The Iron Curtain

Great post Eternity. Way to give some of these fanboys a kick in the ass.
The game will be released soon enough. The game will kick ass. Other than that, who gives a shit?
Originally posted by marksmanHL2 :)
Erm, valve is loaded. They don't really need our money. Look at how much half life has earn them and is still earning them! And CZ is coming out. They honestly make games because they love doing it. If you can't see that then you need either realise it now or simply leave. Because alot of the people on this forum can not stand people who attack valve because "we are their customers and without us they are nothing!"
like valve.

This is by FAR the stupidest thing I've read on these forums (which is saying a lot) and it rivals some of the tripe I've read on other forums. What monumentally insane logic would you have to use to reach this conclusion? Please don't breed.
"Still earning" Eh?

Thats why you can get HL1, BS, OF, TFC for about a 5er? Thats really "earning" them isent it?

Shut your mouth you child before more crap falls out :) If valve did not want to make money they would not of made this game, hl1 wont last forever, its allready dieing out.

Sorry if it seemed like flame, but you should be takeing business studies before you talk about that again, marksmanhl2....
Agreed. I stopped readin' yesterday after about page 2 I think.
This is a thread about (mocking) VALVe's bad PR? I thought it was a Catherine Bell admiration thread =/
i thought it was about perpetuating the idea that we haven't read what the thread is about, which begs the question, who originally posted the thread no one has read??? and did that person read it???

boggles the mind.
I talked to JohnC a few days ago he said everythings going okay.
I agree entirely with Eternity's post. Not only is it welcome in my books, but much needed. The level of maturity this post contains, is something all the others lacked. There have been multiple topics on this very...hmmm topic! The writers were angry, confused, and tried to channel that anger into a subject for others to leave feedback on. It clearly did not work.

As for the dissing of Valve? I don't think Valve's PR sucks. I think they simply lack a PR team. Valve seems amateur to me. I don't know why. They've made some kick ass games. They get the best designers, artists, writers, and they work on cranking out their games. and THATS IT! No PR, no Spokesperson, no order to which they do things, or release info to the public. Their like that HBO channel that comes in fuzzy on your TV. Sometimes it comes in awesome and you can see and hear exactly whats going on. Sometimes it fizzes out and you have no idea whats going on. And it stays that way for long periods of time. There releasing of info and media, is random, and sporadic with no structure. It's quite ridiculous. Maybe instead of taking all the money made from HL and dumping it into HL2, they should have invested into a well organized PR team. A proper business in these times sometimes consists of a 30 person or more PR team. And who does Valve have? No one. When was the last time they made an "Official" Statement?

As far as Valve. I think there an awesome buncha guys. Truly focused on making the best game they can. They just lack a business plan. Order. Structure. Collaboration with the public as far as pre-release. Had they a PR team through these last 2 months, I think we'd be talking about a much happier community. I'm tired. Good bye
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
I agree entirely with Eternity's post. Not only is it welcome in my books, but much needed. The level of maturity this post contains, is something all the others lacked. There have been multiple topics on this very...hmmm topic! The writers were angry, confused, and tried to channel that anger into a subject for others to leave feedback on. It clearly did not work.

As for the dissing of Valve? I don't think Valve's PR sucks. I think they simply lack a PR team. Valve seems amateur to me. I don't know why. They've made some kick ass games. They get the best designers, artists, writers, and they work on cranking out their games. and THATS IT! No PR, no Spokesperson, no order to which they do things, or release info to the public. Their like that HBO channel that comes in fuzzy on your TV. Sometimes it comes in awesome and you can see and hear exactly whats going on. Sometimes it fizzes out and you have no idea whats going on. And it stays that way for long periods of time. There releasing of info and media, is random, and sporadic with no structure. It's quite ridiculous. Maybe instead of taking all the money made from HL and dumping it into HL2, they should have invested into a well organized PR team. A proper business in these times sometimes consists of a 30 person or more PR team. And who does Valve have? No one. When was the last time they made an "Official" Statement?

