mystery of satisfying proportions on their hands. A valve employee with a crowbar impaled through the head. Hehehehe.
Well I just finished reading it. And it was an excellent article, That was the first time I actually heard about that hacker story, and how he was caught. Can't wait for tuesday. Only a few short days away.
Just read it, I'd have to say one of the best gaming articles I've read in awhile. Really lets you in behind the scenes to see what really happened during the development process.
Gamespot did an amazing job on that piece. The part I found funny was how gabe has his phone number listed publicly. I kinda want to call him and personally thank him and the Valve team for keeping their wits about them during the STOP........."hacker time". (dances across the floor sideways)

lol anyways...

Now it makes the anticipation more bearable knowing that they really were busting their a$$es all this time.

Thanks Valve
I already posted my thoughts on the article in another thread but I found the part where Gabe talked about the communication he had with the hacker absolutely hilarious. Good job at bringing that creep to justice. He got what he deserved!
I am a subhuman piece of trash, and shouldn't be allowed out in public without a leash.
*sob* that was the most beutiful half-life 2 themed website literature I have ever really made me understand valve better, and what it must have been like being on the other side, looking out at the fans making accusations at you.
Holy**** they went through alot, i am surprised the game is still even gonna be released after those problems, valve went through a lot and deserve a long pat on the back. The game is inproved alot from the looks of it, it might of got a 80% rating back then, now PC Gamer gave it a 98%, 2% off 100, really nice score
ApocalypseNow said:
**** that fat piece of shit at VALVe they call "Gabe", this game should have been out over a year ago....

Watch it ApocalypseNow. We don't tolerate trolling and bashing here. Consider yourself warned.
One of the pics contains dialogue (probably) from an important scene involving Alyx, which is another spoiler.
Good article.... even someone who doesn't know anything about half life 2 would probably enjoy it.. and it'll probably be a treat for the person to play half life 2 after reading the article and go "This is the game that article was written about? DAAMN"
began preparing for the gold announcement in early September. They started discussing what they would do on September 30. Would they take the day off from school? Call in sick to work?

Hehe, typical stuff from forums.
joule said:
This is great! Geoff Keighly did an awesome job and it is quite lengthy, too. I just finished watching that Developer Interview with Gabe Newell. SWEET!

I recognized you by the use of italics on dudes' names :E
good read. ehe forgot about this:

"Then people started using the game to compose their own screenshots of Dr. Kleiner performing [oral sex] on Alyx. It's basically your worst nightmare."

-- Gabe Newell on the leaked copy of Half-Life 2

those were funny pics
qckbeam said:
Watch it ApocalypseNow. We don't tolerate trolling and bashing here. Consider yourself warned.

Heh, they made you a mod? Well damn, where are the flying pigs? :E
I found that to be a very interesting and moving article..

I actually got a little teary eyed reading some of the last bits
Amazing read.. I think HL2's development really demonstrates what an extraordinary group of people Valve are. Very few, if any, other companies would go to such lengths to make a game exceed expectations like that, let alone have the talent to pull it off. What we have here is an amazing company, going beyond the call of duty to create something truly worthwhile and demonstrative of the potential of the medium. We are all very lucky to have a company like Valve working in the industry.

Thank you Valve, you've earned my respect over and over again.
T.H.C.138 said:
I found that to be a very interesting and moving article..

I actually got a little teary eyed reading some of the last bits

me too... It was VERY good text... moving... Gabe is my hero! ^^
Great article. Showed the awful power of hubris and the codependent nature of the gaming industry. Bottom line for Valve: fans just want to be included, even if things aren't going great, we still want to know. And for fans: everyone's human, mistakes happen and if communication can be matintained so can trust. 25 pages! Fantastic.
ApocalypseNow said:
I am a subhuman piece of trash, and shouldn't be allowed out in public without a leash.

I found Newell to remind me of LoTR's director very much, same kind of determination and responsibility taking.
That was a very well written article, big props to GameSpot. It was even better than the first one!
Raziaar said:
Noone knows who Yahn is in the team?
Yahn is like one of the senior programmers on HL2, and probably had a lot to do with getting all the physics working right in the game.

I agree, this article from Gamespot was extremely moving. Normally I don't care for most of Gamespot's game reviews and I find them to be way off the mark, but this article was something else.

And the same goes for Gabe Newell and Valve. They've gone way above and beyond the call of duty. Like that comment on Penny-Arcade said: "The combination of Half-Life 2 the game, the Steam delivery system, and the Source SDK will define a new generation of PC gaming, usher in a golden age of man, and focus the mod community into a coherent beam which punches a hole straight through our notions of professional and amateur development."
T.H.C.138 said:
I found that to be a very interesting and moving article..

I actually got a little teary eyed reading some of the last bits

Same here mate. Good read
It's the best half hour I've spent reading about a gaming company. I really feel different for valve now. They sure went through a lot of shit over the years. I love the fact that Gabe pwned teh 1337 h4X0r.
Why do they say Half-Life 2 is "A spectacular game on five CDs"... I thought it was 6 CDs?
Great article. Great Developers. Two thumbs to Gabe and his team. Some homourous parts in the article too. I loved the part where Gabe runs to each office and pulling the modem sockets out of the wall in a distressed mode. It always comes together.:)
Great read. Feel bad about Yahn though. What could possibly have happened? Emailed him last year or so about an idea on CS:S. He seemed perfectly fine then. I hate if anything serious has happened. And TBH, it sounds that way.

I hope Valve comes out okay through all of this. Good luck guys & gals! :thumbs:
That was a good read indeed. Took about the same length to read through all the pages in this thread. Valve are the coolest games company i know and i would love to thank them personnaly. i hope thay all decide to come back because they are the ones that make half-life 1&2 what they are.