The Forgotten War

Pendragon said:
If you can resurrect a dead horse that's been beaten as much as the war mod, I will ... well, I'll probably faint. And then I'll sing your praises from here to high heaven.

Thanks for your confidence :)
Hello Silent Strike,

After searching on Google for The Forgotten War I came across this thread, one that I thought would be interesting to find that someone else was interested in the Korean War and I was simply going to ask that you change your name.

That was until I found out that you have used almost every bit of information from our website (including ideas found in interviews, etc) and graphics from our website.

We encourage all modifications to be unique.

Please cease and desist of all "stealing" of The Forgotten War's information, etc.

Eric M. Pelezo
TFW Project Leader
silentstrike, i think one thing is that you are thinking to big. rome wasent built in a day, and neither will your mod. so i suggest you concentrate on it bit by bit until its done. this helps to build a fanbase, and you wont get so frustrated when you realize you cant do everything in a first release.
Pelezo said:
Hello Silent Strike,

After searching on Google for The Forgotten War I came across this thread, one that I thought would be interesting to find that someone else was interested in the Korean War and I was simply going to ask that you change your name.

That was until I found out that you have used almost every bit of information from our website (including ideas found in interviews, etc) and graphics from our website.

We encourage all modifications to be unique.

Please cease and desist of all "stealing" of The Forgotten War's information, etc.

Eric M. Pelezo
TFW Project Leader

lol 0wned :p :LOL:
WHY is it called the forgotten war? How is the korean war forgotten? Sorry, this is just one of those things that bugs me, things named something just because it "sounds cool."
Hello Baby wax,

To answer your question, the majority of people out there either don't know where Korea is or where and when the Korean War was fought (most common answer is Vietnam).

Our job is to entertain but educate the general audience of Far Cry because realism is the key factor in TFW.

Eric M. Pelezo
Hey, Pelezo, just to let you know this guy hasn't been active here in months, so I doubt you'll be able to contact him through this site.

Just to let you know if you didn't already, sorry if you did.
Hmmm... I just read through your plans. Its not gunna happen, simple. There are to many weapons and then youa re adding vehicles as well. Also having them all in a massive enviroment. I would re-think of something different. Or work your way around things.
babywax said:

Thanks, kind of hard to believe so many people don't know about the Korean war though.
Sad, but true. I was once talking about the Korean War with my friends and they said, "Woah! Korean War?" :O
oorgle! bleeat! every mod here is so trite or cliche

more variety of mods please
So true! It is very difficult to develop an original AND feasable mod idea. It's all been done!

OOO, how 'bout Action Half-lfe 2 ?!
I'm sorry if you are offended by this post. I did not steal any ideas from anyone. Howerver, I do admit that I did take the folder off your site because I was messing around with different news posting techiques. The original site had no such folders, and I am sorry for that. However, I have not read a single interview about your mod, and I do not intend to. All the ideas are original, and if you don't believe me, I can show you the large list of research sites.

Also, I came up with the name, prior to even hearing of your MOD, so if you have a problem with this, then change yours.

This is a funny situation. Let's face the facts here, you took the lists off of our website and put maybe one or two extra items on them, you even used the same font and styles we used.

You used the graphics off of our website which means you obviously knew about us. You took some of the ideas straight out of the UBI Soft interview we did. You know, legally, I could pursue this in court because you're using a copyrighted name (yes, that's right, we did).

I'm not out to destroy your modification, all I'm saying is change the name, get a web designer and a team together and do something with it! I would love to see another Korean War modification for Half-Life 2 as the engine is great.

The first step to running a successful modification is to be honest, professional, and mature. If you admit to you using things off of TFW we won’t be mad, all we want is some sort of banner/button on your website saying you used the information from us.

Eric M. Pelezo
I love seeing a possibly explosive discussion handled in an adult manner. Very rare in forums these days. I could easily imagine either person screaming "STFU YOU STOLE OUR MOD YOU MOTHER ******!!!!", but they have both restrained themselves. I congratulate you both on you're maturity, and I certainly wish for both of your mods to become a reality! (As in real mods, not a real war)
Well I'm sorry, but I did not "steal" any ideas from your site. Once again I do state that I did use your pictures for experimentational purposes only, and if this offended you, I am terribly sorry. There was no harm intended.

As for the name, "The Forgotten War" is a generic term used for the Korean War, and all those who know about it, will also agree. Countless sites I have coem across while researching this mod, have called it to be a Forgotten War, thus the name I decided upon. There are also many other MODS for other games which use the same name.

If you still do not believe that I came up with all of the ideas about the MOD, below are some of my research sites.

Again, I am sorry for the website pictures ( and the one word in your font ) but I was only experimenting. The concepts about the MOD are solely original, since I have had write ups on it for almost a year now, and have only recently descovered your site.
Funny, 'The Forgotten War' was copyrighted quite a few years ago for a magazine. Quite odd.....
hmm this is a bit of a mess isn't it

Pelezo, can you show us proof that you've trademarked the name. Thanks.

darkchaos, IIRC thats ok, a magazine is suitibly different from a game, so both could in effect trademark the same name, if this mod has. Course its been a while since I've looked into trademarks and such, so I might be a bit rusty on that score.

If they haven't trademarked the name, they have no claim on it, and silent-strike can use it if he wishes, since this forgotton war mod is for farcry, the other for HL2, and same name situations are bound to crop up what with so many people doing them.

