The greatest game ever created?

whats your most favorite game?

  • Deus Ex

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Thief series

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Chrono Trigger

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • Half-life

    Votes: 56 37.1%
  • Legen of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Votes: 18 11.9%
  • Halo

    Votes: 7 4.6%
  • Final Fantasy (any game in the series)

    Votes: 13 8.6%
  • Quake series

    Votes: 3 2.0%
  • Diablo series

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • other (name the game in a reply)

    Votes: 25 16.6%

  • Total voters
How could you forget Outcast on the poll?

OMGZOR someone else has played that game! That was amazing.

I'd say Vice City, but Rome:Total War and System Shock 2 are close seconds.
Half Life for me.
could have easily picked Final Fantasy 7 or Super Mario 3 as well ;)
"Where's Grim Fandango in the poll?"
"Wheres MGS and GT?"
"Medal of Honor: Allied Assault!!!! how can you possibly forget that game!"
I can only have a max 10 options, thats why the "other" option is there.
Yeah i realised that after i'd posted :p
For me it is a tie between Zelda OOT, HL, Total Annihilation and Freespace 2.

Since I have played HL and its mods the most, I'll go with HL.
where is system shock 2?

voted half-life though. still system shock 2 is a definate contender
For me, the following.

1998-1999: Half-Life (PC), Vigilante 8 and Vigilante 8: Second Offense (PlayStation)
2000: Deus Ex (PC)
2001: Max Payne (PC)
2002: Grand Theft Auto III (PC) and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Xbox)
2003: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC), Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (PC), Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox) and Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (Xbox)
2004: Far Cry (PC), DOOM 3 (PC), Ninja Gaiden (Xbox) and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox)...Half-Life 2 soon to dominate the year
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Half-Life and its surrounding history
Perfect Dark
Zelda: OOT
Christ almighty I can go on for a long time...

But definately FF7 as THE best game ever made. Anyone who disagrees just hasn't seen the light or is a follower of satan.
Don't make me spiral off into one another one of my unbalanced rants!
Chrono Trigger is the best game ever made! :bounce:
ShinRa said:
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Half-Life and its surrounding history
Perfect Dark
Zelda: OOT
Christ almighty I can go on for a long time...

But definately FF7 as THE best game ever made. Anyone who disagrees just hasn't seen the light or is a follower of satan.

i can't play FF7... i have it, can't play it... :(
Most of the time, GTA: Vice City.

I just love everything about the atmosphere it creates so well, from the radio shows to the rollerskaters....

The combat sometimes makes my life a misery though :(
Final Fantasy VII or Half Life

Another game that is up there, and I'll just mention because not many seem to have played it, is ICO for the PS2, brilliant game.
You remember Diablo but forgot bout Starcraft and Warcraft series.
The starter of this thread should be locked up and thrown in jail and sentenced to death purely on the fact that DooM I and II weren't on the list.
What the hell.
The Shenmue Series (woo gonna get flammed because its "boring" :p)
Most definitely System Shock 2. It was the only game I was able to get really immersed into.

But it's honestly too close to call. With the evolving game scene and upcoming games it's hard to limit the "greatest" game to only one.
can anyone say super largemouth bass angler 5000 extreme 3?
half life first obviosly. in second place i'm gonna put kotor, one of the best games ever made on any system.
honourable mentions go to:
-system shock2
-max payne2
-Clive Barker's Undying (the scarriest game i've ever played, i actually became ill after playing it)
-oh, how could i forget Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast. started as an average game, but picked up quite nicely after u got the lightsabre which imo was the best weapon ever included in a game. it was just sooo much fun. but Jedi Academy proved that it was more than just the lightsabre that gave Oucast its shine.

classics really never die. some of these games r considered soo old that some people wouldn't even look at them. but i'm sure u will enjoy them if u tried. i know i want to try some of the games people mentioned here.
Operation Flashpoint: Resistance

The only game thats ever lasted me 3+ years (half-life only lasted 2.5 years)
Quake II kicked ass!
And Unreal Tournament.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.
Prince of Persia: The Shadow and the Flame.
OFPKorax said:
Operation Flashpoint: Resistance

The only game thats ever lasted me 3+ years (half-life only lasted 2.5 years)

sup ofp buddy.

ofp series, while not lasting me that long, was indeed the most immersive game I've ever played.

cant wait for ofp2.
Have to add Street Fighter 2.

The first time I saw it in the arcade I was literally silenced with awe. The biggest leap in quality video games have ever made (imo)
have everybody forgotten about ignition? :D

that is the greatest game ever!

...voted hl though
Half-Life. It opened up the door to fps games for me and it was probably the best fps I ever played.
Goldeneye / Perfect Dark for sure

And as I was typing this I just saw Warbie's post, neat.