The first HL2 TC mod

  • Thread starter Thread starter Muta
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We're not some crappy mod who's giving you a link to a geocities site with 1 crappy model done.

The Last Great War

LGW has been a WW2 TC on UT2k3 We see that we came into that community here a half a year too late, there are already several outstanding UT2k3 TCs under development. On HL2, we decided to make things right by being the first ones at the scene.

The biggest thing is, you probably think we're trying to rip off Day of Defeat, when thats not true. See the list of pros and cons for why exactly.

Based on new information on Half - Life 2, the team has decided to move to it based on the following Pros and Cons:


-Sept. 30th 2003 Release
-Until HL2 is released, we're going to continue to make models for weapons, and vehicles. Skins, textures, and we're going to try to wrap up most of the sound, and the music. So when HL2 does come out, we'll have a lot of our work done.
-Brand new engine with a lot of great features for mod making in its Source Engine.
-Support for a broader range of PCs, while people with hi-end computers can experience next-gen graphics and visuals.


-Mapping Staff will just have to sit tight until the Sept. 30th release.
-People would think we're trying just to make Day of Defeat on the HL2 engine, while it may appear that way, it is not the case. Battlefield 1942 is what inspired an all nation TC, when we saw Japanese with German weapons, we just didn't like that.
-People think we're idiots for moving to this engine when its not even out. This coincides with one of the pros, by the time this mod is released we'll have most of our content done. In time for a playable Internal Alpha by christmas.

And yea, like I said, we're not going to show you crappy models to show our progress. We'll show you good models. MG42 is not skinned, the other models are. There are a ton of more weapon renders at our site under Infantry Weapons. No In game shots yet for obvious reasons.




Good work !!

You really know how to make a nice mod. I really really looking forward to play it... PLZ dont forget bots !!!
BTW the MG42 look sooooo ****ing real !!!

Is it gonna be a DoD mod for HL2 ?? It would have been really cool !! :cheese:
I've seen this mod before, and been in the channel a few times, and it really looks promising. I'm excited to see how it works out. Good luck to you and your team.

Originally posted by Laguna
Is it gonna be a DoD mod for HL2 ?? It would have been really cool !! :cheese:

Maybe you should actually read his post first. :O

Originally posted by Muta
-People would think we're trying just to make Day of Defeat on the HL2 engine, while it may appear that way, it is not the case. Battlefield 1942 is what inspired an all nation TC, when we saw Japanese with German weapons, we just didn't like that.
Whoa, I was scrolling down and saw that p38 model picture. Dang that's nice! Good job!
Hi, I'm glad to see a WW2 mod in the works for HL2. I'm currently working on Over The Top for UT2003 (you may have heard of us). If there are no crazy mutinies within our team I'd like to move to HL2 as well as it will have an almost instantly enormous fanbase and low system requirements.

The P38 is very well done, however the wood texture on the Thompson and Gewehr 43 need some work (constructive criticism, not a flame).
Originally posted by aliencowboy
The P38 is very well done, however the wood texture on the Thompson and Gewehr 43 need some work

The wood will be completely redone and some of the models will be remodelled too
Originally posted by Laguna
Good work !!

You really know how to make a nice mod. I really really looking forward to play it... PLZ dont forget bots !!!
BTW the MG42 look sooooo ****ing real !!!

Is it gonna be a DoD mod for HL2 ?? It would have been really cool !! :cheese:
Not sure on bots, but there IS a singleplayer set with you as a KGB Spy in Stalingrad, you have one objective, find German Spies, and you have a full 24 hours to do so. You have complete and total reign of the city, as long as you can get there it's accessable. Don't forget you ARE Russian.
yea, after we do the Stalingrad singleplayer; we'll have to code to add in Bots and Co-Op

As for WW2 Realism Genre fading out. Pretty much only Europe Realism has been done to death. There arent any real North African, Russian, or Pacific Realism Mods out there yet. You might want to check out Red Orchetra for UT2k3 Eastern Europe. We will feature every theater through a series of nation packs. Including Canada, Australia, and India.

But no, we're not the first. Two were announced before us.
Modern Warfare and a Gettysburg TC, but we're first ww2 mod; and in the top 5, eh?

We would really appreciate critisism and requests on what you would like to see, so by all means, stop by our side and complain, or request.
if u need a concept art worker, webdesigner, or need ur webpage hosted, give me a wink ;)
(i also have done some mapping in hammer...not that mucho though)

Yawn, another ww2 mod. Where has the originality gone?
Although that p38 is damn good :)
Yesterday i wondered how many ww2 mods / TCs are planned for HL2 already - I stopped counting at 3...

I'm sorry, but i don't think starting a ww2 mod is a good idea. Your mod will have to compete against several other mods AND the whole game industry that also uses ww2 scenarios atm.

