the giant firethrowing 'thing'



you know the one you killed in hl1 by using electricity ( and another with missiles ). They were quite strong... why arent there of those guys in hl2? i mean.. if i were combine i would enslave them and use them against the recistance ( who wouldnt stand a chance against them )... .. :bounce:
How do you enslave a garg? It's not like you could just throw a net over it and put a leesh on it, and you can't really bully it into submission...
AJ Rimmer said:
How do you enslave a garg? It's not like you could just throw a net over it and put a leesh on it, and you can't really bully it into submission...
put a collar on it and train it by force, kinda like the vortigaunts, only more difficult.

or just drop them where you want them to just take out the enemy and pretty much everything else in the area.
Noooo, The Combine are dropping Garg-bombs on us!!

a Garg in HL2 would have kicked ass. not sure where to put it, Sandtraps maybe. but then where would the antlion king go? not a problem, make it appear in Nova prospekt. woohoo, I should have been a level designer at valve. :)

Imagine, just driving along, when suddenly, a Garg appears. then you get to nova prospekt, your freeing Eli, when suddenly, an Antlion King bursts through the floor and starts laying down the law.

ooh ooh, and in Ravenholm, your just minding your own business, walking through an abandoned house chopping up Gonomes when suddenly, you fall into a pit and a Gonarch is there!!

God damn it, these ideas are just so sexy...I'm going to have a coffee before I say anymore.
Gonomes AND Gonarch in Ravenholm? No thanks!
Gargs really wouldn' fit well anywhere, possibly sandtraps, but not city 17, just wouldn't work. But generally bosses sucks in games.
it did. Especially the one with tentacles in the blast pit. It was so annoying.
Tentacle was cool, the gargs were annoying no matter how cool they looked, gonarch ditto, Nihilianth very boring, I was very happy when there was no boss at the end of HL2.
But Gonarch would not fit in Ravenholm any way.
A gonarch could've been in the church, "Brother, the devil himself has taken root inside a holy sanctuary, you must banish it from here or your fate, and mine, is to remain here for eternity, the tide of that which corrupts my concregation will never end until the beast is gone from Ravenholm"
I doubt the combine would allow a gonarch to live in Ravenholm, too dangerous.
A gonarch is merely a fully grown headcrab. They just rarely live to that stage. At least thats what rasining the bar said.
Sam2k said:
A gonarch could've been in the church, "Brother, the devil himself has taken root inside a holy sanctuary, you must banish it from here or your fate, and mine, is to remain here for eternity, the tide of that which corrupts my concregation will never end until the beast is gone from Ravenholm"

I imagine he'd blow it up himself with explosives, he's crazy like that.
SnowBall said:
A gonarch is merely a fully grown headcrab. They just rarely live to that stage. At least thats what rasining the bar said.
Exactly, and if against all odds Gregory didn't kill it, the combine would no doubt destroy it rather quick-ish
AJ Rimmer said:
Exactly, and if against all odds Gregory didn't kill it, the combine would no doubt destroy it rather quick-ish

And I didn't know Gregory was that badass. :p
Are you kidding? He's a priest with a shotgun. Of course he's a badass.
I prefer Annabelle, his shotgun. Spawn that in, it kicks ass.

"give weapon_annabelle" :)
Annabelle is a wierd shotgun, she has perfect acruacy, wouldn't that make her a rifle?
AJ Rimmer said:
Yes, the big four-legged scrotum.

I laugh every time I read that, especially remembering the wailing sounds it made and its sack jiggling :LOL:
Goalie31 said:
I laugh every time I read that, especially remembering the wailing sounds it made and its sack jiggling :LOL:
And don't forget the white goo it shoots out.

AJ Rimmer said:
And don't forget the white goo it shoots out.


Some monster designer at Valve probably have some bad cheese :|
Either way, Gregori is the coolest gunwielding zombie slayin priest of them all!
sfc_hoot said:
I think it could be a Winchester model 1984.

Wow that is either a wierd coincidence or valve really takes time to go and make tiny easter eggs...(ellusion to 1984)
Whoops, thats what I meant. Black Mesa Soruce. Gee I'm dumb.
olopower said:
you know the one you killed in hl1 by using electricity ( and another with missiles ).

Before I realized the map way, I killed em using allllllll my nades, bombs, and rpgs!! hahaha
// Gargantua is immune to any damage but this
Gargantua.cpp, line 50. It's possible to squash them.

-Angry Lawyer