The Greatest Camping Ever! (Demo's Inside!)


Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
Here lies two demo's of the most advanced camping ever! (well maybe not, but perhaps almost) We were camping in cs_office and we were stacking up cabinets infront of doorways with grenades and smoking the projector room and holding it like crazy. The first demo, TheGrandCamp.dem is all that working like a charm! The second demo, CampingAlmostLost.dem is where everything went wrong, cabinets didn't stack well and we got rushed so I had to abandom my "post" lol and run back to CT spawn and ALMOST let the CT's rescue hostages, literally inches away from rescue and WE WON! Also killed TWO people consecutively who were running behind me trying to knife me, and you will notice that I Just saw a blink of a hostage when I looked down the hall and that's how I knew to intercept the hostage rescue lol, so lucky. Check them out both very interesting and fun demos!

To install:
Just download the zips and extract the .dem files into your steam\steamapps\*email login*\counter-strike source\cstrike folder and launch CSS, open up the console and type:

playdemo thegrandcamp
playdemo campingalmostlost

THATS IT! Hope you guys enjoy and will learn on how to fully camp up office! :D

The Grand Camp Demo

Camping Almost Lost Demo
Safe.. prettey good, the cabinet thign was clever, good job, looked like fun.
wow, great example of how to ruin the CS:S experience, hope you had fun at everyone else's expense
kmack said:
wow, great example of how to ruin the CS:S experience, hope you had fun at everyone else's expense

So using strategetic tactics to win the game is ruining the CS:S experience?
kmack said:
wow, great example of how to ruin the CS:S experience, hope you had fun at everyone else's expense

Just because you're a n00b who wouldn't think of it ¬_¬

Its not like he camps there EVERY round and just stood there without participating ¬_¬

And Remember Kids: Ownage is not a cheat :E
no, but who wants to sit there waiting for the last guy to try and find him, knowing he won't even have a chance, it slows down gameplay, its just something people do when they have spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time playing cs and they figure these things out and find it fun.
Camping is the essential to the game on most maps. People don't run about in clan matches you know. That's guranteed to lose you the round.
lmao sounds pretty funny, will give it a look in later
Lol I discovered the cabinet thing by accident actually. In the CampingAlmostLost.dem the cabinets actually stacked perfectly. And there's no ruining of anyone's experience. This is a strategic way of camping. Every time someone seems someone do something clever it's automatically "ruining the experience". I have a demo of how we stacked up the office chairs from the projector table to the other doorway LOL, I'll show that later though.
Slip777 said:
So using strategetic tactics to win the game is ruining the CS:S experience?

I think what he's trying to say is that the "CS Experience" is rushing and dying like a noob as soon as possible so no one will have to wait an extra second when dead (god forbid they would have to sit through another minute) regardless of who wins.

However, last I checked in CS it matters who wins. Besides, I want more money! :LOL:
CookieCuttah said:
Sitting around for 3 minutes watching a camper isn't any fun either.

Not the point of the demo, if you're a camper basher don't even bother with this demo then mate.
honestly you sit there and say cs is not about running in and dying like a newb, and yes camping is an excellent strategy and almost essential in clan matches, but what is shown here is obscene, and you should not be proud of it, its just a big waste of time.

kmack said:
honestly you sit there and say cs is not about running in and dying like a newb, and yes camping is an excellent strategy and almost essential in clan matches, but what is shown here is obscene, and you should not be proud of it, its just a big waste of time.


