The Future of the Half-Life Saga

Darkside not only approves of, but endorses your idea. My Xenmon team would be a bullsquid, an archer, a kingpin, a panthereye, a stukabat, and a voltigore.

I will battle all challengers.

What? No chumtoad? :monkee:
If you read between the lines you can already tell who g-man is to gordon freeman.

Yeah it'd be cool in a way if Gordon had been stalking himself, giving creepy speeches to himself and putting himself in a stasis, but he hasn't been..
This thread makes me want to cut off my own toes and shove them up my nose into my brain.
How about a pokeman like game where you catch xen aliens?

Or just a Pokemon version of Episode 2?


An ADVISOR appeared!
GORDON and ALYX are paralyzed!
ELI used SLAP!
But, it's not very effective...
But, he's paralyzed!
It's super-effective!
ELI fainted!
D0G appeared!
ADVISOR ran away!


GORDON gained 20 EXP!
Or just a Pokemon version of Episode 2?


An ADVISOR appeared!
GORDON and ALYX are paralyzed!
ELI used SLAP!
But, it's not very effective...
But, he's paralyzed!
It's super-effective!
ELI fainted!
D0G appeared!
ADVISOR ran away!


GORDON gained 20 EXP!

Spoiler tags would be a good idea.
Regarding spoiler tags, I can almost guarantee you that people looking into a forum section entitled "Future Of The Half Life Saga" will probably already know what's happened thus far. I don't think anyone who hasn't beaten through the episodes will say "Hmmm I wonder what will happen past the part that I haven't played through yet."
You're probably right but someone could just click on it as the most recent post in the half life series section. And it's not too difficult to put tags in..
*********Potential Spoilers************
My dream would be if Half-life 3 would come out with a brand new engine, still with the Half-life epic style to it but with new enhanced phsyics and graphics. It would be a full 20h+ game of course about Gordon and Alyx and the rest of mankind making its last stand against the Combine. All or nothing. Full out war. No more covert operations and sneaking around. It would be awesome if it could take place on many different locations on a bit larger scale. There could be missions concerning taking down the air exchange, the ocean draining base(s) and a last big fight in one of the remaining cities, now controlled by humans. The grand finale, the showdown :) And G-man should be even more involved in the story than previous games, it would be nice to find out more about him and his goals. And the final ending of the Half-life era. G-man releiving Gordon from duty. "Untill our next meeting, Freeman. I bid you, farewell" Fade to black.
*********Potential spoilers end*************

Anyway, just dreaming ^^ Saw a pic from a private artist who had animated a HL2 scene in improved graphs. It was just so Half-life:ish, it really captured the look of Half-life but in new, insane graphics. Have a look, it's a pic inspired by the Water Hazard level:


Imagine that being Half-life 3... Im getting a hard-on :p
well i like to see half life3 with new characters , weapons, graphicks, etc. But i Hope they keep alyx in the story. I think that they will keep her because she is one hellof a charcter and i think its the best female character in games history (yes better then lara) and if they dont keep her much fans are gonna be pissed and not buy half life 3 or if thy dont buy it they will pirate it.
Of course, I was completely wrong. They should milk their money cow for as long as possible. Hey, I'd just love to see Gordon literally jumping the shark in his air boat somewhere in City 17's canals, too.

On that note, I wish there'd be an MST3K of gaming.
Valv4e have shown themselves to be consistently least likely of almost any developer to milk the cow. Just saying, they've always come out with new and interesting material.

And I like your idea of a more narrative based game, but that's not really what Valve is about. If you want a book or movie, read a book or go watch a movie. Valve is all about gameplay, but there stories are still great!
Sorry about the off-topic post.

But, yeah, man. That, how-ever-it-was-concocted-shot, is amazing. Btw, how did that guy create that?
well i like to see half life3 with new characters , weapons, graphicks, etc. But i Hope they keep alyx in the story. I think that they will keep her because she is one hellof a charcter and i think its the best female character in games history (yes better then lara)

Everyone's better than Lara. Your post in invalid. :bounce:

and if they dont keep her much fans are gonna be pissed and not buy half life 3 or if thy dont buy it they will pirate it.

If they don't buy Half Life 3 because Alyx isn't in it, they're obviously not really fans anyway. >_<

I mean, I'd be pissed if she wasn't in it, but I'd still buy it. :upstare:
That's awesome picture, but i don't want Valve to make Half Life 3 because i want to finish the story once and for all.
I think if they do make half life 3, it'll follow it's predecessors by bringing in a completely new storyline. Like, Half Life and all it's expansions had the Black Mesa/Xen/Resonance Cascade storyline, Half Life 2 expanded that storyline but also made it brand new by introducing the Combine and the Resistance. If Half Life 3 is released, it will probably follow this pattern, by beginning 10/20 years or so after the events of Half Life 2 and bringing in something spanking new.

And that picture above is orgasmic.
Personally, I want a new singleplayer game from Valve. I remember Halflife, it felt so...fresh at the time. HL2 nd its episodes are great, but a new story/characters (and a new main char of course) would be very interesting.