The Garry's Mod RPG (Somolia)


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I thought specialmax's RPG thread was really cool, so I am going to start my own RPG. You are a Marine named Tom, a marine fighting in the war of Somolia. I got specialmax's permission before using this idea, so don't say I'm copying him, he said it's ok. So, on to the story.

In your inventory to have:
M4 - Assault Rifle (4 Clips)
Desert Eagle - Pistol (2 Clips)
Knife - Knife (1 Knife)
Medkit - Health (1 Pack)
Flashbang - Blinding Flash (1 Grenade)
Frag Grenade - Boom (1 Grenade)
Canteen - Refreshing Water (Full Jug)
Rations - Food (Enough For 1 Week)
Silencer For Pistol - Kill Silently (No One Can Hear Your Gun Fire)

You were sent to patrol in a small village. And you are confronted by a Somolian Rebel, who has his weapon out and ready to kill you. What will you do?

A) Shoot Him With Your Pistol
B) Throw A Frag Grenade
C) Throw A Flashbang
D) Throw Your Knife
E) Hide Like A Woman
F) Run Like A Woman
lol, I would go with A. I think that is a Desert Eagle your holding.
You Draw Your Weapon Quicker Than Him, You Shoot him in the head, you search his body and find: A Silencer Off His Pistol (Added To Inventory)


You Have New Choices:

A) Keep Patroling, Leaving The Body There
B) Call A Med Team To Clean It Up, And Keep Patroling
C) Your Own Suggestion (In Your Post, Nothing Stupid)
I Won't Be Posting Any Outcomes For Atleast 5-6 Hours
In the meantime, Post your answers, I get Back to them soon.
nice idee to make a story like that !!!
but i would trow my knife at him!!!
more bloody !!!!
nah just jooking!!!
i would killed him with the pistol
Come on now guys, post, I want to see how well, or how not so well you guys do.
me i want to let it stay on the ground!!!!
let the blood get on the ground!!!
Steal his ski mask, and scout out for more terriosts,

You will see what the ski mask to do...
Yeah, it's so nice it's gonna get him banned unless he trims it down cause he's over the 4-line limit.
Switch suits with the enemy, clean up his body then go patroling.
A) Leave the body there and continue moving.

I know i'm sorta necromancing, but this is a cool idea that I think shouldn't die.
Maybe someone wants to continue with it if DOG doesn't wan to