The history of the 'F word'

:O That ****in link is sooo ****in hilarious, I laughed my ****ing ass off.
old as ****ing dirt but still really ****ing funny, ya ****er.
nice, though soooooo old
based on an mp3 i heard 6 years ago or something like that
Seen it before, it's based off of the Monty Python version which is hilarious.

I was told "F***" stood for the old criminal charge "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", though...
Lethal8472 said:
Harryz, what is it with you and broken links? :rolling:

Works for me and some others. Use h00dlum link, samething but with no animation.
It doesn't allows direct linking. Try opening it on a new window.
I remember seeing the audio version of this on the net back in 1996. Besides only people who are to some point still shockable find the F word funny.
i saw this B4, but still ****ing hilarios.
[Matt] said:
I remember seeing the audio version of this on the net back in 1996. Besides only people who are to some point still shockable find the F word funny.
I heard it played over a local radio station a couple of days ago, but instead of saying f***, they replaced it with Fox (name of the station) by saying Fox, Foxing, Foxers, etc... "FOX THE FOXING FOXERS"! :p