The Grammar Nazis... of DOOM!

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Sep 13, 2003
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Civilization is on the verge of collapse. It's been trying my patience, waiting for this holy grail of games, putting up with the numerous threads analyzing the wrinkles in Alyx's face. But recently, I've been noticing this disturbing trend.

1.) Periods are slowing becoming extinct, followed closely by captial letters.

2.) Apparently, it's too hard to type out "are" and "you". r and u are starting to proliferate.

3.) Complete sentences are no longer to be found.

4.) OMG, LOL, and WTF make up at least 25% of most conversations, especially involving Halo.

5.) Apostrophes are being abused: I'm seeing stuff like "cant", "its" used improperly, and so on.

6.) And my ultimate pet peeve: their, there, and they're. There is a difference - those letters aren't just there to look pretty!

What this board needs is a force to end the idiocy! We need a legion of grammar nazis... OF DOOM! The world will cower in fear of our editing SKILLZ!


Figure 1.1: Me-> :sniper: :naughty: <-Bad Grammar

EDIT: Oh, the irony! Right after I post this, I see a thread about the many ways to say "lol"! WHY?
what r u talkn about man

gramar is good on teh internet!!1\

but their is a good chance that it is getin a bit worse :(
Number six is the most painful.
The others tend to not bother me.
I'd like to join the Grammar Nazis Anonymous club, if I could.
i used to type with perfect grammar back in the 90s, but then i just got more lazy overtime

i eventually realized most people on forums don't deserve the effort lol
poseyjmac said:
i used to type with perfect grammar back in the 90s, but then i just got more lazy overtime

i eventually realized most people on forums don't deserve the effort lol
:hmph: "Get him."
Oh I agree completely with you. English is not my first language, but I try to use it correctly. Still, let people use their OMFG LOL crap, I doubt people who use that taken seriously by other forum members. I always make fun of these people and fun part is, they fight back with more of their idiocy.

Also posey brings up a good point, I became lazy too after awhile, seeing like most of the arguments and opinions on these forums have no value to me. Still, trying to get back on track.

I posted this not too long ago.
But uh, I'd happily join. I think we should probably target teenage girls for our first campaign of DESTRUCTION.
Kangy said:

I posted this not too long ago.
But uh, I'd happily join. I think we should probably target teenage girls for our first campaign of DESTRUCTION.
kan u not c the dire consequences of that? lolz!
I did'nt know the internet had laws?

Let people speak how they want, who are you to dictate how someone should talk on the internet. :|
It raelly dosnet mtater becuase as lnog as the frist and lsat lteters are the smae you can raed it. Tahts how the barin wroks.
Alig said:
I did'nt know the internet had laws?

Let people speak how they want, who are you to dictate how someone should talk on the internet. :|

Agreed. As long as its legible. I mean, I find people posting about their computer specs a wee bit annoying but who am I to tell them that?
I never even realized my name was spelled wrong till I had it for a 3 weeks :( I suck at grammer

i pr3fur to sp33ck lik th1s!!!!1!1WTF11!!LOL11!!11

Edit: I didn't think it was possible, but I made a grammar error using internet speak.....I'm ashamed
HatRabit said:
I never even realized my name was spelled wrong till I had it for a 3 weeks :( I suck at grammer
Haha... hat-ray-bit...
I hate it when people say "eXpecially" instead of "eSpecially". Every time I hear that IT MAKES ME MAD!!!11
I think that Maddox and Ninjapirate has influenced me too much when it comes to grammar.
HatRabit said:
I never even realized my name was spelled wrong till I had it for a 3 weeks :( I suck at grammer

I thought you were just doing something a little different...My whole image of you is in ruins ;(
Farrowlesparrow said:
I thought you were just doing something a little different...My whole image of you is in ruins ;(

Farrows whole image of me is ruined now :(

/me cries

/me cries

/me cries


Letters said:
Haha... hat-ray-bit...

damn you no! I demand to be called HAT RABBIT ;(
My anti-bad grammar thread has mutated into a nexus for the worst grammar in the known universe!
Alig said:
I did'nt know the internet had laws?

Let people speak how they want, who are you to dictate how someone should talk on the internet. :|
The internet doesn't have laws. There are, however, "laws" of grammar. When you speak English, you either adhere to these laws, or you are wrong. It does not help anyone to use improper grammar - it only helps you be understood.
Narcolepsy said:
Civilization is on the verge of collapse. It's been trying my patience, waiting for this holy grail of games, putting up with the numerous threads analyzing the wrinkles in Alyx's face. But recently, I've been noticing this disturbing trend.

