The glock 20 is back, (56K warning)


Jul 18, 2003
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Hello all. Some of you might remember the glock 20, 10mm I started modeling earlier. I have finished the modeling and have started the UV mapping (whitch is a pain in the a**) I also have very decent photos for basing out the texturemaps. I will bump and displace the grip and all the text. Dear God, there is a lot of text on this gun....

For starterts: Here's a spin of the highpolymodel (some modeling issues that I have fixed on current model, so don't bother the errors on this one.) (2,31mb)

Download it while the image loads :)

And here's the image:

The UV has started :) The way I like to do it is to select the faces as you see here and apply a lambert with different colors, red, blue, etc... Then you can use the hypershade later and select the faces whitch have that material applied to it. The mapping can start after that. horray:)


I have also included some shader tests on the bullet itself. I have tried for several hours today to get the metallic look, but I just seem to not get it! That's why I started on the UV for the gun itself:)
very nice work. Its structed well and its done very well. No bad comments at all. Good job all around :D

How long have you been modelling? What program do u use?
Looks exellent. Only thing I cna think of is to add some smoothing groups. amazing detail.... noty an in-0game model, but great attention to detials and whatnot.
SidewinderX143 said:
Looks exellent. Only thing I cna think of is to add some smoothing groups. amazing detail.... noty an in-0game model, but great attention to detials and whatnot.

it is smooth, look at the last render and the spining pictures....
its nurbs modeled right? or sub-div? very good job you did on it.
I was thinking about this the other day! Glad to see it's nearly finished :D

Looking really, really, really good

*edit* just watched the spinning movie, scrap what i said it looks f*ing amazing! Great work! :D
Wow, I'm glad you like it. I have enjoyed modeling it.

@ Itchi: thx. How long I have been modeling this piece or in general? Well, I have spent a long time on this one, can't really sum it up, but I have only been able to model it on and off lately. Forthose of you who remember the state it was in last time, I have spent about 3 days on the remains. I started modeling in max back in the year 2000, but that was more a hobbything and I really couldn't understand the program. Now I use maya and feel comfortable with it. Used maya for about two years in total.

@SidewinderX143: Thx.About the smoothing groups. It's meant to be highpoly, althoug I could manage to get it in one of the newer engines I think. Now, it's 11000 polys, unsmoothed. I can post the wire tomorrow. There are alot of extra edges, especially inside:) But you should look at the spin if you want a closer look smoothed.

@Pendragon: Thx. I was asked if I could do a tutorial last time I posted this, and I'm sorry. I just can't see where I would get the time to write one. I said I might do a videotutorial, but when I go out on my "modelingquest" things just come along as I model. It's hard to sit down and record thinking "now, I'm gonna model this.." because if I get to a part I find hard to model, I tend to move on to another part and just get back to it later :) BUT, I will keep it in the back of my head because others have asked for tuts too.

@ukfilmer: thx. This is pure polymodeling, the only thing that is modeled with nurbs (and then converted to poly :):) ) is the spring that you cannot see on these renders, I'll make sure I make some more decent renders tomorrow so you can see it. It's also rigged:)

@Lupus: well, thanks mate :)

@Murray_H: you were thinking about it? cool :) Like your edit there :D
Yes, pleaaaaaaaase do a tutorial, pleaaaaaaaaaase. ;)
we're almost neighbours(I know, spellin), so come on!
I am making a VTM with vocals on a berreta 9000. Its currently on VTM 3 and will be released next week. Its actually for 3dsmax6 though. I am glad with what I have managed to do so far. I think Munro will be uploading to depending on if he thinks its good enough, but it should be. Now all everyone has to do is wait :D
are all those details on the inside really neccasery?

edit: nvr mind its not supposed to be a game model :rolling:
Very nice looking, can't wait to see it skinned :)
wow, that is sexh.
Er det slik dere lærer på Idefagskolen? (er det ikke der du går?) :p
@crabcakes66: hehe, those would not be neccasery :) but as you figured, those won't be in any game

@Link: I am skinning it now. Creating displacement maps as we speak. Just went in here to check:)

The map for the body of the gun.


@stOlve: Hehe, well yeah. This is the kind of stuff we learn at school :) at least the theory behind it so we can create whatever we want ;)
There's a hell of a lot of wastage on that skin map.
The body of the glock has several issues you have to focus on when you shade it. It has three stages of bump. One that is just flat (a little inverse bump) the medium fractal (that covers most of the gun) and the heavy fractal on the handle. I created three alpha maps that determinewitch fractal goes where. What's really difficult about the glock is that it's a bit reflective although you wouldn't think it should. Therefore I had to create a ramp that softened the reflections. The glock is also black, but I suspect that there's a tint of brown in it too. In the shadernetwork below you can see how the file21, 22 and 23 places the fractals in a layered texture.


thats the best explination of work that i i have ever seen :)
love it
Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been busy drooling at the 3d festival in copenhagen :)

Don't know the english word for this part, but what the heck.
I realized that my maps on the body were too small. Here I have used 4k maps and those worked fine (probably overkill, but that's the key :) )


And of course I will give you the default spin :) 2 meg...

QT spin

I will have to redo the material for the body. Either model the details or go for highres bumpmap. Dunno yet :(
Holy crap that is like perfect! Truly amazing work. Bravo.
Thanks for the kind replies :) I realized that I have some problems with the alphamap on the aimparts... Gotta check that out. And I also have to figure out what kind of eaglestamp is by the NPv stamp... Couldn't really draw it from scratch and get satisfied, so I thought I should dig it up... Will remake the body so the gun gets well and not just OK. I'll get back to you with the update of course ;)
I love it :D do you have plans for a firing animation or will it be a static model?
Murray_H: As you can see the spring is rigged. I will make a fireing animation. The gun itself is modeled for a short I am working on (going a bit slow though) I have good references, good sound and I have also wasted a few rounds with the real gun so an animation will come.
Rig is finished

I have finished the rig, unfortunatly I can't complete the shader at this time. I'll finish it later though. At least I have a riggingvideo uploaded. I don't know if you can learn anything from it, but at least you can see how I work.
I can scale it so it fits as imported prop, but I still have to solve the translate and rotate attributes for it, because the rigged parts don't follow correctly.

Enough bitching, here's a screen while you download.


Now onto the animation :)
Very nice!! No constructive comments from me srry, I dont know enough about guns to see if there is anything wrong or whatever,