The hardest game levels you've ever played?

The hardest level I have ever played was the hoverbike level in Battletoads. Whoever thought of putting random barricades in a 400 mile per hour speeder bike section with .02 seconds of warning needs to be shot.

A close second would be beating all the Staff Ghosts in F-Zero GX without a custom car. That had me punching the wall at a few points.
Oh yeah. The only game that made me quick because of dificulty was Prince of Persia The Two Thrones. It was that last ****ing chariot chase scene, where you had to fight these two impossible bosses afterwards. If they would have let me save right before the bosses I would have been OK... but I had to do that ****ing chariot shit every time I died in the fight.
The last level of Far Cry was impossible as far as I could see, until you wedge a chair under the door to the crater, thus allowing you to re-access the armory.
Yeah, I found that last level in Far Cry to be very difficult. I think I ended up running around in a giant circle for 30 minutes while the big guys kept blowing themselves up. What really pissed me off was that there wasn't much of a payoff at the end.

I'm not sure how many people would remember this, but I thought that racing the giant Octapus in Diddy Kong Racing was painful. It was probably around 70 races before I could finally edge him out at the finish line, the cheating bastard.
The Arbiter levels in Halol 2.

So. F*cking. Ridiculous. Hope the guy who came up with the idea for the Flood is dead. And in Hell.
the motaro boss off mortal kombat 3 is fooking hard work as is shao kahn
Any level past, and including, the turbo tunnels in Battletoads. That game is one of the most BS games ever created. Im not even going to get started on the Rat Race level..but I will :|. You have to race this golden rat dude toa bomb a couple of times. If he gets there first you die. The first and 2nd time he moves pretty quick but nothing too hard. The instant you hit the third phase he starts going at the speed of light and he's at the bomb before you know it.
I'm surprised at all of the people having so much trouble with the flying missions in GTA:SA.

Most people are talking about getting gold at the flying school, correct?

If so...PC or PS2? I think I got gold on every flying school mission on my PS2.
the last level of homeworld....

Mines loads of them, easy win. I hated that mission until I tried mining all the enemies approaches and then it became a snap.I still have saves lying around. Once your reinforcments arrive and the mother ship isn't burning you've pretty much won.
the last level of homeworld....
Last time I played that one, Captain Elson (the Taidani defector) didn't show up to give me a hand. I put that down to the Computer figuring out that my 80x Ion Frigates would probably do the job well enough anyway. You just lure lots of those guys from that big sphere o' Frigates in Mission 14. Quite a lengthy process, but it basically makes the game a walkover. You don't even need to do this really: if you make sure you capture every large capital ship you encounter earlier in the game (a handful of cruisers, about 16 destroyers), you should find things pretty easy.

I think Catacylsm and Homeworld 2 were a lot harder, because they imposed unit limits on captures too. Homeworld 2 is very tedious at the beginning, and Catacylsm has a very hard final mission.
Catacylsm's final mission is easy enough if you've resourced heavily throughout the game. Build a load of leechers to kill the spheres defenses use your cannon a few times and waste the beast. If done correctly you'll finish before being offered the super acolytes. Just keep your bigger ships constantly repaired by a few workers.

As for Homeworld 2 I think the first time I got through that the planet had nearly zilch population left.
As for Homeworld 2 I think the first time I got through that the planet had nearly zilch population left.
Like most Homeworld missions, you get totally obliterated the first time, learn the enemy's paths and positions, restart and completely blitz the level :P I had more trouble with the early missions of the game tbh. Though I suppose I ought to differentiate between 'difficulty in gameplay' and 'difficulty in motivation'. Homeworld 2 is not a game that inspires me to progress past mission 3.
Godlike mode bots in UT games...up close

UT is a joke for difficulty. Experienced players are far worse.|Z|Ryuken/Shot00076.jpg

I don't recall any game that was ever difficult for very long.

Out of my Gamecube games, Wreckless is pretty hard some times. I don't remember if I've finished or not. I do not like the game.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is STUPID hard. I gave up after beating it on easy or normal. I'd have to learn stupid ass weapon switch chain combos to compete with the npcs, but I don't have time for such a mediocre game.

Jesus ****ing christ that game was hard. I had to quit completely after making it past the airship.
Pretty much the entire game of Siren.

But it's not difficult in the "oh here is lots of enemies and impossible challenges" sense.
That stuff usually indicates that the game is broken, not difficult.

