The first anti-Islamist music video...


Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Open Season by Stuck Mojo.

What do you think?

This was written by the songwriter. You need to read the following before passing judgement:

This song is about a global enemy that is compelled by spiritual teachings to convert or kill. The threat is not limited to Israel or America. If it was, then why is this virus present in Algeria, Sudan, Somalia, Indonesia, the former Soviet Union, the Philippines, India, France, Spain and Darfur? Why are Buddhist and Hindu temples set on fire and the followers of these peaceful religions attacked?

We can argue about percentages of peaceful Muslims vs. extremists, but that will get us no further than trying to determine how many Germans actually supported Hitler during the late 1930's. The threat is growing. Understanding why Hitler wanted to destroy the Jewish people did not stop it from happening. Nor will understanding the motives of Jihadists keep them from following through with what they believe they are compelled to do by their god.

Why is it a news story for MONTHS when a Catholic Priest molests a child? NO ONE is afraid of offending Catholics by suggesting that the Catholic Church protected morally deviant priests. But God forbid we discuss the fact that NOT ALL Muslims are terrorists, but that ALMOST ALL terrorists ARE Muslim. Under Sharia law women are stoned to death for being in a relationship with a Christian or leaving Islam. If a woman is raped, she has to produce FOUR witnesses that will testify on her behalf or no charges can be made. Homosexuals are stoned to death. Gotta love that religion of peace!

This video is NOT attacking Islam. This video does NOT lump all Muslims in with the terrorists. No one in the Stuck Mojo organization is a racist or a bigot, but I refuse to ignore these events so as to keep from offending anyone. Respectfully, Rich Ward

Scary thing is, I've seen the images and I've seen the videos they use to illustrate their point. FYI: The stuff in the start goes ..."And we shall cut off his head..."...."Khaybar, oh Jews!"..."God is Great!"..."Jihad for the sake of Allah!".
Islamism is very dangerous and an enemy of all free people.
"The band's love for professional wrestling was especially exhibited ..."

dismissed ..sorry

:naughty: ..cant watch the video but ....wrestling ..nuff said
no wonder why islamist hate the usa

and I thought it was going to be a rap

"yo yo kill the bitches arabs
yo they blow up in your face whit bombs
they rape your childrens at night
singing song to that mothefvcker allah
use your gangsta powers to eliminate the scum yo
peace yo"
Holy crow, a music video that takes the bold stance of decrying terrorism!

We can argue about percentages of peaceful Muslims vs. extremists, but that will get us no further than trying to determine how many Germans actually supported Hitler during the late 1930's.
I think it's just swell that people still equate "Germany" with "Nazi".
If a German was around in the '30s, they weren't necessarily a Nazi, but bloody hell that was risky business. That doesn't excuse anyone's behaviour, naturally, but it also helps to remember that Germany was one nation under one an extremely vicious, cruel, yet charismatic government.
Islam is different - it being worldwide and all, the percentage of "extrmeists" is going to be small.
Yes, this small percentage is destructive and abhorrant, but it does not mean all Muslims are evil just as being German does not mean you have any affiliation with/sympathy for the Nazi party and the atrocities carried out by them.

This video is NOT attacking Islam. This video does NOT lump all Muslims in with the terrorists.
I think it's swell that people can contradict themselves so blatantly when fumbling with the whole "I'm not racist, but..." argument.
If indeed you can grace it with the word argument.
I think it's just swell that people still equate "Germany" with "Nazi".
If a German was around in the '30s, they weren't necessarily a Nazi, but bloody hell that was risky business. That doesn't excuse anyone's behaviour, naturally, but it also helps to remember that Germany was one nation under one an extremely vicious, cruel, yet charismatic government.
Islam is different - it being worldwide and all, the percentage of "extrmeists" is going to be small.
Yes, this small percentage is destructive and abhorrant, but it does not mean all Muslims are evil just as being German does not mean you have any affiliation with/sympathy for the Nazi party and the atrocities carried out by them.

I think it's swell that people can contradict themselves so blatantly when fumbling with the whole "I'm not racist, but..." argument.
If indeed you can grace it with the word argument.

Basically what I was going to say, but more eloquent and British.
Where do you think the video crosses the line between decrying Islamism and decrying Islam as a whole? You sound like you heard something you didn't agree with. So where did they contradict themselves?
More to the point, what's wrong with decrying Islam?
And why is it the same people that will attack Christians for their personal beliefs are so often the first to come to the defence of Islam?
Why do I get infraction points for saying that Islam is shit while moderators openly say that Christianity blows?
Not that I disagree in any way that Christianity blows, but bullshit.
RepiV's right. That's a strange double-standard we have there.

