The Forgotten War



The Forgotten War, takes place in the war torn Korea, shortly after the Northern forces began their campaign for the South. This MOD, will have both Singleplayer and Multiplayer (with more emphasis on the Multiplayer behalf). In the Singleplayer, the player will start their tour of duty on the Inchon Landing, the famed invasion of the Inchon harbor, to cut the North Korean supply lines (commanded by General MacArthur). The player will then follow the battles of the Korean War, using not just basic weapons, but the entire arsenal of the US army, ranging from the innovative Jet Aircraft from the era, to many tanks. The multiplayer will have a slight resemblance to the system put forth by Battlefield 1942, with the massive battles, using all types of vehicles to help win the war. However, the style of combat will be no comparison, as the fact that this MOD will be solely for the HL2 engine. The multiplayer maps will have many of the battles from the Singleplayer, as will as unique to the Multiplayer, which happened during and prior to the Inchon invasion. We are striving to maintain the same professionalism that is already instated into the HL2 engine, and have very interactive environments, and very creative classes for the players to choose from, such as the Guerilla for the NK, which can steel enemy uniforms from their victims to con their enemy, dress like a civilian (which the UN Forces will have to save), or commence on suicide attacks.

Much planning is going into this MOD, and is still being planned as we speak, with new additions being added constantly. We are currently working on the Modeling and Mapping aspects, but more help would be greatly appreciated. We are currently looking for: Coder, 2D Artist, Skinner, and anything else that you would find useful.

Our site is currently down, and it will be back up once our modeling has a dent into it so we have some more content to show.

You can contact me by either email or AIM.
Email: [email protected]
AIM: s1l3n7s7r1k3

Silent-Strike said:
using not just basic weapons, but the entire arsenal of the US army, ranging from the innovative Jet Aircraft from the era, to many tanks.

Right.. suure it will.

Oh and ffs not another war mod :(
Whoa, easy there comrade... It was obviously an exaggeration, since it would be impossible to fit the entire arsenal into a game, but I figured that you would be able to figure that part on your own...
Silent-Strike said:
Whoa, easy there comrade... It was obviously an exaggeration, since it would be impossible to fit the entire arsenal into a game, but I figured that you would be able to figure that part on your own...
Then why lie? If you've clearly no intention of doing it, why claim your gonna?
Silent-Strike said:
The player will then follow the battles of the Korean War, using not just basic weapons, but the entire arsenal of the US army

Disclaimer : Player will not use the entire arsenal of the US army !

What's the point in saying that if you know it's not true ?
It wasn't a lie, due to the fact that many of the Era weapons will indeed be included. It was an exaggeration, meant to emphasize the massiveness that this game will be. If I mislead anyone (which I know I didn’t, you just chose to be difficult) then I am sorry.
Dammit, that'll learn me to hit reply and mock someone in IRC before typing in my message. :)
Clearly Silent-Strike, you got caught out, you claimed your mod would have all these things but can't realistically provide them, and now your trying to make excuses. The point is your making it out that your mod will have all these things, which it wont, so your lying. If it was an exaggeration you should have said so in the beginning, not BS the people you expect to play it. They'd not be very happy if your off telling them they'll have all these weapons and vehicles at their disposal only to find it doesn't.

So to make it clear, this mod will NOT have all these things Silent-Strike claims, what else it wont have remains to be seen.
Obviously, they would see what would be included as the MOD neared release. Those who wished to play the MOD, I would hope would actually check and see what kind of things are to be included. I am sorry for the "lie", but the rest of the post is honest.
To remove all confusion about the weapons, here is the current list of the weapons to be included in game.

PPSh 41 - 7.62mm
Sten Mark II
DPM 7.62 mm
Japanese Type 96 6.5mm
Mosin Nagant 1944
Japanese Model 99
Mosin-Nagent M91/30:
Mauser C96
Fragmentation grenades:
Bren Mark I LMG

M1A1 Thompson
Fragmentation grenades
Knife M3
M1918A2 BAR
M1919A6 .30
M3A1 Grease Gun
M1C Sniper Rifle
.30 M1 Garand
60mm Mortar
M20 3.5in
M9A1 2.36in
there, thats better isn't it :)

hop over to that other thread, some guy is claiming to be doing god knows how many, you'll see why you got the response you got when you see his thread :D The poor twat will end up modeling till 2008 or something heh.
So, do you know that Source really can't handle that type of thing?

