The future of Mankind?


Aug 3, 2003
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Today at work some guy came in and started talking to me about his religion. At first he seemed ok (before he started talking). He was nice, maybe even intelligent, drove a brand new Cadillac, etc. He started talking about his religion because a lesbian couple had just left and apparently that's 'sinful'. He ended up talking at me for 20 minutes. This is his story.

In 1877 Jesus Christ was reborn as a mix child from a black man and a white woman (To illustrate how brotherhood is important, seems alright, eh?). In 1915 he went to Japan and built a flying machine half a mile wide and long. It had little flying machines that came out in case of attack to defend it (Like in that movie Independence Day, right?). After he built this flying machine he flew to the U.S. to get a college education (Because we all know how advanced American education is compared to the rest of the world). Then he taught a man his message, so that man was a messenger. Then that messenger taught another messenger, so that was the second messenger. This second messenger is alive today (His name is karrhASS or something). This second messenger in the next few weeks is going to go and condemn Bush for the war. Then the messenger is gonna get thrown in jail (Apparently this is because he is a black man). In the meantime, Jesus Christ and the first messenger live in the sky somewhere (In our atmosphere on Earth, mind you) and are watching everything to make sure it all goes well. Then, in the very near future (Say, the next few years or so), Jesus Christ is going to come down and destroy America because of the oppresion and slavery of the black man for the last 400 years (That this is not the current generation's fault is apparently unimportant to The Almighty). Where he got a Cadillac? I suppose Jesus sent him one down from his flying machine.

Now I ask you, is this the future of Mankind?

"reborn" is probably a term not in Christianity.
Maybe he is lying or something.
Anyone remember that crazy guy who dropped by and kept trying to tell us about his religion of the people that biologically engineered us (you remember, they lived on another planet and flew around in UFOs lol)?
This is the kind of person religions have to rely on these days, because the more intelligent of you are going to realise it's all a crock.

But yeah, that guy's a fruit loop.

So when does america get destroyed? I don't want to miss that.

Religions are funny things. I guess its ok if people keep their beliefs to themselves, but people going trying to force their beliefs on others is just stupid.

Oh, and people from different religions taking the urine out of each others religions is stupid too.

Best policy is just believe what you like and shut the frick up.

Maybe this guy's right, anyway. Who knows. Who cares?
Shuzer said:
Anyone remember that crazy guy who dropped by and kept trying to tell us about his religion of the people that biologically engineered us (you remember, they lived on another planet and flew around in UFOs lol)?

lol is that scientology? isn't that kinda what they believe in? we're advanced, but lost a war, and got all our tech taken away... or something? eh ... i bet that's where the idea for "homeworld" came from.
Nietzche has some great quotes (many which I agree with) about religion :

"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it. Consequently it shall perish."

And my fav Nietzche quote of all time :

"There no facts, only interpretations."

It comes along with mine :

"Everything is relative." &/or "There is no true or lie. There are 2 versions, and the doubt between them."
Shuzer said:
Anyone remember that crazy guy who dropped by and kept trying to tell us about his religion of the people that biologically engineered us (you remember, they lived on another planet and flew around in UFOs lol)?

You speak of Aquarius the Raelian?

Thanks. My nightmares'll be back tonight...
Brian Damage said:
You speak of Aquarius the Raelian?

Thanks. My nightmares'll be back tonight...

lol, yeah! That was it.. oh well, a few nightmares are good for people ;)

but yeah, that guy sounds like he believes himself so best not to burst his bubble.
Sprafa said:
Nietzche has some great quotes (many which I agree with) about religion :

"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it. Consequently it shall perish."

And my fav Nietzche quote of all time :

"There no facts, only interpretations."

It comes along with mine :

"Everything is relative." &/or "There is no true or lie. There are 2 versions, and the doubt between them."
*falls in love with Sprafa :naughty:

Yea I love neitzche's writtings especially The Antichrist, I think this quote would be more relevant today though:
"God is dead"

mchammer75040 said:
*falls in love with Sprafa :naughty:

Yea I love neitzche's writtings especially The Antichrist, I think this quote would be more relevant today though:
"God is dead"


I wuv you 2!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: joking ....

I was thinking about joining, but I jsut saw the same argument over & over, nothing intelligent....