Lefties like CptStern haven't spotted the blurred line that goes between Islamism and just being a Muslim, that's why him and Me-Too's just flooding the thread right now, believing that what I've posted is racist/bigoted.

Of course they're not top-notch like Metallica, but if you look at their lyrics, they make as much sense:

I speak peace when peace is spoken, But I speak war when your hate is provoking, The season is open 24-7-365, Man up yo time to ride, No need to hide behind slogans of deceit, Claiming that you're a religion of peace, We just don't believe you, We can clearly see through, The madness that you're feeding your people, Jihad the cry of your unholy war, Using the willing, the weak and poor, From birth drowning in propaganda, rhetoric and slander, All we can say is damn ya

My forefathers fought and died for this here
I'm stronger than your war of fear
Are we clear?
If you step in my hood
It's understood
It's open season

I don't need a faith that's blind, Where death and hate bring me peace of mind, With views that are stuck deep in the seventh century, So much sand in your eyes to blind to see, The venom that you leaders preach, Is the path to your own destruction, Your own demise, You might say that I don't understand but your disgust for me is what I realize, Surprise!
Your homicidal ways has got the whole world watching, Whole world scoping, So if you bring it to my home base, Best believe it, The season's open

I see you, Hell yeah I see you, Mother****er naw, I don't wanna be you, If you come to my place, I'll drop more than just some bass, Yo you'll get a taste of a, Sick mother****er from the Dirty, I ain't worrying not a ****ing bit, I'm telescoping like Hubble, Yo you in trouble, Yo on the double, I'm wild with mine, Bring that style with mine, **** with my family I'll end your line, Just the way it is, Just the way it be, Do you understand? No matter if you're woman or man, or child, My profile is crazy, That shit you do doesn't amaze me, I'm ready to blaze thee

I don't give a damn what god you claim, I've seen the innocent that you've slain, On my streets you're just fair game, Like a pig walk to your slaughter, The heat here is so much hotter, And my views won't teeter totter or fluctuate, Step to me you just met your fate, And I'll annihilate, With the skill of a Shogun assassin, Slicing and dicing precise with a passion, In any shape form or fashion, Bring it to my home, Welcome to the danger zone, Cause your attitude's the reason, The triggers keep squeezing, The hunt is on and it's open season
RepiV's right. That's a strange double-standard we have there.

Lefties like CptStern haven't spotted the blurred line that goes between Islamism and just being a Muslim, that's why him and Me-Too's just flooding the thread right now, believing that what I've posted is racist/bigoted.

Of course they're not top-notch like Metallica, but if you look at their lyrics, they make as much sense:

Looking at those lyrics, I see a lot of angst and aggression, but an odd lack of actual substance. I wonder why? :rolleyes:
Anger, yes. Towards the Jihadis. The 'actual substance' is the message of the song: That Islamism is not O.K. and should not be tolerated.
So you think it should be more to the point? That it should have heavier lyrics than it does? People are already using the misnomer 'islamophobia' to describe it. And when Islamist front organizations like the CAIR condemn it as such, it's doing something right.
More to the point, what's wrong with decrying Islam?
And why is it the same people that will attack Christians for their personal beliefs are so often the first to come to the defence of Islam?
Why do I get infraction points for saying that Islam is shit while moderators openly say that Christianity blows?
Not that I disagree in any way that Christianity blows, but bullshit.

It's called political correctness, I don't agree with it but it's the way the proverbial cookie crumbles.
And maybe that's what this video tries to hack away at; The double-standard.
More to the point, what's wrong with decrying Islam?
And why is it the same people that will attack Christians for their personal beliefs are so often the first to come to the defence of Islam?
Why do I get infraction points for saying that Islam is shit while moderators openly say that Christianity blows?
Not that I disagree in any way that Christianity blows, but bullshit.
Cool your boots there squire. As far as I've seen so far, no-one in this thread has said "It's wrong to attack Islam, but it's acceptable to attack Christianity"
Perhaps you and Nemesis6 were making that statement as a general observation (and in that sense you'd be right to an extent) but in terms of this thread you are, I am afraid to say, wrong.

Just because I (and others) said it was wrong to lump all Muslims in with extremists, that doesn't mean that, by association, we agree with Christianity being attacked either.
Personally, I don't care for religions too much, but I'm damned if I'm going to allow such blatant prejudice to pass by me without criticism.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Islam doesn't get a softer deal in the press.
As a Brit, you'll remember the protests that went on after the fury about those Danish cartoons of Mohammed.
Did the press go easy on the extremist protesters?
Did the man who dressed up as a suicide bomber receive no criticism?
Was his apology not met with (extremely pleasant) surprise?

