The HL2 Crossbow


Jun 28, 2004
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Does anyone else here think the crossbow looks lame??? Why is the bolt all orangey glowy like that??? And where is the point at the end of it??? There is none ... It's just an orangey glowey piece of something ... *sigh* ...
Yes but there is no arrow point at the end of it ... :eek:
I think the crossbow itself looks sweet but the bolt looks like crap.
but why the hell is there no arrow at teh end of it?!!?!
Maybe the function of Half-Life 2's crossbow isn't to impale or pierce, but to melt or something similar.
I hope the the bolt is physically simulated and acts realistically....
I wonder if the player is able to remove the bolts that were launched at the wall and re-use them.
might the "molten rod" thing be related to gabe's post on some knife site where he asked for some high res textures of molten iron to skin the rod thing?
The answer to your questions ...

The bolts are physically simulated I heard so from a reliable source.

The crossbow bolts can, I think, pin people to walls ... I'm pretty sure I heard this too ...
Evil^Milk said:
might the "molten rod" thing be related to gabe's post on some knife site where he asked for some high res textures of molten iron to skin the rod thing?

oh my god i totally forgot about that!!!!

hmmmm ...
Evil^Milk said:
might the "molten rod" thing be related to gabe's post on some knife site where he asked for some high res textures of molten iron to skin the rod thing?

Wow, how did you find that post? Dedicated Stalking?
With the Velocity that a crossbow bolt travels at, an arrow point would be a rather Moot point. Like a 2X4 going through a wall launch something fast enough and they'll make their way through within reason.
Can someone get a desint picture of the molten crossbow? :)
I actually like how it looks, nontraditional weapons are always a +
I dont know how many of you actually have done archery, but not all arrows have the kind of point you would think some are like this
888------> but i think the one on this crossbow is more like this
888=====> lol its hard to draw but look archery arrows up on the net you'll see what i mean fast . (LMAO i cant believe i tried to draw those)
this is a scan but hopefully the mods won't notice in all the ruckus.

EDIT: This could technically be a spoiler, because no screenshots have been released of this gun officially. This was in PC Gamer US, so just be warned. It's a picture of the crossbow in the players hand, looking at a body and a box of what seem to be mortars.


  • bow.jpg
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i think it look really good , on another topic , if u shoot some1 with the crossbow will the guy get stuck to the wall like painkiller? i remebre reading something like that a while ago
i don't see what the problem is

so it shoots out red hot pieces of metal, whats the problem.

the idea of pining baddies to walls with red hot rebars sounds kinda fun to me
Flyingdebris said:
i don't see what the problem is

so it shoots out red hot pieces of metal, whats the problem.

the idea of pining baddies to walls with red hot rebars sounds kinda fun to me
i'm with you :thumbs:
If you fire a metal projectile at great speed at something, it's going to penetrate their flesh whether it has a point on it or not. All points do is make it harder to recover your bolt.
I like the idea of a high velocity, red hot rod, I just think it looks ugly.
In my opinion sniper rifles are overated and overused. I for one am glad to see something different.
Cooper said:
In my opinion sniper rifles are overated and overused. I for one am glad to see something different.

Agreed, but I still miss my trusty sniper rifle.
I think it looks wikid.... maybe we should wait until we actually get to use one in motion till we judge what it looks like but it looks awesome to me
The Crossbow does have real time physics, so the bolt will drop at long ranges (reacting to the gravity of the environment).
I am not 100% sure about the sticking people to the wall part (but I would'nt doubt it).

And I think it will be 1337....