The First Post Your Pic Thread Ever Omg

What's wrong with my hair? :p

Well, after your posts about hairspray and gel or whatever the hell else, I was expecting a huge giant greasy wave covering half of your head.

Not what is displayed that picture though :P

Comrade: Damn I forgot the hairspray
friend: no worries I got some
Comrade: Safe!
Thursday night.

Doesn't that get annoying the hair touchin' your ears, it does for me. I have to keep my hair short especially when the hair is covering my eyes so that I can see & I don't like it touching my forehead.
Doesn't that get annoying the hair touchin' your ears, it does for me. I have to keep my hair short especially when the hair is covering my eyes so that I can see & I don't like it touching my forehead.

Nope, I have it just out of my eyes, I love my hair long + straightened :p

Well, after your posts about hairspray and gel or whatever the hell else, I was expecting a huge giant greasy wave covering half of your head.

Not what is displayed that picture though :P

Haha, I'll try and get a good front- on shot of my hair.. it's hard to describe - a sweep fringe at the front, it's straightened all over, fairly long sideburns (not facial hair, head hair sideburns) spiked a bit at the top and mussed all over really :)

Hairsprays to keep it all in place on nights out!

I like his hair...

Hold me Badger.

He's got the facial shape of the joker. Slap some lipstick and you got Batman's nemesis.
senior portrait

this is my very best "philosophical gaze of contemplation" look


ennui you are hot.
Nope, I have it just out of my eyes, I love my hair long + straightened :p

Haha, I'll try and get a good front- on shot of my hair.. it's hard to describe - a sweep fringe at the front, it's straightened all over, fairly long sideburns (not facial hair, head hair sideburns) spiked a bit at the top and mussed all over really :)

Hairsprays to keep it all in place on nights out!


do a lot of people call you "scene"? Or is that not a term used over in england? I'm just curious. Not that I'm saying you are, its just that over here, if someone wore tight clothes and long straightened hair they'd get called that.

Don't have any photos at the moment, so webcam will have to suffice.
do a lot of people call you "scene"? Or is that not a term used over in england? I'm just curious. Not that I'm saying you are, its just that over here, if someone wore tight clothes and long straightened hair they'd get called that.

No, I don't get called scene, because I'm not - it's hard to explain. Scene does get used over here - I'd have to be into hardcore/screamo/bollocks like that, have dyed black hair, and a much longer sweep than I have now, probably have a few piercings and dress quite differently..
lol absinthe is that weed? :P
sexy as usual comradebadger :P

from last friday night.. jesus christ i was drunk beyond recognition.. i'm the guy in the green shirt :D

the guy in the huge hair even beats comradebadgers hairstyle.. he's a long time friend of mine.. a crazy russian gone indie :D




this picture sums my friends up pretty well!


shaking our asses.. the guy in the white shirt is also a friend


party time!


carried round on this guy for ages, until we both smashed into the ground pretty badly :P


aphex twin imitation pose?
That looks like a qaulity party haha :)

Just for you CrazyHarij:

Shit phone quality but hey
Clothes don't make a person
Most the time, they just make a person funny looking.

Four guys and five girls in my buddy's shed, fishbowling the thing. After roughly eight bowls of blueberry, it was starting to show :p
lol absinthe is that weed? :P

Nah, just a cigarette. Although I've now made it a personal rule to relegate my smoking to the outdoors. It's a way of breaking up my "chainsmoke a pack per day" routine. =\
That looks like a qaulity party haha :)

Just for you CrazyHarij:

Shit phone quality but hey
As gay as this is going to sound, you guys seem to have some awesome clothes shops over there in the UK.

We have like nothing here. =/
As gay as this is going to sound, you guys seem to have some awesome clothes shops over there in America.

We have like nothing here. =/

He lives in the UK. If someone wore those clothes over here... ... ...
As gay as this is going to sound, you guys seem to have some awesome clothes shops over there in America.

We have like nothing here. =/

Isn't Badger from the UK?

I'm sure there's some decent shops in Sydney or other major metropolitan areas in Austrailia... at worst you can order some online?
He lives in the UK. If someone wore those clothes over here... ... ...

You think it's THAT out of the ordinary?

It's a little strange I suppose, but I've seen much worse. I actually kind of like it. He'd stand out though, that's for sure.

I've also just noticed something.

Comrade, we have the same birthday! Mine is June 26, 1988 though :P
You think it's THAT out of the ordinary?

It's a little strange I suppose, but I've seen much worse. I actually kind of like it. He'd stand out though, that's for sure.

I've also just noticed something.

Comrade, we have the same birthday! Mine is June 26, 1988 though :P

Zomg! You were born a year and two days before me! D:
Wow, you look exactly like my one friend in that pic. Thats craaazy.

Well, keep in mind I don't normally look like that. However, I'd had tons of weed and half a bottle of wine, and I was looking at the chick that I was about to bang... so my smile was a little enormous.
UK, America, it's all the same. :P

/goes to edit post.

AiM, I'm not really keen on going to another state to get clothes though I'll be in Sydney for a week at the end of the year so I'll see what they have. I should be going to Melbourne early next year too, apparently they have good fashion down there.
There's nice clothes stores everywhere, you just need to know where they are. (Tip: Downtown...)