Oh, and by the way, nice of you to include the Grease Gun, best weapon ever :)
ComradeBadger said:
So, do you know that Source really can't handle that type of thing?

It's not a case of Source being or not being able to handle it, its the case of mod teams thinking they can do tons of stuff then learning the horrible truth. I mean think about it. Commercial games made by large numbers of artists, modelers, designers etc. Can't even pull these big idea's off most of the time, so a mod team doing it in their spare time certainly couldn't.
Planes? Planes'll fly over 500Km pretty fast I feel :E

Anyway, you're right, in most cases, mod teams can't achieve the same kind of things that fully-funded developer studies can.
Heh, sorry for the confusion... Ill post the vehicles here in a bit.

Self-Propelled Guns:
CA-30 Fuel Truck
Ural M72

M-46 Patton
Self-Propelled Guns
M41 155mm
M19 Duster
M16 Halftrack
WC56 Command Car
MiG 15

Lavochkin La-9

F-80 Shooting Star
F-84 Thunderjet
F-86 Sabre

B-26 Invader

HO3S Dragon Fly
Bell H-13 MASH
I wouldn't include the jet's, Source couldn't successfully make a map large enough to fully accomodate them, you'd reach the end of the map before you took off almost

Helicopters on the other hand, they could work, carefully.
Yeah, it's been confirmed by Gabe, you can make it bigger, but you'll scale down detail, and the physics may break after a while..
hmm, do you know the size of the bf1942 maps? I didn't think they were much bigger, so thats why I gathered they would work.
Will Half-Life 2 be able to render large outdoor area's as seen in Battlefield 1942?

Gabe Newell: Yes

You can scale the maps down to 1/32 before the physics break. at 1/8 u would get 4 times the size, and not notice more of a differance.

I may be mistaken, but that to me sounds like the planes will work, unless they have changed the system.
Silent-Strike said:
Will Half-Life 2 be able to render large outdoor area's as seen in Battlefield 1942?

Gabe Newell: Yes

You can scale the maps down to 1/32 before the physics break. at 1/8 u would get 4 times the size, and not notice more of a differance.

I may be mistaken, but that to me sounds like the planes will work, unless they have changed the system.
Not saying they wont, just saying its a very bad idea, but hey, if you wanna go ahead and do it then don't complain when it doesn't work how you hope

See for the jets to work, your gonna need massive maps, 40/50km in size. Yes it can do it, but then you gotta fill allllll that space with limited entities and brushes, its gonna look boring for those on the ground

Then you've got the problems with view distance, those in the jets are gonna see everything, so thats viewing across the entire map, thats gonna lag anyone's machine. Unless you use fog distance, but then that defeats the object and they wont be able to hit anything till their almost on top of it, and by then they'll have flown past it and be miles out of range again

what happens when they reach the edge of the map, both viewing and result, they can't go through the map, there's nothing there at the end of it. They'd simply hit the skybox and fall to the ground, bit lame.

they'll have to go slow cause a regular jet can cover 50km in no time atall

Helicopters on the other hand could work
Jets back during that time didnt go as fast as you would think.

Maximum speed: 685 mph
Cruising speed: 540 mph.
Range: 1,200 miles
Combat Ceiling: 49,000 ft

These stats are of the Fastest US plane during the KW. So if I put in clouds, that should handle some, since Korea is very mountainous, so it should block some there, and if they go over the mountains, they will be in fog, making it hard to see.
Silent-Strike said:
Jets back during that time didnt go as fast as you would think.

Maximum speed: 685 mph
Cruising speed: 540 mph.
Range: 1,200 miles
Combat Ceiling: 49,000 ft

These stats are of the Fastest US plane during the KW. So if I put in clouds, that should handle some, since Korea is very mountainous, so it should block some there, and if they go over the mountains, they will be in fog, making it hard to see.
Well fine, you know what, you seem convinced you can do this so go ahead, but don't complain when it fails. Obviously my years of experience mean nothing to someone with no experience who clearly knows better than a pro :rolleyes:
Actually, unless we slow the planes down, it wont work. We could include the "leaving area" system of battlefield, so we dont have to waste space there. Having fog, but not too much fog would aid in it as well.

