The Full Tech Demo

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Originally posted by simmo2k3
Any no, its obvious there is no tech demo, because they played a recored demo :p and people keep saying
But they showed fully playable code there, and Gabe (I think it was him) actually played some of it.

Moving on, it's pretty likely that there's a tech demo leaked somewhere, Valve did issue a statement saying that they would "sue the living s**t out of anyone who posted a link to it." (<-- not an actual quote) I would love to actually play the tech demo, even if the playable levels are small, with some bugs and slow performance, I would know it was like that because it's an unreleased piece of software.

btw, guinny, know the filename?
There IS no working playable tech demo. This was a rumour that was repeatedly squashed on the official Sierra forums.

And guinny, do we really need to go through this again?
playable? shit i was just talkin about the demo u can view
Someone made that map that was in Hl 1 Engine and that was pretty cool. That showed how outdated the engine really is now.

Sorry if this has been mentioned.
damn... well it was worth a try, guess I'll just have to wait 95 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes, 20 seconds like everyone else...
cmon guiiny.. its not so bad. its only 3 months.. see 3 compare to 95.. a lot better no ?
....95 days.......... :(
I've got no idea what could possibly tide me over until then. Unless you can give me the filename for... oh, right.

well... guinny, what games do u play online?
battlefield 1942, desert combat (mod for bf42) sof2, starcraft (yes....still), cs, svencoop...
Originally posted by guinny
battlefield 1942, desert combat (mod for bf42) sof2, starcraft (yes....still), cs, svencoop...
wow, basically the only games that I have. I uninstalled BF to make room for the Starwars Galaxies beta (pretty good), but I think it's high time I got back into it. well maybe i'll see you online.
Originally posted by stigmata
I've got no idea what could possibly tide me over until then. Unless you can give me the filename for... oh, right.

well... guinny, what games do u play online?
Well.. there is this fun platform flash game about HL² named "codename: gordon" or something like that. it will be finished in a month or 2 so that will keep you busy in the ast 2 months
Download the 600mb movie and drool on that everyday (like I do). That should keep you occupied:cheers:
Just to add some fuel to the fire, I believe that Valve did show some actual gameplay during E3. I think there's some requirement to be eligible for the E3 awards, somebody has to actually play the game. None of this proof of concept bs.
I'm not absolutley positive but I'm pretty sure that whole thing was a not a video. I remeber reading somewhere that in a different taping of the E3 the guy who plays it does stuff a little differently.
Did you see movie where Gordon uses flame shooting gun, and in the end he sees Alyx, she says what kept you so long. That was played real time at E3 by Gabe, but ONLY, i think, for press. (Magazines, Gamespot, etc.)
No it was basically the same as the 600 mb one jsut a little different at parts. But is there anywhere i can download that other one?
Yep, gamespot.
Big 600mb video didn't have that level, so if you didn't see that movie before, it will be new to you.
The weapon in the video wasnt a flamethrower, I think it was a grenade or rocket launcher with an incendiary projectile.
You mean the greande launcher? Is it the one where he shoots the Strider?
I watched the movie jus now, the weapon kinda seems like some sort of energy weapon. It looks as tho it shots some sort of energy shot thingy which turned into fire when it hit the soldier. Jackel: Get the movie from kazaa man, thats where i got it. its called: e32k3-halflife2_pce32003_4dn. Hope that helps, bad quality vid tho, at least the one i got is heheh.
never saw that movie, that was awesome
The best part is how the combine falls taking a piece of the railing with him. I don't think any of that was scripted.
My favorite part is when you see 3 of those buzzsaw things comin down that hallway and breakin all that stuff, that was really cool i think.
now ive got another movie to watch excessively every day :)
ok one beef....just noticed this 63rd time watching the movie, when the cutty things go through the boxes, the box like dissapears and a bunch of wood pieces fall to make it look like it wrecked it. take a good look at it, the box basically dissapears
You watching it frame by frame. Did you see resolution of that movie? I can bet it has so many lost frames.
:-\ i hope so, that looked horrible. just as he went to the box, the box dissapeared, and then the wood pieces that were the box (i think) fell on the ground. this all happened in about half a seconds time. but if u watch the movie closely, ull see what i mean
Well, obviously there exists a frame where the box is still a box and then on the next one it's in pieces. I don't see how this is even a problem unless you will be playing at 5 FPS on your old VooDoo2 card.
thanks deranger! that was actually almost cooler then the big e3 one lol.:afro:
im just saying i hope its the video, cuz if the engine can do all these amazing things but cant make a box properly fall, we have a problem lol
Game... ...not... ....finished... ...effects... ...not... ...polished... ...yet... ...hold tight till... ...september 30th

Thankyou for listening.