The Flashlight

Originally posted by Sparky the Fox

lone: can you show me some frames from movies or screenshots that show higher-poly monsters? the zombie with the chainsaw looks all right, i guess... can't say i feel the same way about the others though ;(

Hmm, ok:

Now, I'm not gona go crazy and try to guess how many poly's those models have, but the point is that they look OK with their bumb maps and AA turned on.
Obviously he has an inferiority complex or something.

Do you mean make it look bigger, or acctually make it bigger? Just out of curiosity.
i guess id doesn't think it's that big of a deal since most of the game is dark so it's hard to tell that they're low poly. yes, those screenshots still are what i would consider to be low poly, with maybe the exception of the scientist+guard screenshot. you just can't tell very easily because everything's against a dark background. as soon as you look at them against a light, though, it's pretty clear. i suppose i'll just have to wait until the game comes out before making serious complaints though ;)

btw, what games that have what i would consider to be an ok polycount (since i complain so much about what isn't ;)) are serious sam, enclave (excellent game, btw :)), even quake 3.

or maybe it's some kind of weird optical illusion, and the polycount is fine, but it's just hugely obvious because of how detailed everything else is, and then you come upon this blocky outline that doesn't come close to the detail the surface suggests. dunno :p
you have to consider the limitations. I mean they try everything to gain a lillusion off detail that can far surpass the leverl of detail polygons can bring but you need to cut down on something because if you dont then then you need an insane high spec machine to run it. so they made the models low poly (2000 to 6000 per creature/human/etc.) so it would run alot smoother.
from what I've seen of the demo's. The models can only cast a single shadow each and be lighted from one direction. Then there overall light level seems to be affected by the light level at their feet (look at the gunfight with barney when they travel thru the dark building). In most cases that one light source is the direction of the sun, or if it's indoors then just an imaginary straight down light
here comes the fun part. you havent seen all. valve is keeping 70% off the stuff secret (wich would explain why they used screens from old builds to showw off HL2)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Good point EVIL. While the E3 video is amazing by all means, it really does not show the full power of the lighting system.

I suspect that in the E3 video they showed us the minimum needed to make our jaw drops. If this build is from last year, then we can expect a whole load more stuff to be in the game we dont know about. They know that we want to buuy the game, so they dont need to give us all the info on it. That way when we buy it we will play it and probably have a heart attack from the shock of how amazing this thing it.

EDIT: Hmm didnt see Evils last post. Oh well ive basically waffled about the same thing he was saying.
just had a look at some tomclancy screen shots and i saw this not to sure if its been posted but what the hell :)


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Looks pre-rendered to me... Probably from a Splinter Cell 2 video. You can tell, because the reflections on the little drawers on the left are a little too good, so is the shadowing, flashlight dust-beam (for lack of a better word), and the fog is way too realistic.
And yeah, the HL2 demo build was from last Sept. or something to that effect. They're definitely holding back until the final weeks before release. Or, hopefully they're only holding all this back until the next "big news flood" that should come within a week or so.
Looks pre-rendered to me... Probably from a Splinter Cell 2 video. You can tell, because the reflections on the little drawers on the left are a little too good, so is the shadowing, flashlight dust-beam (for lack of a better word), and the fog is way too realistic..?

What..? this is ingame m8

its not Splinter cell either.!
although it is a tomclancy rainbow game.
I think that one is pre-rendered. because other don't look THAT good (lighting and shadows).
yer, it's in game movie (pre-rendered, for anyone who doesn't know)... look at the movie bits at the top and bottom (can't remember what they're called) and it doesn't say any where on the page that they are not pre-rendered...they are just screen shots.... look at the quality of graphics in that shiot compaired to the rest for instance ! and if you've actually played the game (i've got them all, big RS fan) then you'd no that the graphics ain't that good in game
Originally posted by EVIL
here comes the fun part. you havent seen all. valve is keeping 70% off the stuff secret (wich would explain why they used screens from old builds to showw off HL2)

umm dude, Valve said in numerous interviews that the source engine in basicly finished. the only thing they are working on now are the maps and the story and shit, and bug squashing of course.
umm dude, Valve said in numerous interviews that the source engine in basicly finished. the only thing they are working on now are the maps and the story and shit, and bug squashing of course.

Yea m8 but like weve said that the build in the tech demo and the screens is quite old so the improvements must be good ;)
exactly.and the fact that it is finished doesnt mean squat.. you can turn features on and off you know! i can turn everything off in the doom3 alpha so it looks like quake3 and the doom3 engine is also finished.