1.) Periods are slowing becoming extinct, followed closely by captial letters.

2.) Apparently, it's too hard to type out "are" and "you". r and u are starting to proliferate.

3.) Complete sentences are no longer to be found.

4.) OMG, LOL, and WTF make up at least 25% of most conversations, especially involving Halo.

5.) Apostrophes are being abused: I'm seeing stuff like "cant", "its" used improperly, and so on.

6.) And my ultimate pet peeve: their, there, and they're. There is a difference - those letters aren't just there to look pretty!

What this board needs is a force to end the idiocy! We need a legion of grammar nazis... OF DOOM! The world will cower in fear of our editing SKILLZ!


Figure 1.1: Me-> :sniper: :naughty: <-Bad Grammar

EDIT: Oh, the irony! Right after I post this, I see a thread about the many ways to say "lol"! WHY?

You forgot one thing..Bush is still the president.
Yes, something like this had been posted... check for posts by "Captain Obvious" :)
My ultimate pet peeve is people calling other a 'looser'.

Person A: You are a looser!
Person B: I am looser than what?

Looser: adjective, the opposite of tighter.

The word is loser!!!!
I always make a concerted effort to type in proper, grammatically correct sentences. It's easier to get whiney little s**ts who really have no point to shut up if there arnt any spelling or grammar errors in your posts.
My pet peeve is when people type "your" when they mean "you're", which is probably one of the most common grammatical errors.
I really don't care that much. I all ways use proper grammar as far as I can tell. When people don't, it doesn't bother me. It's the internet for (Insert religious figure of your choice here) sakes. Your, you're, there, they're, their, cant, its, to, two, too, etc etc. I can live with it. :)
I like typing as perfect as possible. I usually press the 'preview' button five times before I post a post. That is the explanation for why I post so slow.

I've yet to see someone who types full sentences when in a game, maybe they don't exist :O.

Dun dun dun.

Yeah sure I'll join the grammer Nazis. Do we have monthly get-togethers where we bash the less literate?
-Viper- said:
Do we have monthly get-togethers where we bash the less literate?
If only, if only...
You know, I'm pretty sure that there is some kind of "group" function with vBulletin. Maybe we could create one. *cough*Munro*cough*
Narcolepsy said:
The internet doesn't have laws. There are, however, "laws" of grammar. When you speak English, you either adhere to these laws, or you are wrong. It does not help anyone to use improper grammar - it only helps you be understood.

So in other words wot ur sayin is u cant understand this sentance? Cool!

Your being petty. There are no laws against grammar. It saves time to speak poorly and im quite certain you've actually spoken with bad grammar in real life at some point. Everyone's said "gunna" instead of "going to" or "init" instead of "isn't it" or "wannit" instead of "was'nt it" because it's easier, simpler and you sound like a cock saying "isn't it" - Thats how snobby people talk.

Bad spelling does'nt bother me, neither does puncuation (because i usually can't be arsed with it). It's not like i've something to proove by typing like a god and i certaintly won't loose any sleep over it.
Oh noes! I've just gone and wasted .5 seconds of my life typing "you" when I could have saved the valuable time of my productive life and typed "u".

Ooh, the tragicness of it all!
Dux said:
Oh noes! I've just gone and wasted .5 seconds of my life typing "you" when I could have saved the valuable time of my productive life and typed "u".

Ooh, the tragicness of it all!

Really? :rolleyes:

So if you was in counterstrike and needed to get a message to your last surviving team mate and you've got like 5 seconds to type a full sentance you'd be thinking about full grammar and puncuation like the dude ever gives a shit.
Alig said:
Really? :rolleyes:

So if you was in counterstrike and needed to get a message to your last surviving team mate and you've got like 5 seconds to type a full sentance you'd be thinking about full grammar and puncuation like the dude ever gives a shit.

Who would even waste their time with Counter - Strike to begin with? Euch.
Dux said:
Who would even waste their time with Counter - Strike to begin with? Euch.

Err...Counterstrike fans :p
I've got no problem with the occasional typo, or maybe the odd LOL, but you're right, some of that stuff just makes me want to bash people over the head with a remedial comprehension textbook.
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