The Conservative Party


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
My fellow forumites, change is scary. A year ago you were safe in the knowledge that that Pyro off in the distange could not hurt you. Now you know that at any moment you can be lit on fire by a flare gun. Change means that minimum system requirements double every 18 months. Change means that DRM is making playing your games difficult. Change means that your girlfriend will leave you, you will lose all your hair and die a horrible death due to a freak Gorilla-related accident! Change is bad. Support your Conservative Party.


Our goals:
  • A return to 50x50 pixel avatars for ordinary members.
  • A return to the previous section layout.
  • The removal of the TF2 banner from the forums.
  • The link in the banner at the top-left linking to the forum main page.
  • 20% lower taxes.
  • Giving the moderators the power they need to deal with trolls and spammers, to protect our freedom.

The Conservative Party are pro-wiki and pro-forumite values!

There once was a dream, a dream that That dream can become reality, but we need your help! There are some who say that freedom is the right to say and do whatever they want. Those that claim that fanatics who believe Gordon and G-man are the same person have the right to express that opinion, well I say no! I served as a moderator in single player games, I've banned people while doing my duty to protect this forum, and I say that we need to send a message to those people, and that message reads: Do not mess with us! H-L-2! H-L-2! H-L-2!

Vote Conservative.

I'm AJ Rimmer, and I approved this message.
Your sixth point has already been dealt with.
The Conservative Party feels that our 'u's are our greatest asset and should be exploited as much as possible. Therefore, the spelling should be kept as "colour".
The Conservative Party feels that our 'u's are our greatest asset and should be exploited as much as possible. Therefore, the spelling should be kept as "colour".

All in favour say 'aye'.
The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep...

Do not... **** with us.
Everything else sounds good except the increased mod power stuff.

also this:

I'll join, but I also want all mods appointed in the last 6 months(chat or forums) to be relinquished of their power.
You don't "ban" members of a party. You encourage them to resign.

The conservative party does not appreciate ignorance.
Well this isn't a regular party. This is a party some guy on the internet made.
I vote we make it so we can vote to ban members.
Are members required to be of voting age?
I'll join, but I also want all mods appointed in the last 6 months(chat or forums) to be relinquished of their power.
Compare what you just said to goal 6. Then contrast the size of your avatar to goal 1. You're an idiot if you think this party represents you.
I motion for all dates to be set back to 2003
What happened to Sulk? Do you guys even punish him anymore for not coming to work?
i vote we ban everyone registered after 2003, and we return to combine horses and speculating whether the leak is real or not
Gotta love the beta invisible combine donkeys.
Imma gonna write a FAQ on how to beat the Hydra fight.
I vote for more user rights!

100x100px avatars!
Signature images!
Customizable user titles!
Those are not Conservative Party values, Cash. Though now seems to be the time to form your own party.
I vote for more user rights!

100x100px avatars!
Signature images!
Customizable user titles!

this, and the ability to express yourself through curse words instead of ****
I don't feel represented by any party.

I want my tan! Also, wtf do you mean The National HL2.Net Workers' Party.
We are an multi national forum.
Workers is still the lesser evil, becouse I can hardly begin to tell you what bothers me with the conservitive party.
No. Im voting blank on this one, at least until a better option arrives.
National as in our little piece of bandwidth on the internet.
I don't care who our leader is so long as he's black and promises change.
Does a white person with black shoe polish on their face count?
Where is the party party?

The one where drunken posts are not frowned upon.
Where infractions arn't handed out at the slightest whim.
Where conspirecys of hidden forums are exposed.
Where freedom isnt just a slogan but a way of life.
Where spelling and the use of , ' and shit isnt the norm, becouse every one here doesn't speak english!

All we need is a leader.