This is only my opinion of course. So if it really has to be a WW2 mod then i'd suggest developing a really big f**king special feature (several features would be even better) to raise your mod out of the mass. :dozey:
Although I agree that the WW2 era is saturated, they still have their own subtle differences. It's really no different than the countless CS clones or modern warfare games. They're fundamentally the same, but feel and play slightly different. It's extremely rare to find a game with unprecedented features. More than likely any idea you have is already done, in one fashion or another.
if that is so, then why bother at all, wudn't it be better TO JUST STOP the unoriganality AND MAKE SOMETHING NEW. Now wudnt that be a revolutionary concept, (altho ur models are sum of the best around:)) to do something completely off the wall, doesnt have to be a TC, could be a mod worked into the rich fabric of HL storylines, me and sniper's mod (PLUG!) HASN'T been done BEFORE and I can honestly claim that there are going to be a hell of a lot of features that will be new to the world (PLUG2!) , so head over to my thread and attack my mod for being 'unoriganal', because it just aint. That said, your modeller does have a HELL of a lot of talent! :E

Bring on the counter-attack!

Badger out
So if it really has to be a WW2 mod then i'd suggest developing a really big f**king special feature (several features would be even better) to raise your mod out of the mass

We do admit the WWII Genre is rapidly getting old, but we’re doing everything we can to make the genre go out with a bang.

We're featuring Nations and Theaters no one else is:

We're going to have a very unique 24 hour Real Time Singleplayer Campaign set inside the city of Stalingrad.

Iron Sites/Trench Mortars/Vehicles*/New Class System to make it a blast for both public servers, and private servers/league/clan play

*Vehicles = We're not making a vehicle fest, vehicles are merely meant for support.

But, things that we are doing that make us look the same:
We're starting out with US & Germany, but we will have North Africa, Operation Torch to make us stand out a little for the first release.

The Singleplayer wont be released until the Russian Nation Pack.

If you ever wanted to see a really special feature inside a ww2 game; we want your input, and ideas.

Our staff is full of talented people, from musicians to skinners to obviously modellers, to mappers, etc. etc. We're not a bunch of 12 year olds on a geocities server with deadlinks and popups telling you we should be good. We are trying to make what all these WW2 mods should be.
hmmm, sounds like Battlefield 1942 (but in HL2 [gasp!]) , lol, i wish you the best of luck, and you keep telling us that you arent a bunch of kids, so howz about you let the quality of your work speak for itself. Hell i need to promote my mod, lol, but i aint no 12 yr old , lol i got a quality team (still recruiting [PLUG!]) but i dont brag, and im sure every1 else is convinced they are the best as well, lol!
It sounds really interesting, although only two of the models loaded and the page didn't load at all... thats ironic considering you say "We're not a bunch of 12 year olds on a geocities server with deadlinks and popups telling you we should be good." Not trying to flame you at all just thought I might point that out in case you didn't notice, and I needed to post something to bring this back to the top,
Originally posted by |LGW|Mith
We do admit the WWII Genre is rapidly getting old, but we’re doing everything we can to make the genre go out with a bang.

We're featuring Nations and Theaters no one else is:

We're going to have a very unique 24 hour Real Time Singleplayer Campaign set inside the city of Stalingrad.

Iron Sites/Trench Mortars/Vehicles*/New Class System to make it a blast for both public servers, and private servers/league/clan play

*Vehicles = We're not making a vehicle fest, vehicles are merely meant for support.

But, things that we are doing that make us look the same:
We're starting out with US & Germany, but we will have North Africa, Operation Torch to make us stand out a little for the first release.

The Singleplayer wont be released until the Russian Nation Pack.

If you ever wanted to see a really special feature inside a ww2 game; we want your input, and ideas.

Our staff is full of talented people, from musicians to skinners to obviously modellers, to mappers, etc. etc. We're not a bunch of 12 year olds on a geocities server with deadlinks and popups telling you we should be good. We are trying to make what all these WW2 mods should be.
I hate to say this, Mith. But we've had Ghurkas, Canadians, and Australians since MOHAA, and Yugoslav and other partisans since UT2k3:cheese: We've also had workable guns, vehicles, and iron sites since MOHAA too. But we're not having nation packs, at least that's something. Beta 1 will have the Big Five and one Free French SAS map, and then we'll release the lesser nations in patches. Hey, it's something at least:cheese:
no offence to either sides but lgw looks a lot more established and better than spade at the moment and if dod comes to the hl2 engine it will blow both of you away
*dances on the grave of many boring WW2 games*

bah! hurrah for the "we're not a bunch of 11 year olds..." team, lol, conincedently what are you a bunch of? five year olds :P hehe no seriously, what is the average age of ur team?
hmm.. you got me there, I didnt take an age census; I think what we were trying to emphasis was the fact that our site wasnt a geocities site, we own two servers, the 333mb site one, and a 7 gig fileside one both with unlimited bandwidth. We do have several great ranking members, several in the ww2 reenacting business, others who've been in HL modding as long as its been working, others who own their own sound studios, and then theres Warbeast, a great modeller who came from no where. He modelled the MG42, BAR, MG34, etc.

As for DoD coming to the source engine, if they come, it doesnt mean they'll crush all competition, DoD is a European based game, we're going to have strong Eastern Europe and Pacific components
Wow.. i really like the BAR in @ the Last great war website
Originally posted by |LGW|Mith
hmm.. you got me there, I didnt take an age census; I think what we were trying to emphasis was the fact that our site wasnt a geocities site, we own two servers, the 333mb site one, and a 7 gig fileside one both with unlimited bandwidth.

nananananana we got sponsership :P *blows raspberry*

