The Gabeth speaketh

I don't believe it until I hear confirmation from a mod over there.

Valve has made me skeptical. I'm just waiting to hear an official gold announcement from Valve and Vivendi.
It might actually go gold... It may actually be done... How can this be?

/me passes out.
"Well I guess its true. I just emailed him and asked him and he replied yes.
Thanks Gabe "
I didn't think they would make an announcement like this.
Well its no surprise that they sent it in, now we just have to wait for Vivendi to do their job.

Assuming its all true of course.
Wildhound said:
It might actually go gold... It may actually be done... How can this be?

/me passes out.

OK why would you think its gold when it only said RC? Geesh.
so if that really is gabe post does that mean when will HL2 release?
Homie said:
so if that really is gabe post does that mean when will HL2 release?

In between September 25th and October 17th I think.
pff, I doubt 'gaben' would anounce it in a 7 word post on the halflife2 fallout forums.
Nex321 said:
"Well I guess its true. I just emailed him and asked him and he replied yes.
Thanks Gabe "

Gj on that guy POSTING THE EMAIL. He lends himself 0 credibility
everyone knows an RC was released yesterday, it's no news, they were planning on that. If the gabe said "The RC was accepted yesterday" then we'd have something to talk about.
Hmm, this was the first RC i presume..... It would be nice if someone could whip up an article detailing what an RC is and how it relates to the Gold process, i would do it but...ummm... i have a crippling illness that means i must do my work for uni before embarking on such things.
oldagerocker said:
everyone knows an RC was released yesterday, it's no news, they were planning on that. If the gabe said "The RC was accepted yesterday" then we'd have something to talk about.
Oh yes we would...:E
Rupertvdb said:
Hmm, this was the first RC i presume..... It would be nice if someone could whip up an article detailing what an RC is and how it relates to the Gold process, i would do it but...ummm... i have a crippling illness that means i must do my work for uni before embarking on such things.
From Jabberwocky over at PlanetHalfLife:
Most of you should already know this, but for those who still aren't quite familiar with how the system works (yes, that would be those of you E-mailing me), here's a run-down of the release process for HL2. Valve has announced that they will be delivering an RC (release candidate) to Vivendi around the 15th of this month. That does not mean that HL2 will be out immediately thereafter. Vivendi will still have to approve the RC, a process that could take another two or three weeks, depending on their QA department and how fit the RC is to be released. If it were rejected, Valve would have to cook up another one and submit that for approval. Once an RC is approved, we should get a "gone gold" announcement. Those of you who preloaded HL2 and intend to buy it online would *may* be allowed to purchase it shortly afterward and start playing it once you've downloaded the last few files (I'm still not certain whether Valve contractually obliged to wait until it's on the shelves - I don't have Fragmaster's psychic spy network). For those of you still intending to buy a physical copy, it would be at least another few weeks before the game hit the shelves; duplication, packaging and shipping take a while. Damn our lack of transporters.
Well i've just emailed him to see if its real, as I'm sure lots of people already have, post your emails here! D:
If we found out that valve had made a deadline THAT would be news. I kind of doubt this is legit.
Nex321 said:
"Well I guess its true. I just emailed him and asked him and he replied yes.
Thanks Gabe "

Can you do a favour? Post the confirmation email in the Valve information thread in this forum?

After the fake gold announcement, I'm understandably wary as to the validity of what comes from Gabe Newell's Half-Life 2 Fallout forum account.

Another confirmation source would make this information more believable. :)
Rupertvdb said:
Hmm, this was the first RC i presume..... It would be nice if someone could whip up an article detailing what an RC is and how it relates to the Gold process, i would do it but...ummm... i have a crippling illness that means i must do my work for uni before embarking on such things.
A RC is a copy of the game that is sent to the publisher for quality control, it they say it's ok then the "gold disc" can be made. It's from this gold disc that the retail copys are made.
This time It's a real post. (He replied within the minute I sent it):


From: Calhoun [mailto:]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:57 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Confirm message (thread title: Yep) (website:


If possible could you confirm If It was you who posted this message?

See the link to the post below, Thanks.
Well, I'm going to wait for more confirmation Although, It's unlikely that the password wasn't changed after last time.

Woo, this means that it could go Gold any day now. Although it could be a few weeks before it does.
Sweet! Sweet! I can't believe it.

HL2 is actually becoming reality.
Gabe was just confirming (if it's true of course) that the RC was definitely sent to VU on the 15th. Remember, Doug Lombardi assumed they would send it on the 15th "if ready". But we didn't have any news.

So atleast this is "something" to look forward to (if it's true of course).

Some news is better than no news
Another confirmation
Subject: RE: Quick verification of hl2 fallout post
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:55:42 -0700
From: "Gabe Newell" <[email protected]>
To: "Bill ****" <***>


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill *** [mailto:****]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:55 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Quick verification of hl2 fallout post

I'll be quick;
posted by YOU?

I hope vivendi have no problems with it
Guys, this is the real deal. A bunch of people have already emailed Gabe and he said its true!
many people are saying that they got an Yes for an answer when asking gabe. So it is real.
HL only took 48 hours to go gold after the first RC.

That said, I expect a week at least with this one.
DarkStar said:
How long does it generally take publishers to test RCs?
It all depends on the publisher I think, Vivendi will probabaly take a couple of weeks, although like ShadowFox said HL1 only took 2 days (That was when Sierra was the publisher). So its anyones guess really.
Well, I'm glad he confirmed it, but I kind of wish he would just tell news sites instead of making short posts on random forums AFTER saying that he wouldnt make big announcments like that.

Well, it shouldnt be more than a month now anyway.
ShadowFox said:
HL only took 48 hours to go gold after the first RC.

That said, I expect a week at least with this one.
If I were VU I'd slap a gold label on it after making sure it installed. Not only have Valve done more than enough testing but they need the money! :p