And "god is dead" is a resume of his anti-religionist trend (kinda like Marx's "Religion is the opium of the people".
Sprafa said:
I was thinking about joining, but I jsut saw the same argument over & over, nothing intelligent....
Yea some of the same topics keep recycling themselves, especially in the religion section. BUT I suggest you check out this formal debate (10 rounds) between a theist and a atheist Whether there exists a supreme being (you can only read these, you can discuss them in the discussion area):

Also when is the last time you checked it out? Philosophy of language and logic were added not to long ago so those might spark your intrest.
LittleB said:
In 1877 Jesus Christ was reborn as a mix child from a black man and a white woman

If anything, Jesus would be reborn on the 2000th anniversary. Was he crucified when he was 33, that would mean he is reborn at the year 2033
Proof that people who are religious are insane :P.
Before i get flamed it was a joke :(
I've taken the advice of the holiest of men to heart, Kevin Smith:
It's better to have an idea than a belief.
I don't think religion is stupid or bad, only the ways in which many people choose to practice it. Something extraordinary I've always seen in the world's major religions is the similarities they all have. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity all likely share common Gods and certainly common beliefs, and many of the teachings of their greatest figures resonate deeply with those of Buddha and other religous leaders.
Each and every religion has something to teach, and not to listen where you're a true believer or an atheist would be foolhardy. It's not the source, but the lesson.
Amen Direwolf!! That's exactly how I feel.

Why would it be that almost every religion and belief system teaches the same basic message? The coincidence seems too great! We need to bring together the religions, to compare them, then maybe we will get a basic picture of what the Gods want from us.
LittleB said:
Why would it be that almost every religion and belief system teaches the same basic message? The coincidence seems too great! .
Which religions are these? Islam and Christianity, as well as all its sects, spring from Judaism itself so the similarities arent that astounding, they are pretty obvious.
Not all the religions have similar teachings either, for example hinduism. Hinduism differs from Christianity and other Western religions in that it does not have a single founder, a specific theological system, a single system of morality, or a central religious organization.
I can agree that some basic moral views maybe shared between some religions, but this just shows the evolution of our society, not divine intervention.

LittleB said:
We need to bring together the religions, to compare them, then maybe we will get a basic picture of what the Gods want from us.
Sounds like your assuming that all the Gods from all religions exist, do you? If we take all the scriptures and throw them together you just push yourself into a crossfire of beliefs. All religions have different requirements, beliefs and such-they all contradict each other. For example in Christianity its wrong to worship other gods so if you accept chrsitianity you automatically omit all the other religions.

So your left with either choosing a religion on whatever basis you want, or not believing. I choose not to believe cause I dont see any evidence, and its ridiculous to accept a religion on blind faith IMO.
LittleB said:
Amen Direwolf!! That's exactly how I feel.

Why would it be that almost every religion and belief system teaches the same basic message? The coincidence seems too great! We need to bring together the religions, to compare them, then maybe we will get a basic picture of what the Gods want from us.

I truly don't wish to start a religous debate but I felt I had to interject a differing opinion into this statement. You ask why each teaches the same basic message? The coincidence is too great? I don't think so at all. If you examine human society and culture there are certain behaviors that create a stable society and certain other behaviors which destabalize them. If a society teaches a bad behavior then that society is not going to make it and it will automatically adjust itself or be adjusted by another society to again reach a point of stability. I consider these behaviors to be mostly common sense really. For an example, consider a society that teaches everyone that murder and stealing are ok. This state cannot last for long. It will either collapase or readjust itselt to teach people these things are unacceptable. I think religion may just be a convenient tool that has developed in the past inorder to transmit these behaviors to the individuals of societies. You may argue that why would societies teach these things without divine intervention. Well, consider that if a society didn't teach these things than it wouldn't exist. So all societies today, by the mere fact that they managed to evolve into their current state and remain stable, must teach certain basic behavoirs. Of course much of this is speculation on my part and you don't have to believe me or anything, but I just wished to present my own thoughts on the matter.

One more thing too. It seems odd to me to try and bring religions together by saying they teach similar things and that perhaps this will help us understand what god wants. The reason is that, although they may agree on pretty much common sense behaviors that are necessary to a stable society, they vehemently differ in other areas. For example, if Budhism is correct than christianty is completely wrong and if christiantity is correct than Budhism is completely wrong even though they teach many of the same behaviors. So I just don't see how different religions teaching what I consider to be almost self evident individual behaviors for a stable society gives any evidence in support of god or what he wants. Sure their moral philosophies are similar but I think only because that is the only moral code that makes sense for a social creature. It is these same religions that are constantly at odds with each other about any actual religious aspect. To put that into better words I think it is to be expected of any culturally driven entity, such as religion, to teach the same moral code that works for societies in general. But I don't think that has anything to do with their religious teachings being valid or invalid. It's more of an interesting phenomenon of cultural organizations in my opinion. If you really wanted to use religion as a basis for a moral argument I think it would actually tend to show that thier moral teachings are wrong (Though I don't think they are) since none of them can agree on anything else.

Damn, I'm probably going to spark a religous debate with this, which I didn't mean to do. So sorry in advance.

Edit: That's pretty funny that I wrote this while you were posting, mchammer75040. Heh, apparently we think somewhat alike.
Neutrino said:
Edit: That's pretty funny that I wrote this while you were posting, mchammer75040. Heh, apparently we think somewhat alike.
Heheh yea, we sure do agree on alot of things. I also hope to not start a religious debate, although it sounds like everyone is itching to start one so more than likely there will be one.