I posted this for fun to let people know of something interesting that helps camping (which you yourself admit is sometimes necesasry). In that server we were getting our asses kicked, just run through, till we started camping (which usually fails) and I started blocking the door way with cabinets. This wasn't rogue camping, where some idiot sits in a corner god knows where and wastes time. This camping was to guard hostages and was done as a team effort, you will notice (if you even watched the demo's) that there was about 7 or 8 of us there. There's no point posting unconstructively negative things about this. If you don't like it, ok, I'll respect that opinion. But no need to bash.
ya you're right, its a cool video, just the basis of it isnt somethign to be proud of, watching videos of hackers is kinda cool, but again, not good
If you don't like campers, try dragging your eyes away from the monitor for a few minutes. Read a book while you wait to respawn, go to the toilet, alt-tab out and talk to someone on IM. The possibilities are endless. If you don't like watching people camp, do something else.
Reginald said:
If you don't like campers, try dragging your eyes away from the monitor for a few minutes. Read a book while you wait to respawn, go to the toilet, alt-tab out and talk to someone on IM. The possibilities are endless. If you don't like watching people camp, do something else.

I couldn't of said it better myself.

Camping is fine, even this. Its a good,smart strategy. Deal with it.
Good to see the majority of people see this is a usefull strategy. You can also shoot the projector tables chairs towards the other doorway. Sure it isn't much of a barrice, but if you get enough of them it will be a pretty big neuisance to the CT's. Because if you get enough of them next to each other it won't be easy to shoot them away, and it will force them to jump over the chairs, thus losing alot of accuracy, and it takes even more time to regain the accuracy when you land. Good advantage.
camping is a tactic, i say this over and over again
i hate when people on my server complain about "that ****** noob camper" when they are pwned. I myself am a rusher, but then again, only because im good at it. nice vids
kmack said:
wow, great example of how to ruin the CS:S experience, hope you had fun at everyone else's expense
Some people just doesn't understand that you SHOULD camp if you have hostages.
Theres no way you got time to stack the cabinets in office if the cts rush...unless there a bunch of scrubs
Unnececairy camping is just stupid, if you like in de_dust just camp out as a T at the that spot behind the spawn and just wait and wait and wait, then yes you do ruin the game for everybody, camping maybe usefull in clanmatches but in pubs it;s just damn annoying, you ruin the game for a lot of other people, if I wanted to read a goddam book then I would not be playing css. On the other hand you have offensive camping which is usually a vey good strategy, like trying to predict where teh enemy wont look and will just go buy rushing andt then killing them is just good tactic, I don't know what kind it was on that video but you do know my opinion on it.
PS when I'm the last I never camp, I just want to get it over woth so I can play with my teammates, besides in css you hardly need to camp if we are talking about the money you get, cause even loosing you get more than enough money.
Gatsu said:
Theres no way you got time to stack the cabinets in office if the cts rush...unless there a bunch of scrubs

You probably didn't watch the demo's. Infact I'm pretty sure you didn't. If you did you'd see it takes one right placed grenade and all 3 stack up on each other right at the door way. i.e Takes 5 seconds.
To be honest, I didn't see anything wrong in the demos. It's not like they camped and waited for the other team to run past.
camping objectives is part of css, even on pub's. of course there are idiots who just camp nowhere significant in the hope of some one unsuspecting running by, especially at spawn(where some people go to spawn sites hoping to get free kills off AFK's)

of course theres clever camping(i.e. protecting back routes to the place your team is rushing, think cbble: t's rush b, ct's try going round the back of them, someone waiting behind to stop the ct's backstabbing the t's is clever, although he'll be called n00b to death) and stupid camping, but just think of it as a challenge to take out campers.

...imo, ofc :rolleyes:

i havn't watched the videos, but i can imagine what you did, and nice description of the hossie rescue fiasco :p
I was playing office a few weeks back and 2 Ts managed to hold off nearly the entire ct team using this tac. Imo this is what cs is all about, only now in source can we start to make defences ourselves beyond the cover the mapper made. This just means cs got a bit more diverse in terms of tactics available- a good thing.

And for anyone calling this camping, you really need to reconsider the game you are playing- when people hold their objective it is actually playing in the true spirit of the game, and if the opposing team is doing their job and going for the objective then there's no problem is there.

Camping in cs is only annoying and downright wrong if the camper is hiding in obscure places with the sole intention of not being killed while picking off a few stragglers.