Incidentally, I had similar gripes with those cartoons as I do with this song. They claimed to be satire, but were obviously and intentionally offensive to Muslims worldwide and if the cartoonist claims they weren't intended to be inflammatory then he is either a liar or a cretin.
Not that those two occupations are mutually exclusive, mind.
On the other hand, it should go without saying that the backlash was ridiculously disproportionate and extremely misguided.
I don't think the press skipped over that fact, either.

As for this band's lyrics:
"So much sand in your eyes too blind to see,"
I'm finding it hard not to make a scathingly sarcastic comment, so I'll restrict myself to saying: there's no way that doesn't denote a large dollop of racism on their part.

"I don't need a faith that's blind
Where death and hate bring me peace of mind
No matter if you're woman or man, or child,
I'm ready to blaze thee"

For God's/Allah's sake, these people cannot claim they aren't attacking Islam.
Once again I will reiterate that I don't care for religion, but I take an even dimmer view of bigotry and hypocrisy.
Yes I am aware that both of those are qualities inherent to religion.

I could go on, but there's no point. Their lyrics are horribly, candidly vicious and bilefully retributive.
And on top of that they're just down right bad, regardless of their obnoxious bigotry.
Not all "lefties" :)rolleyes:) think Islam isn't inherently evil.
Case in point: me.

However, this guy totally sabotages himself by adding that disclaimer about "oh I don't want to offend anyone muslim just the terrorists boo hoo". That's just as bad as what Chi and Stern are saying, and what many of you say about christianity as well (double standard indeed!).
Separating the extemists from their religion just empowers that religion ("we might be bad but at least we aren't extremists!") and ultimately changes nothing.

So what we have is a bad song stating the obvious, poorly.

But I'm sure if any terrorists are watching this on their MTV, it'll really demoralize them to hear that terrorists aren't good.
Gotta agree with that, though the last famous guy in Holland that did that, got killed by an Islamist, and his political counter-part, a former Islamic-woman is hunted down and requires a ton of security guards.

I think this confrontation of Islamists is good, and people should dare speak up their mind about it without fear, without a disclaimer -> nobody cares if Buddhists, Atheists, Hindu's or Christians get offended when jokes/sarcasm/criticism/news is made, yet with Islam we all feel the need to add disclaimers stating "not all Muslims are like that".
Their music sucks and the lyrics suck. If you want to make a legitimate statement against terrorism you should at least try to make it intelligent. Saying "so much sand in your eyes" is not a coherent argument, it's something a 12-year-old yells when he plays America's Army. Terrorism is bad, obviously, killing innocent is bad, of course. Writing an inflammatory song about it will only bring attention to their talentless band, which is most likely the main intention. If any real terrorist were to watch this video they would laugh at the guy spouting empty threats at people who are ready and willing to die for their insane cause.
finally got to see the video ...they're like Bad Brains only far less talented

Lefties like CptStern haven't spotted the blurred line that goes between Islamism and just being a Muslim, that's why him and Me-Too's just flooding the thread right now, believing that what I've posted is racist/bigoted.

:rolling: this is lol funny ..I mean where did you get that? I made fun of the fact they like wrestling ..but if you want to label me as something and if you consider yourself a "righty" then I most definately want to be a lefty so long as it's the polar opposite of you

repiV said:
More to the point, what's wrong with decrying Islam?
And why is it the same people that will attack Christians for their personal beliefs are so often the first to come to the defence of Islam?

who are you referring to? let me guess ..little ol' moi? :upstare:
I'm all for attacking any religion, as long as it is done in good taste with reason and good intention, not in broken english cursing.

This song is simply a base rave of xenophobia with patriotic overtones. You know, the kind of shit pseudo-political songs are these days.
Ha-ha! that song is god-awful, even if it was making some pathetic attempt at a message it was skewed by terrible lyrics, humdrum guitar riffs and a rapper with absolutely no rhythm.
Its funny how they try to have that "coolness" aspect in their clip with those fake Squad team guys running around like its a freekin CS movie.
Yeah, they reuse a lot of footage. We know they're not that good.

I think the reason the songs strays from pure critique of Islam/Radical Islam/whatever, is because they have kind of fused it with a kind og rap. Put in a little anger, too, and you get their kind of music.

But once again, it is, afterall, the message that counts. And I think the thing it's most effective at is raising debate about Islam, which is neccesary. Sun Tzu said: "If your enemy is quick to anger, seek to agitate him." And the more we do that, the better the chances of Islamism dieing.