However, if we can't get the planes to work without lag, we could make them AI controlled that are used for support, and just have the other vehicles.
Fenric said:
Well fine, you know what, you seem convinced you can do this so go ahead, but don't complain when it fails. Obviously my years of experience mean nothing to someone with no experience who clearly knows better than a pro :rolleyes:

Im not trying to look like im ignoring you, im actually listening very carefully, and suggesting other methods and hoping you will reply with whether it is realistically possible or not. Sorry if I sounded like I was ignoring you.
I think farcry would be a better engine for this,sence it can handle large areas very well.And even then planes would be a problem.
I've thought about it, but the HL2 engine will have much more support, and I doubt the planes would work there. So, we will proly stay with the HL2 engine, and if we can't get the planes to work, then so be it. We will make them special attacks for higher ranking players.
Neom said:
I think farcry would be a better engine for this,sence it can handle large areas very well.And even then planes would be a problem.
Yep, planes + FPS are always going to be hard to do well.
Silent-Strike said:
Im not trying to look like im ignoring you, im actually listening very carefully, and suggesting other methods and hoping you will reply with whether it is realistically possible or not. Sorry if I sounded like I was ignoring you.
If you want planes and want them to work well, then just have planes, nothing else. That could work, because you don't need detailed ground. But to have them AND people running about on the ground, Source is simply not built for that.

Helicopters though are a much better alternative. Their easier to control, they work far better in games like this. They don't move so fast, not to mention three of them appearing from behind a mountain straight up and then firing into the enemy looks way cooler than some player controlled jets flying past in seconds and then gone, the plane players would be forever having to turn and twist just to try and aim properly, a moments distraction they'd hit the sky wall.

This of course isn't a problem if your doing a futuristic mod where fancy space jets can behave like helicopters or turn on a dime or something. But for modern or recentday warfair, Source isn't really the sort of engine you want for planes AND people. You'd have to sacrifce far too much to make the planes work, which would leave players on the ground moving about very very very basic maps with little or no physics or details around them.
yea. How does this sound: Have in the maps with ground combat, have the planes be NPC only, that are used as support, and can't be flown. But create a dogfight game mode, so ppl can also have of course dogfights with each other, over barren ground or the ocean.
Silent-Strike said:
yea. How does this sound: Have in the maps with ground combat, have the planes be NPC only, that are used as support, and can't be flown. But create a dogfight game mode, so ppl can also have of course dogfights with each other, over barren ground or the ocean.
AI and/or scripted jets are workable and simple to do. They would work


If you split the player controlled planes up from the rest of the game and kept them alone then its possible. Though nobody knows what difficulties may lay in having such large differences in different game modes, would be easier to have them litterally separate mods bundled together. Avoids a lot of problems.
Fenric said:
AI and/or scripted jets are workable and simple to do. They would work


If you split the player controlled planes up from the rest of the game and kept them alone then its possible. Though nobody knows what difficulties may lay in having such large differences in different game modes, would be easier to have them litterally separate mods bundled together. Avoids a lot of problems.

Ok, thanks. You have any ideas on the helicopters? They were pretty basic during the KW, and didn't have weapons attached, but i'm sure people shot from them. You have any ideas on what I could do with them?

As for needing two mods. If I was to include into the source, the ability to fly the planes, just not have any in the maps except for the flying ones, and in the flying ones, have the aircraft out, do you think that would work?
Silent-Strike said:
Ok, thanks. You have any ideas on the helicopters? They were pretty basic during the KW, and didn't have weapons attached, but i'm sure people shot from them. You have any ideas on what I could do with them?

As for needing two mods. If I was to include into the source, the ability to fly the planes, just not have any in the maps except for the flying ones, and in the flying ones, have the aircraft out, do you think that would work?
Instead of still sharing the different types within one mod it would be better if you split them up, then you could optimise the FPS type maps for that gameplay, and the plane maps for that gameplay. Getting the best out of each

As for helicopters, no idea what they were like in the KW. Mounted guns on the sides perhaps, like in Vietnam or something, I dunno but they would be a better choice over planes
Fenric said:
Instead of still sharing the different types within one mod it would be better if you split them up, then you could optimise the FPS type maps for that gameplay, and the plane maps for that gameplay. Getting the best out of each.

Have the ground combat one be: The Forgotten war
AIR: TFW: Skies Over Korea

I doubt it would be that hard to produce. We will see how it unfolds. Im gonna keep my mind open to both options for now.

For the helicopters, I will prolly put in a MG in the side door. If everything goes as I hope, the gameplay will help bring life back to the term "war mod".
ComradeBadger said:
Yep, planes + FPS are always going to be hard to do well.
yea but if you know how you can.UT2004 does a space sim in one of its levels called mothership.its one of my personal favs.