Also back to the tactic used in the vid- yes it's definitely effective but like most strats it will only work if you keep tweaking it round by round (that is unless your opponents are useless themselves..).
Some of the the most fun games I've had in cs have been where the entire team is getting such a whuppin that we've all started to work together to turn things around.

\lights cigar. I love it when a plan comes together:E
The "1337" geeks will complain so bad about this. That's the number one reason that they are scared to change to source. Not because the running speeds are 0.0000001mph slower or the ak's accuracy is 0.000045 pixels off from 1.6, thats all bullshit the games are identicle and fps is just as good. They are scared of this kind of unpredictable shit happening and afraid that if it happens at one of their precious clan matches they will lose. In my opinion thats what keeps me playing cs, all that static boredom in the first CS got to me quickly.
I agree with that, hardcore players are scared that someone will have knocked a barrel over and it will make them stall a split second and they will miss their shot, all the sudden there are too many variables. What I wonder now is if the tactic displayed in the video is employed at the clan level how it will be received.
It's just like cheating. The perpetrator will love it and the victim will complain. Because that's how these geeks look at it, like cheating, "HEY WTF THOSE CABINETS WTF VALVE FIX IT!". The one knocking over the cabinets will love it and the one getting stuck in them will hate it. Typical human behavior, not to get all psychological here lol.

I actually developed a tactive that you make a simple stack of them. And a triangle of them on the floor after the first stack. So when they jump over the first stack, thinking they all 1337, they will jump right into the middle of the triangle of cabinets and then CANT MOVE HAHAHA. OWNED If you are too close to them from all side you won't be able to move and jump same time.
I haven't watched the video, but I imagine that you're probably stacking the cabnets in office? (If I'm wrong, kick me in the nads) Anyways, we were doing this tactic in a server (I thought I had made this up... YOU STOLE MY IDEA! lol j/k) and finally the CTs figured out how to stop it... nades. They throw in a couple of nades, and bam... no more cabnets... So, it's not a fool proof strategy, but after a few rounds of ownage, CTs figured it out.
Sn4tcH said:
I haven't watched the video, but I imagine that you're probably stacking the cabnets in office? (If I'm wrong, kick me in the nads) Anyways, we were doing this tactic in a server (I thought I had made this up... YOU STOLE MY IDEA! lol j/k) and finally the CTs figured out how to stop it... nades. They throw in a couple of nades, and bam... no more cabnets... So, it's not a fool proof strategy, but after a few rounds of ownage, CTs figured it out.

Quick fact: It is the common cs player's habit that the first thing to do in a round is to throw a grenade blindly past a corner. By the time they get as far to the projector room 99% of them don't have an HE grenades anymore. Very rarely has anyone grenade the cabinets, happened once or twice because some lucky CT happened to forget to blindly throw his roudly grenade. :D
Quick fact: It is the common cs player's habit that the first thing to do in a round is to throw a grenade blindly past a corner. By the time they get as far to the projector room 99% of them don't have an HE grenades anymore. Very rarely has anyone grenade the cabinets, happened once or twice because some lucky CT happened to forget to blindly throw his roudly grenade. :D

or maybe he saved it for just that ;) i for one love the physics in css, it adds a total new dynamic to the gameplay. This is exactly what valve wanted, players are evolving their own strategies.
but hey if you guys say that thurgenstein is cheating or ruining the experience you are stupid because if you watch the second video he left the camping area and TOTALLY dominated the other team, by HIMSELF --------- so keep going strong thurgenstein (or how ever you say it) :cheers:
1st demo = sat around while everyone else did all the work.
2nd demo = "don't knock over my cabinets!" lol!!!
If people would complete their objective, then camping isn't a problem. If you're a CT on a hostage map, then rescue the hostages and look for camping T's. If you're on a bombing map, the T's place the bomb and the CT can camp the bombing sites.

CS:S isn't a deathmatch, it's an objective oriented game.