The Gabeth speaketh

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Damn... it's just a game, but im I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
I'm about to lose control
And I think I like it.
I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
P43.2/1Gig/X800P said:
I just started my second job at Gamestop yesterday just so i could get 20% of Half life 2 lol .That job is so easy just talk about half life 2 to all the custumers and things like that.

Does anybody know whats 20% off of 79.99<---hl2 collectors
I'm guessing "basic math skills" weren't one of the job requirements.
Mountain Man said:
I'm guessing "basic math skills" weren't one of the job requirements.

Lol .. I was just about to post the exact same thing. That's hilarious.

But wait. THE RC HAS BEEN SENT! (I guess)
Helevitia said:
The whole point of a release candidate is to FREEZE the code. This means that no more bug fixes are put in for fear that adding a bug fix can de-stabilize the code. A RC means that they feel the code is stable and they have fixed every bug they feel is worthy enough to fix. I am positive they still have bugs that they decided not to fix because that is how the engineering game is played.

Thanks for the info, didn't know that. Although the "freeze" they can still work on a steam update for these bugs that could spot from now to the date the game is released.

Calhoun said:
Apparently they were down to zero bugs on August 5th

Really? Isn't that outdated info?
Sp00fman said:
I wonder how long it will take gabe to adjust his spamfilter to search for "RC" :)

He probably has a seperate email account for important stuff
so he doesn't have to look through all the crap we send him.

Good news indeed! If a new Bink is released in the next few days, we'll know that something didn't go right with the RC. Seems to be the way of things lately.

Only joking.

Great news. The home stretch, at last! No matter what happens with the RC and Vivendi, at least we all know that things are progressing and things seem to be wrapping up (with the exception of on-going patches etc).
I have some sources really close to Valve confirming tha headcrab pinhata gone gold and is ready to be hooked at the Valve office ceiling in a few days :smoking:
wow im so happy, i just found the news on the front page, and i was frantically clicking to get on the forums to make sure :) :)
I had a weird feeling today about something happening when i was sitting in chemistry. Either the Ethanol or just psychic ability? :laugh: yay!
Do you think it is possible it can go gold from this RC or would it take a few more?

BigNamek said:
Do you think it is possible it can go gold from this RC or would it take a few more?


at this point, nobody really knows. let's hope it goes gold soon
Can I have a yay?

My eta for the gold annoucement is friday.

EDIT I only saw the topic name after I posted. The Gabeth speaketh, very funny.
What's more to say than a
It's FINALLY happening... it could be in our hands by September 30th! Oh the irony!

Now I can die a happy man... :smoking:
dang, i was just reading chris_D's emails with gabe in the sticky valve info thread. wish he would have asked 'so that includes CS:S, HL:S, and hl2's own multiplayer component right?', that might have settled it once and for all. but we'll know soon enough i guess
poseyjmac said:
dang, i was just reading chris_D's emails with gabe in the sticky valve info thread. wish he would have asked 'so that includes CS:S, HL:S, and hl2's own multiplayer component right?', that might have settled it once and for all. but we'll know soon enough i guess

1. who said hl2 had its own mp?
2. it DOES say it includes cs:s and hl:s
:), I hope valve can comprehend the amount of spamming on forum's that announcement is causing.

but I say it is a worthy thing to spam about :P

:rolleyes: of course HL2 will have its own Multiplayer component. For starter's... too many people liked HL1 multiplayer, too much time has been spent on making the game for there not to be 1, the source engine could clearly handle it. and it would be dening a world of possibilities to be shared online or on LAN , what with the weapons and physic's and what not
Thanks for confirmation.

Does the release candidate include CS:Source and HL:Source too, or will
they be sent to Vivendi at a later date?

Yes, it includes them.
if CS:S had multiplayer HL2 obviously does. someone tell me, whats the difference between the cheap version and the standard version?


'nough said.

(can't wait to get my hands on the hammer, to play with the gravity / wind stuff. some cool maps coming up! Like gravity bubbles, man...
Stamp said:
if CS:S had multiplayer HL2 obviously does. someone tell me, whats the difference between the cheap version and the standard version?


'nough said.

(can't wait to get my hands on the hammer, to play with the gravity / wind stuff. some cool maps coming up! Like gravity bubbles, man...

that doesn't make any sense at all
The time draws nearer when we find out alyx is the gman.

p.s owned

I'm just trying to let the gravity of this sink in :thumbs:
poseyjmac said:
1. no one has

2. yes... it does. so what?

sorry i just read ur post for the 8th time and finally realized what u were saying lol. my bad. :laugh:
While they obviously haven't confirmed multiplayer... I think it is pretty safe to say it does have it. Why would they follow up hl by taking away a popular feature? It's basically hard-coded into hl1 and it wouldn't be hard to do for hl2, they would just need to make a few maps really. Anyways I wouldn't be shocked to find out the surprise they referred to in one of the videos is a new multiplayer game.
Stamp said:
if CS:S had multiplayer HL2 obviously does. someone tell me, whats the difference between the cheap version and the standard version?


'nough said.

(can't wait to get my hands on the hammer, to play with the gravity / wind stuff. some cool maps coming up! Like gravity bubbles, man...

You do know VALVe dropped the "cheap version" from their SKU lineup, right?
Wow, this is great; I hope valve is happy with the game. I'm sure they are but IF they aren't, I wouldn’t mind them delaying the game more, ha ha.. ehh. If this is the valve we all know then VU has in its hands, 6 valve years worth of work, 50+ million dollars worth of technology in its fullest form. I can’t believe this is going to be in our hands soon.

That "Galve" guy was right after all. He said something was gonna happen the 13th and 16th of this month, nothing happened the 13th but something did today.
Yes! Im happy at last its here...well, soon at least. Now I just need to decide if I should use all the crap I preloaded or get a nice shiney box and manual...

Blieve it or not its a bit tough.
I guess Ill get box, I can sacrifice a few hours/days.
basically Valve sent what the believe to be a complete zero-bug game to Vivendi, who will play through and check the game, and then if its OK, it'l go gold, then be shipped to a place for mass production, then shipped to stores, then released. We'll be playing next month! (Unless RC gets rejected, which i doubt that it will)
Anyone else smell my 30th of september theory coming back to life?
i think the 30th isnt possible unless they accept the first rc and do it soon (like in the next few days).