BUT, I'm staying well out of the accusations that silent-strike is taking actual work from the other mod, if that is the case then I suggest you avoid making it public and showing yourselves up (that goes to both sides) You should be able to resolve that via email and private messages rather than airing your dirty laundry on this site and possibly making things worse for each other, and for us. We'd not want to get caught up into some dispute between different engine mod groups and start yet another feud. So if you could keep it in private that would be super. Thanks Guys, hope you get it worked out.
Well, I hope this does not get carried away. We of course want this to be sorted out, and hopefully without changing any names or ideas. Since these are two different engines, I would not see any conflictions. Also, and added note on the site: the site that is posted is my PERSONAL ex-clan site, and was not ment to be posted, as we do not have a fully functional site yet. Also, that site is going down come August, so it wont be around much longer, so I hope it did not affend you having me mess around with some of your pictures.
» General Update
» Posted by Pelezo

Dear Community members:

It is with great displeasure that we have to make this statement. Since the very inception of our mod, we have been exposed with some unfortunate circumstances whereby we have had to deal with people from other competing mods misappropriating our ideas for their own personal gain. It is truly unfortunate that some mod-community members are having to resort to such actions.

I am sure everyone appreciates the hard work and stress that all team members are exposed to during any software development project. I am also sure that everyone here appreciates the great sense of urgency that all of us are facing with the delay being caused in the release of the SDK, but I am also sure that we all also appreciate the importance of ethics, morality and honesty in the modern day business environment. Resorting to such blatantly malicious measures causes a major disservice to the entire mod community.

We ourselves were subject to the malevolent intent of such people by having the misfortune of having one team-member with work that he claimed was his, when in fact, it was not. As such we encourage the mod leaders to put into place streamlined and strict recruitment procedures that help in preventing such people from coming in and ruining the atmosphere for us all. Interviewing incessantly could be one such method.

It is our plea to the entire FC community. Kindly ensure that the sanctity of our work is maintained and that we are able to work in a harmonious environment without having to waste a good portion of our energies towards dealing with negative aspects such as theft.

Thanking you,
The TFW Team

This is a slanderous attack on our MOD, and will not be tolerated since you have NO proof that the ideas for our mod are solely original. I also looked at the US Copyright Office and the US Trademark and Patent, and was unable to find your regestraion number or and evidence at all that you have copyrighted/trademarked this. Please provide the following:
Regestration Number
Regestration Date

Obviously you don't have any maturity in you or you would have settled this matter more appropriately, we wish you the best of luck with the Korean War Modification.

Eric M. Pelezo
Pelezo, it doesnt reflect well on you either when you lie about copyrighting things. makes you look almost.. childish? just because you put "copyright" on your site doesnt mean you all of a sudden have the doj pimping people for you. actually, isnt it some kind of felony threatening someone with legal action when you have a fraudulent basis to back it up? isnt that blackmail?
Pelezo said:

Obviously you don't have any maturity in you or you would have settled this matter more appropriately, we wish you the best of luck with the Korean War Modification.

Eric M. Pelezo

If you ask me, you are the one who lacks maturity. Posting all of this on a public site, trying to act all "formal" with your signature every time, and blatantly accusing this guy of "stealing" your ideas that you now "own". You know, its two different engines. So shut up. :)
The Agent Smith said:
If you ask me, you are the one who lacks maturity. Posting all of this on a public site, trying to act all "formal" with your signature every time, and blatantly accusing this guy of "stealing" your ideas that you now "own". You know, its two different engines. So shut up. :)


You know, nowadays I hear lawyers and people who talk purdy like that use fancy new-fangled inventions called telephones and , uhh, whatchamacallit, O yeah E-MAIL. It's for talking to people on an individual-y kinda basis.

But seriously, if you guys wish to prove said "maturity" take it out of this forum!
Talk it out, but don;t go putting a show on. So either one of you is lying, or this is a huge misunderstanding, but either way, I don't care! I think many others would agree.

Closing this thread wouldn't be bad either [ wink wink nudge nudge ]

It's a shame to see a mod discussion turn into a public discussion over intellectual property over something so small.

But what do I know? ;)
Silent-Strike said:
» General Update
» Posted by Pelezo

Dear Community members:

It is with great displeasure that we have to make this statement. Since the very inception of our mod, we have been exposed with some unfortunate circumstances whereby we have had to deal with people from other competing mods misappropriating our ideas for their own personal gain. It is truly unfortunate that some mod-community members are having to resort to such actions.

I am sure everyone appreciates the hard work and stress that all team members are exposed to during any software development project. I am also sure that everyone here appreciates the great sense of urgency that all of us are facing with the delay being caused in the release of the SDK, but I am also sure that we all also appreciate the importance of ethics, morality and honesty in the modern day business environment. Resorting to such blatantly malicious measures causes a major disservice to the entire mod community.

We ourselves were subject to the malevolent intent of such people by having the misfortune of having one team-member with work that he claimed was his, when in fact, it was not. As such we encourage the mod leaders to put into place streamlined and strict recruitment procedures that help in preventing such people from coming in and ruining the atmosphere for us all. Interviewing incessantly could be one such method.

It is our plea to the entire FC community. Kindly ensure that the sanctity of our work is maintained and that we are able to work in a harmonious environment without having to waste a good portion of our energies towards dealing with negative aspects such as theft.

Thanking you,
The TFW Team

This is a slanderous attack on our MOD, and will not be tolerated since you have NO proof that the ideas for our mod are solely original. I also looked at the US Copyright Office and the US Trademark and Patent, and was unable to find your regestraion number or and evidence at all that you have copyrighted/trademarked this. Please provide the following:
Regestration Number
Regestration Date

you spelled registration wrong

sigh, i wonder what he got on his ACT/SAT english section
dassbaba said:
you spelled registration wrong

sigh, i wonder what he got on his ACT/SAT english section

Was that needed? You didn't capitalize the 'I'. So What?