The "I have played/ or playing ep2 and Have to talk about it..." thread (spoilers)


Mar 16, 2007
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You see, the sole purpose of this thread, is for those people who have played or are playing ep2 at the moment, and would like to post their quick views or incredible moments and stuff like that happened during the game, or any interesting things you found but would not really want to create a whole thread about it.

Look, this section is bound to be cluttered with loads of ep2 threads, such as "wow, that was amazing, did you notice that?" or "damn, is there another way I could do this" or "Yes, im in this chapter now, can't wait.." and stuff like that.

So considering the game is 24 hours away, I guess such a simple thread would ease up the oncoming onslaught would it not. If the mods don't like it, delete it, if you approve, keep it..
I should get it Saturday. I'm not reading the EP2 section from the 10th until I finish it.
Alyx get's pregnant with the next Nihilithan, tears her vagina so wide open it creates a black hole. Everyone dies.
Strider/Hunter/Houndeye relation

Haven't played yet, obviously, but I wanted to resurrect discussion on a topic that's sure to get a bunch of panties in a wad: the relation of the Houndeye to the Hunter. Yes, I know the only thing they have in common is two legs in front and one in back, but Striders also have this in common as well. It was my understanding that the Synths came from a world besides Xen, so I'm not trying to imply the Hunters are just "synthed" Houndeyes, but perhaps a more evolved relative. They're certainly closer to a Houndeye in movement and behavior than they are to Striders. The first thing I thought of when I saw them galloping through the woods was how similar their movement was to the original Houndeye. I mean, we aren't gorillas or meerkats, but we're still related to them on an evolutionary scale. I think all three creatures are from the same Combine-conquered world, and just like us humans, the smartest one (the Hunter) is right in the middle in terms of size ...
I remember this discussion from way back. I really think we are past the point of really caring whether they are or not, I just want to fight them. Any real exposition on them would be good though.

On the other hand, Xen wildlife returning anyone? :P
use this thread okay? Will save our mods loads of work would it not? Thx
I played it, the sound was bugged and now it's downloading a massive update, some 45 mins after release. GG Valve.
Come on folks! It's been unlocked in the UK for over an hour! What are you playing it? Some of us at work are desperate for just a few little tidbits to get us through the day, before we get home and unlock it ourselves!
I'll say this...Alyx's incapacitation is physically scary as hell to watch!

Do not look at the spoiler unless you want to see what Im talking about...

Right after the Antlions:
Has anybody gotten to the G-man scene yet? HOLY SHIT.
What does me mean, unforseen consequences?
What the hell will he extract from freeman for his debt.?
damn, the suspense is killing me.
and when he leans over alyx, he looks really evil like
Right after the Antlions:
Has anybody gotten to the G-man scene yet? HOLY SHIT.
What does me mean, unforseen consequences?
What the hell will he extract from freeman for his debt.?
damn, the suspense is killing me.
and when he leans over alyx, he looks really evil like

So that part runs smooth to you? No stuttering? :(
yeah, it stuttered about once or twice. But otherwise pretty smooth.
Just finished it.

Wow. Simply wow.

This installment, IMO, elevated the series to a whole new level in every way possible. Graphics, gameplay, and especially story.

I cried for the first time from a video game at the end. How many video games can do that?

More later, I'm very tired now.
Yea, it dusnt end on the happiest of notes lol

GMan is like a totaly evil omnipotent mastermind, and the 1 scene he has is totaly friken awesome.
Finished it, it was awesome! The graphics are stunning! and it runs really smooth, no happy ending though.

Too bad there wasnt an Ep3 trailer at the end!
just finished ep2 (after finishing portal first thing)

pretty good episode. i spose.
God, the end is just.. And the ending is as unhappy as anything can get..
. Now I'm crying, great.
Freaking awesome. Took me 4hrs on medium. I recorded a demo of the whole thing =).
The ending was so sad :'(

The game overall was probably the best out of all the half life series.
The G-man part didn't stutter at all for me.
hole shit that was the best game ever i loved the gmon and omg the borealis omg omg omg awesome holy shit eli died snape killed him did anyone notice how much the advisors look like snape oh my god awesome
hole shit that was the best game ever i loved the gmon and omg the borealis omg omg omg awesome holy shit eli died snape killed him did anyone notice how much the advisors look like snape oh my god awesome

Z0mg sn4p3 1z 41iv3?!/1/1/1onesixtyoneseven?
E2 is much longer.

Omg this episode rocked!

Anyone noticed that the city 17 area is in Russia? You see russian text everywhere in the game.
The bit where magnusson reveals which scientist he was in Half-Life 1 made me cheer, and the gman stuff and general refrences to Half-Life 1 was intense.
The bit where magnusson reveals which scientist he was in Half-Life 1 made me cheer, and the gman stuff and general refrences to Half-Life 1 was intense.

Yeah I loved the bit about the microwave :P
I just finished. I've been up for about eight hours since launch at 2AM. I'm floored. Incredible. Better than either of the first two chapters. The final battle was far more challenging than the evacuation shootout with Overwatch in Episode One, which itself was harder than the HL2 Citadel shootouts. They continue stepping up the challenges rather than delivering more of the same, which is awesome. I liked (or hated) that there was rarely a way to get a drop on the Hunters, you just had to go at them balls on; they're too smart to ambush. I'm afraid to imagine what kind of foes could top them in Episode Three ... the Hunters put up a fight like nothing else in the HL universe so far. It's like playing against real players.

Back to the ol' waiting game ... waiting to see it all come full circle. Those Advisors are gonna get their fat bloated asses rearranged by the time this is all said and done. Haven't they learned by now that you don't mess with The Freeman? :sniper: