The Gabeth speaketh

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Chris_D said:
Just FYI, I have confirmed it again but he wasn't available for any further comment on its status. My betting is that it'll be out of Valve's hands now.

once the game has gone gold, its out of Valve's hands right?
that means VU can hold off a release if they want to til least that makes sense to me.
excellent news....don't forget that HL1's RC was approved very quickly by Vivendi....and while HL2 is a much more complex game, Valve have also spent over twice as much time and resources on it...

we'll all be playing it come the 30th i reckon...

I read the frontpage news on, and my heart jumped. I read's news, and I jumped. This is indeed a good day. In VALVe's eyes, HL2 is completed.
I love how talkative Gabe gets, 'yes' 'both' 'serial number' but it is very nice to see that HL2 is on the final run to release. Bizarrely it could still occur in the Summer period as promised but i really don't think it is gonna happen.

Prove me wrong Valve, i dares ya ;)
Well they actually did do what they promised :P

They said we plan to "deliver" the game to vivendi in summer ;)

Valve made a date w000000 :D
Hunchback said:
excellent news....don't forget that HL1's RC was approved very quickly by Vivendi....and while HL2 is a much more complex game, Valve have also spent over twice as much time and resources on it...

we'll all be playing it come the 30th i reckon...


Sierra Studios approved the first HL RC silly. I hope it comes out in Novermber because I have soccer until 6 everyday so I won't be able to play it and my homework at the same time ;(
It would be truly sweet if Gabe were to hit Sept 30th as the release date! That would crack me up and it would actually make bigger news than any other date. Damn this hurricane....
How long does it take for them to test it and confirm it gold?
riTuaL said:
How long does it take for them to test it and confirm it gold?
this has probably been said before, but hl1 was tested and approved in 48 hours, according to the gamespot article.
I'm going to give this bad boy 1 week before we here the gold what I tell ya...
Good news guys!
Hope it gose gold soon.
I guestimate about 2 weeks at most.
I wouldn't get happy yet. Be happy when the Gold comes out. :(
Yay, I just hope it's real. I'm thinking it is...Hopfully it will go gold soon and be release on the 30th :D
Ownzed said:
Yay, I just hope it's real. I'm thinking it is...Hopfully it will go gold soon and be release on the 30th :D

30th... that date is synonimous with gayness. :)
epmode said:
this has probably been said before, but hl1 was tested and approved in 48 hours, according to the gamespot article.
uh, has it every occured to you that computers have advanced in the six years since the first HL, and that testing covers a broader span of equipment, and that most naturally, it's gonna take longer than 2 days?

i hate to break this to you people, but if they do it(go gold) in 5 days, i'll be impressed. Nevermind that the weekend is fast approaching, and that more than likely the testers will have the weekend off. Although YOU may be willing to work 24/7, we are not. get a grip.
My computer parts arrived yesterday, and RAM is coming in on Monday, and now the RC :) Everything is shaping up quite nicely :E
don't care, now we have very solid proof that the game isn't full of bugs, so we can exclude another years delay. Since I won't be able to play the game before christmas break anyways (at least not in depth) as long as it comes out before that I'll be fine.

PS: I know that I'm alone with this, a lot of people want it NOW, and I feel your pain, brothers and sisters :)
1. idea
2. figuring everything out, concept art, etc etc
3. creating the engine
4. creating and debugging the game
5. release candidate
6. gold
7. mass production

we have moved from step 4 to step 5. this is why people are happy. "it isnt gold yet" big deal? once its gold and everyone is happy are you gonna say "it isnt on the shelves yet"?
8. release to public
First message.

I am happy that progress is being made. I am like ALL of you in which I can't wait for it to go gold and start playing it. Therefore, I make no speculation if and when the RC will be accepted, how many RC's there will be, when it will go gold, when I can unlock the preload, and when it will be in stores.

But I DO like reading about speculations. Odd huh?



Ha! Try to decipher that!
ÜBEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! @SWERGSDYGFKSDHFVjASDHGFKJHVA! Lets all just cry of joy! HAHAHAHAH! The moment we have all been waiting for the laast months!!! HAHA! \,,/(>,<)\,,/ YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK GR8 NEWS!!! i see Vivendi are releaseing Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude on the 22oct(UK) i dont know how big Vivendi are but you would have thought that they must make HL2 copys before the release of Leisure Suit Larry?!?!?!? so u could get a ship date of a week to 2 weeks of HL2 before this! (OR week or two after this eeeeeek!!!!!)

Now remember i am only hoping so my guess is1-10oct release not to much range in that date hey kinda reminds me of valve but better!
Or the other possibility is that they wait until November with Half-Life 2, so it won't steal from Leisure Shit Larry. That would sucks. Vivendi if you're planning to commit this crime against humanity, please delay that crappy Larry game instead
Can anyone remember how long it took for serria to accept half life?
cadaveca said:
Nevermind that the weekend is fast approaching, and that more than likely the testers will have the weekend off. Although YOU may be willing to work 24/7, we are not. get a grip.

Actually I've seen it happen, not exactly 24/7 but you do have extremely long days, and not just for testers you know, everybody :)

Cracking open a bottle of beer...

(Saving the bubbly for the Gold announcement)
IT´S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN !! Tha na na nam tha na na na nam..... :rolling: :bounce: :farmer: :E :cheese:
Holy shit, I come to look at news and all I see is some of the most spasticly retarded posts ever. You people have SERIOUS problems. Yeah, good, it went RC, we knew it was going to. You kids need to go outside or something, go kiss a girl. Shit. :)

Had to flame all this, but yeah, it's good news. When's the gold? When do I play it? Seems like that would be the time to get excited....
Sub_Lon said:
Holy shit, I come to look at news and all I see is some of the most spasticly retarded posts ever. You people have SERIOUS problems. Yeah, good, it went RC, we knew it was going to. You kids need to go outside or something, go kiss a girl. Shit. :)

Had to flame all this, but yeah, it's good news. When's the gold? When do I play it? Seems like that would be the time to get excited....

Says the man on the internet forum himself. You're not fooling anyone.
Seppo said:
Or the other possibility is that they wait until November with Half-Life 2, so it won't steal from Leisure Shit Larry. That would sucks. Vivendi if you're planning to commit this crime against humanity, please delay that crappy Larry game instead

I should think that HL2 has a different audience and is a far bigger release. I'd hold off LSL if I had to make the choice...
dkelly said:
That's a good question, my guess would be that it's probably just an official thing. I mean Valve would, and did, playtest the shit out of HL2. But not every company would, they could theoretically slap together a game and send it to the producer and if they didn't test it too, they would be putting their name on some terrible game.

But, I'm sure someone knows exactly why.

EDIT: This may be the fastest growing thread ever.

There are too main reasons for this (going on my experience with EA) first it is a final big bug test let 50 odd play testers have at it on a variety of machines for 2 -3 days and see how easy it is to make crash etc.

Secondly and most importantly for legal reasons to make sure there are no copyright infrigments or parts of the game that could result in legal repocussions to the publisher.