It's more of a rewarding challenge, despite the fact that it is absurdly unlikely to beat the game entirely without a walkthrough. It's the craziest survival horror puzzle game ever, but the difficulty comes down to just understanding the plot.
Once you puzzle stuff together though, it's brilliant.
Splinter Cell: Double Agent, trying to gfet 100% stealth on those bloody day time missions. D:
UT is a joke for difficulty. Experienced players are far worse.|Z|Ryuken/Shot00076.jpg

I don't recall any game that was ever difficult for very long.

Out of my Gamecube games, Wreckless is pretty hard some times. I don't remember if I've finished or not. I do not like the game.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance is STUPID hard. I gave up after beating it on easy or normal. I'd have to learn stupid ass weapon switch chain combos to compete with the npcs, but I don't have time for such a mediocre game.
I don't think you read the last two words of my post.
Any difficulty fighting them from afar is cake...close quarters is a different story.
Like most Homeworld missions, you get totally obliterated the first time, learn the enemy's paths and positions, restart and completely blitz the level :P I had more trouble with the early missions of the game tbh. Though I suppose I ought to differentiate between 'difficulty in gameplay' and 'difficulty in motivation'. Homeworld 2 is not a game that inspires me to progress past mission 3.

That's about right. Homeworld was incredibly beautiful but I just sort of lost interest at mission 3. I just kept getting swarmed and eventually i was like, "Takes so long to get to this point... can't be bothered..."
I don't think you read the last two words of my post.
Any difficulty fighting them from afar is cake...close quarters is a different story.

I did actually, but I don't recall the bots being able to come near me. I just charge up the hammer if they do. :D No biggie.
The final few levels of the original commandos game. I got pretty sick of hearing "alarm" from those nazi's
The hardest game level I played but was able to complete and still enjoy was maybe Halo on the Xbox on Legendary when mid-way through the game you start in some sort of alien landing bay with doors that waves and waves of aliens come through. It was actually only the start of the level, the rest of Halo on Legendary was not a huge problem. :)
Most of Gears of War on Insane, especially the fight with General RAAM (holy mother of f*ck he's a bastard) and areas that have lots of enemies and Emergence Holes. One thing that irked me is that the Corpser is so easy even on Hardcore and Insane that it's not even funny.
Banjo kazooi, or however you spell it, on the last boss. I still havn't freaking beaten that game. Arg.

Starcraft. I totally cheated.

Homeworld. That game is HARD. Got stuck on that level with the huge sphere of ion frigates. I just saw alllll those little red dots on the map, tried once or twice, and said, "screw it."
Holy crap, shoot em ups are insane. The japanese are also insane... so that puts this on some crazy level I can't even comprehend.
The hardest level I ever beat was probably a penis.

Jeez, why can't I think of any real levels.
Most of Gears of War on Insane, especially the fight with General RAAM (holy mother of f*ck he's a bastard) and areas that have lots of enemies and Emergence Holes. One thing that irked me is that the Corpser is so easy even on Hardcore and Insane that it's not even funny.

Eh? The game is way too easy, even on Insane D:

'course, I love it to death, but still.

Escape and Evade, the Special Forces training level in America's Army...
F*cking. impossible.

The guards all have like x-ray vision and ultra-sensitive hearing... I can be prone going behind a rock and someone 20 miles away will see me!
When you play a quick battle in Rise of Nations on the hardest difficulty.. omg..

Here I am just starting to build musketeers, and there they go nuking me.. It's bullshit. They get Artificial Intelligence like 20 minutes into the game, and at 20 minutes I'm usually going into the gunpowder or industrial age..
Flight training of GTA: SA annoyed the heck out of me. Turned me off to the game for a whole month before I tried again.
The Icon of Sin in Doom 2 was also a real asspain.

Haha, yeah. Forgot exactly what level that was so I wikipediad it and was surprised to find that hellish message you hear at the start of the level actually says backwards "To win the game you must kill me, John Romero."
Ace game, people who never played that missed out big time.
"Synthesized" on Amplitude. Batshit insane.

Wow. That looks... just no. And I hate the games that has the boss laughing at you through the entire thing. Here you are with your game face on, sweating no less, to try and take down the boss; and here they are... laughing as if they're relaxing. That belly laugh is the end of me.