The Greatest Lie ever told?!?!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sublime_Guy
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In the E3 demo of Half Life 2, Gabe says that the environments have displacement maps, and that any surface can be altered. Then in the barricade movie, gordon throws a grenade at 2 combine, one flies foward and hits a car(my favorite part), and the other flies backwards. When he goes past where he threw the grenade, there's no crater to be found, just a black spot.

Can anyone tell us if this is a glitch? or a lie:flame:

Half Life 2-$49.99, Half Life 2 Gold-$59.99, Sued Hacker-$50,000,000, Leaking the greatest game of all time, knowing that if you have it your screwed-priceless
neither i thinks its more of a design decision. For whatever reason they didnt want huge craters everywhere.

Just because they can doesent mean they want to. Simple as that. Do you think it would be a good thing if the displacement map made it so that the ground sunk so far that the buildings corner was resting on thin air. No. Exactly.
You my friend, are ignorant. Just because Gabe said all surfaces CAN have a displacement map doesnt mean every single explosion is gonna displace a surface. It would not only be a waste of processing power, it would multiply the ammount of polygons in the surface by atleast 100x to get a smooth displacement. Lastly frag grenades dont make craters, so I dont see how 1 explosion not making a crater makes everything gabe said the "biggest lie ever"
Originally posted by MadMechwarrior
You my friend, are ignorant. Just because Gabe said all surfaces CAN have a displacement map doesnt mean every single explosion is gonna displace a surface. It would not only be a waste of processing power, it would multiply the ammount of polygons in the surface by atleast 100x to get a smooth displacement. Lastly frag grenades dont make craters, so I dont see how 1 explosion not making a crater makes everything gabe said the "biggest lie ever"

I didn't mean a HUGE crater, just a small one, or at least something left behind that shows that you actually threw a grenade. Besides, frag grenades don't leave a crappy black hole in the middle of a street. So there:afro:
its still a waste of polygons. If you wanna have a displaceable surface you have to make a grid of polygons where usualy 2 would suffice. Then you have the fact that the grenade could blow up ANYWHERE. Basicly its a totally useless waste of power for a little 1m by 1m crater that a frag grenade wouldnt even make, because all it does is fragment particles of steel or iron so they fly in all directions, I dont see how that would go through a concrete road much less make a crater.
Originally posted by Sublime_Guy
I didn't mean a HUGE crater, just a small one, or at least something left behind that shows that you actually threw a grenade.

You did get a black mark, that's something.
So it's not the greatest lie ever told, BUT you have to wonder why Gabe said that they were finished and in the playtesting process, and the hacker getting everything valve had done up to that point, yet it was absolutely nothing compared to what Gabe has been telling us.
Originally posted by Sublime_Guy
So it's not the greatest lie ever told, BUT you have to wonder why Gabe said that they were finished and in the playtesting process, and the hacker getting everything valve had done up to that point, yet it was absolutely nothing compared to what Gabe has been telling us.
thats becuase the hacker is the one thats not telling the truth, hell the "BETA" he leaked, is not even the equal of the E3 demo. tons of stuff missing.
OK, Gabe said that anything that changes the environment aside from physics would have to be PRE-PROGRAMED into the map. There were no lies at all.

Secondly, the hacker was obviously the one lying. You really trust a hacker who hacked into Valve over Valve itself? Please....
god damn it

Its neither a glitch or a lie. So shut up please. Like now. Ok?
It wasnt put in by choice. So [rest edited by synth]
Originally posted by Sublime_Guy
I didn't mean a HUGE crater, just a small one, or at least something left behind that shows that you actually threw a grenade. Besides, frag grenades don't leave a crappy black hole in the middle of a street. So there:afro:

Frag grenade - Fragmentation Grenade

It doesn't rely on sheer explosive power. A Frag grenade is fitted with shrapnel that will tear anything soft (a human body, for example) into meaty pieces. The main purpose of the explosive charge is to blow out the pieces of shrapnel.

A frag grenade blowing away a huge chunk of a street, now that would be the greatest lie ever told...
2500 years of organised religion and that’s the biggest lie you can come up with, you weren’t really trying very hard were you.
Originally posted by MooCow
2500 years of organised religion and that’s the biggest lie you can come up with, you weren’t really trying very hard were you.
*gives Moocow a pat on the back. Along with a cigar.

Reply of the Year...excellent :)
This thread starter is a troll, a sad troll. The hacker calls Valve a lier now he's trying to pick away at valve.

Very sad.

Geez the source engine is the most advanced in the world, you go and try and do better.
Though the grenade was an explosion maybe it takes more to create a hole in the ground. and if i remember correctly they said each mesh has its sub deformable mesh, meaning its a preset crater that you have to somehow create. basicly its not random
Originally posted by WiredShock
Geez the source engine is the most advanced in the world, you go and try and do better.

umm...Ratheon, who does contracting with the US military, actually has the most advanced engine known right now. but gamming wise its dam good :)
the grenades in hl2 are HE grenades like in cs...not frags...

but who cares if there's a hole...i don't want every explosion in the game to increase the poly count and make framerates drop..if you want holes everywhere, make a mod
Well, as most have said, its most likely a design decision. Anyway, if the greatest lie ever told was about a video game, we would be living in a sad world.
if you were expecting *fully* interactive and breakable environments then you are going to be surprised... cuz even if this is one of the most interactive fps' there are, things have to be programmed and desinged a certain way..

i mean seriously, what the hell are you thinking? That the game is just an exact reproduction of real life? heh... it's kinda close if designed the right way...maybe half-life3 if you are lucky.
Originally posted by Sublime_Guy
So it's not the greatest lie ever told, BUT you have to wonder why Gabe said that they were finished and in the playtesting process, and the hacker getting everything valve had done up to that point, yet it was absolutely nothing compared to what Gabe has been telling us.