I mean look at what happened during the "Cartoon Crisis" Ugh, I hate that term. When that happened, the Imams of Denmark(May they burn in hell) went on a tour with fake drawings, claiming to show how evil we were. This shows how quick they are to retaliation when the disbelievers(kuffars) blaspheme against Islam.

Speaking of blaspheming against Islam... To the guy that spoke of the guys that dressed as suicide bombers and organized mass protests: You are probably familiar with Al Muhajiroun. The police did nothing when Muslims shouted "UK YOU WILL PAY!", and "7/7 on its way!", "BOMB, BOMB DENMARK!", and who could forget the classic "LA ILLA ALLAH!"!

When these protests occured, police did nothing. However, when counter protests were organized, they were arrested. Multicultural Britain at its best. Don't agitate the Muslims, because we know that when we truly agitate them -- WHICH we've found out we do when we say ANYTHING critical about them or their religion --, people will die and stuff must be destroyed.
Looking at those lyrics, I see a lot of angst and aggression, but an odd lack of actual substance. I wonder why? :rolleyes:

Hardcore leftist music from the likes of Rage Against the Machine and Rise Against is senseless bullshit too. It goes with the territory.
Rise Against are still my favourite band though, despite being leftist morons...
lol you love to label people; it's all so black and white, right and left etc :upstare: it's like you live within this narrowly defined handbasket of issues that are indicative of the side you support regardless if universal logic supports it or not

oh and I find the guys in rage to be quite intelligent ..just because you're too narrowminded to understand the message doesnt make them "morons"
It's called political correctness, I don't agree with it but it's the way the proverbial cookie crumbles.

Political correctness is the religion of the secular left. It knows no reason.

Cool your boots there squire. As far as I've seen so far, no-one in this thread has said "It's wrong to attack Islam, but it's acceptable to attack Christianity"

I didn't say that anybody said that. I was referring to other events on this forum that suggest the obvious bias which makes it ok to bash Christianity but not Islam.
Solaris, for example, is pretty nasty towards Christians on this forum whenever the issue of their religion comes up, such as in the thread in the off-topic forum at the moment, but he's also the first to call me a racist for saying Islam (not even Muslims, just Islam) is shit, and the first to say "oh but Muslims are just ordinary, intelligent, good people like everyone else! Islam makes our society richer!"
Unlike Christians, who clearly are a threat to society. Does he even listen to the hypocritical bullshit he spouts?

Perhaps you and Nemesis6 were making that statement as a general observation (and in that sense you'd be right to an extent) but in terms of this thread you are, I am afraid to say, wrong.

Just because I (and others) said it was wrong to lump all Muslims in with extremists, that doesn't mean that, by association, we agree with Christianity being attacked either.
Personally, I don't care for religions too much, but I'm damned if I'm going to allow such blatant prejudice to pass by me without criticism.

Read the forum a bit more thoroughly...

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that Islam doesn't get a softer deal in the press.
As a Brit, you'll remember the protests that went on after the fury about those Danish cartoons of Mohammed.
Did the press go easy on the extremist protesters?
Did the man who dressed up as a suicide bomber receive no criticism?
Was his apology not met with (extremely pleasant) surprise?

Incidentally, I had similar gripes with those cartoons as I do with this song. They claimed to be satire, but were obviously and intentionally offensive to Muslims worldwide and if the cartoonist claims they weren't intended to be inflammatory then he is either a liar or a cretin.
Not that those two occupations are mutually exclusive, mind.
On the other hand, it should go without saying that the backlash was ridiculously disproportionate and extremely misguided.
I don't think the press skipped over that fact, either.

I wasn't talking about the press, I was talking about the prevailing mindset of individuals.
I'm glad the cartoons were offensive to Muslims worldwide. I didn't get the memo that said we shouldn't offend Muslims. Their behaviour has clearly shown them deserving of having their poor widdle feewings hurt.

who are you referring to? let me guess ..little ol' moi? :upstare:

Not on this occassion...but why would you ask, unless you think you deserve to be labelled a hypocrite?
lol you love to label people; it's all so black and white, right and left etc :upstare: it's like you live within this narrowly defined handbasket of issues that are indicative of the side you support regardless if universal logic supports it or not

Bullshit. Ironic coming from you, too.

oh and I find the guys in rage to be quite intelligent ..just because you're too narrowminded to understand the message doesnt make them "morons"

Rage Against the Machine = America's gonna **** you up, there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. That's pretty much their entire repertoire. Very intelligent indeed.
Bullshit. Ironic coming from you, too.

I dont see everything as a partisan division between right and left like you do no

Rage Against the Machine = America's gonna **** you up, there's nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Very intelligent indeed.

was that a direct quote or were you paraphrasing? when's the last time you did something for your political convictions?