Why do you believe what this "Hacker" guy says?
He broke the law and screwed the game we've all been waiting for and the great dev team (VALVe) making it.

He is not to be trusted.

I think you should be quiet now :)

Originally posted by mray
Why do you believe what this "Hacker" guy says?
He broke the law and screwed the game we've all been waiting for and the great dev team (VALVe) making it.

He is not to be trusted.

I think you should be quiet now :)


i'd beleive him just cause he is looking and the source code and everything else. compare that to what Gabe has told us and you will be able to see what is really going on. note that it has been a month since that code was stolen.
Originally posted by Sublime_Guy
When he goes past where he threw the grenade, there's no crater to be found, just a black spot.

Can anyone tell us if this is a glitch?
You should probably consider the fact that a grenade will most likely not blow a hole in the ground.
Hehe this is really funny. You kiddies must have watched a couple of X-files episodes too many. All you can see is lies here and conspiracies there. I mean honestly, not every glitch or oddity found in the "beta" is a lie by Valve or the result of a huge conspiracy involving ATi and Nvidia and Microsoft and id software and Walmart and McDonalds. Please people, think about it a while before you post threads like this, ok? :)
"kiddies" is a good word to describe almost every person on this board.

[including yourself, buddy... edited by synth]
The source code is complete, it has been for a long time, what got leaked with it is a load of out dated models and maps. It even says the file formats are several versions out of date.

Hence, obviously what the hacker got was a mixture of very old models/maps and the most recent engine build, the date displaying 4 days before September 30th shows that the code must have complete before that time.
actually, the greatest lie ever told was the moon landing ;)
Um no, it isn't. On Appolo 17 i think they did that physics experiment, dropping a feather and a piece of metal at the same time, to see if two bodies fall at the same speed... and they did. AFAIK that cannot be mimiced here on earth unless you had a vacum room.

You've already asked this question before in the rumours forum, I guess your trolling, but here is the same answer again:-

Grenades are anti personnel weapons, they don't do much structural damage generally (a great myth promoted by countless war films). The demo movie demonstates the use of dynamic dispacement maps at the beginning when the ground moves up (on the tech demo part)
Um no, it isn't. On Appolo 17 i think they did that physics experiment, dropping a feather and a piece of metal at the same time, to see if two bodies fall at the same speed... and they did. AFAIK that cannot be mimiced here on earth unless you had a vacum room.

We're talking about the US government here, something like that would be pretty easy to docter. If you look at all the evidence supporting it was fake you will be convinced.
Originally posted by MaxiKana
Um no, it isn't. On Appolo 17 i think they did that physics experiment, dropping a feather and a piece of metal at the same time, to see if two bodies fall at the same speed... and they did. AFAIK that cannot be mimiced here on earth unless you had a vacum room.

or an invisible string attached to the hammer ^^
waste of computer resources if you ask me... i mean, sure it's fun to blow shit-tastic craters everywhere on the fly, but i think it'd cause lots of unnecessary crashes etc.

put simply? a pain in the ass to code, and kind of a waste of time considering the consequences... therefore, not necessary ^__^
Originally posted by Kadayi Polokov

You've already asked this question before in the rumours forum, I guess your trolling, but here is the same answer again:-

Grenades are anti personnel weapons, they don't do much structural damage generally (a great myth promoted by countless war films). The demo movie demonstates the use of dynamic dispacement maps at the beginning when the ground moves up (on the tech demo part)

that's an interesting thing to know; 'bout the grenades that is. i never knew that, heh.

i guess ya'know what they say, "you learn something new every day..."
Originally posted by mortiz
We're talking about the US government here, something like that would be pretty easy to docter. If you look at all the evidence supporting it was fake you will be convinced.

If you still believe that the moon landing was a hoax, well, there's no hope for you.

While I still agree that no government in the world is truthful, I know that men did walk on the moon.
sad that people still believe that no one's ever walked on the moon... *sigh* where is humanity going these days???
Originally posted by NSPIRE
sad that people still believe that no one's ever walked on the moon... *sigh* where is humanity going these days???

I hate it when people bring it up in a conversation. It changes my opinion of them rather quickly. :flame:
Originally posted by NSPIRE
that's an interesting thing to know; 'bout the grenades that is. i never knew that, heh.

i guess ya'know what they say, "you learn something new every day..."

Grenades in film always do way more damage than they do in reality, throw a grenade into your bedroom and it will blow out your windows and shred your bed, pc and supa secret porn stash to bits, but it won't blow the walls down or anything major.

The only way you can create craters is to use heavy artillery fire, because the shells velocity is such that it buries itself into the ground before exploding (thus blowing up the soil above and around)