As far as Valve. I think there an awesome buncha guys. Truly focused on making the best game they can. They just lack a business plan. Order. Structure. Collaboration with the public as far as pre-release. Had they a PR team through these last 2 months, I think we'd be talking about a much happier community. I'm tired. Good bye
this dude said exactly what I couldnt put into words, good job!
Originally posted by iamaelephant
One kick-ass game.

Half Life. Team Fortress Classic. Opposing Force.

The "s" at the end of the word game I used in my post signifies that it's plural. As in more than one. As in, not just one. As in multiple. GameS. I stand by my statement.
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
Half Life. Team Fortress Classic. Opposing Force.

The "s" at the end of the word game I used in my post signifies that it's plural. As in more than one. As in, not just one. As in multiple. GameS. I stand by my statement.

yeah but what Iamaelephant meant was
valve have only created one game.

Team fortress Classic was a mod for the quake engine long before HL was even thought of.
Opposing Force was created by gearbox software as the official expansion.
although some consider those games.. they are not
simply expansions / mods.

dont get me wrong I love Valve, just your response was a wee bit abrasive when in fact you are incorrect.
Opposing Force was made by Gearbox, not VALVe.
TFC was a mod for HL and based on the original TF.

VALVe made HL, and was involved in alot of other games, and while they were directed by VALVe, I guess you could say VALVe only TRULY made one game.

Edit: damn you Redundant (revenge of the edit from earlier :))
oh yes, the sweet taste of victory, how I savor thee. :)
yeah you got me what? 3 times now.
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
Half Life. Team Fortress Classic. Opposing Force.

The "s" at the end of the word game I used in my post signifies that it's plural. As in more than one. As in, not just one. As in multiple. GameS. I stand by my statement.

Valve made one of those games. One.

You're a moron.
valve did make tfc tho. remember it was released with an official patch. they didn't invent 'team fortress' in teh same way they didn't invent quake, but they made dmc
Originally posted by poseyjmac
valve did make tfc tho. remember it was released with an official patch. they didn't invent 'team fortress' in teh same way they didn't invent quake, but they made dmc

like Iamaelephant said, they just released it, same thing with what they are doing with CS and DOD, next your gonna tell me they made those "games" too.

regardless, those arent games... those are modifications.
DMC is super simple, if you consider it a game I guess they made 2...wait did they make that other "game" Ricochet?

Valve are making Tf2 and Hl2,
however they still hold "best game company" in my book, simply because of their support of mods and modmakers over the years, they really fostered the mod community and its become one of the biggest ever... I mean look at modding.. its so accessible to almost anyone who wants to give it a shot, it never was like this back in the day.

yes Valve dont really have any PR (public Relations) presence, but when its done is when it will be done... and its going to be a great game.
TFC could hardly be considered a mod. It was based on the old Team Fortress correct. But Valve were the guys that made the CLASSIC version. Remember all the patches Valve released for it? Remember all the player model redesigns VALVE made, and VALVE release? TFC could have been sold on the market as a full game. Opposing Force on the other hand you are correct, I forgot it was done by GearBox. And iamaelephant lose the attitude bro. It's very unbecoming. *shakes head*
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
TFC could hardly be considered a mod. It was based on the old Team Fortress correct. But Valve were the guys that made the CLASSIC version. Remember all the patches Valve released for it? Remember all the player model redesigns VALVE made, and VALVE release? TFC could have been sold on the market as a full game.

well because it was good and supported doesnt change the fact it was just a mod, thats my point. In your opinion it was good enough to be a game, I respect that, however realize that a lot of mods release patches and redesign their products too, they are still mods.

The classic version was not made by valve software, they merely marketed under its wing, notice how DOD now is made by valve?

as I said Valve are the best, I wouldnt be here if it werent, but the simple fact is they have only created ONE game.

SHouldnt that say something? they are like the biggest name out there, even eclipsing ID (at least in my eyes) after only ONE product.. thats quality.
I dont see it. I do agree that Valve is a monster game maker, and has really talented people. I dont see them eclipsing ID. John Carmack is near genius. He's put out lots of games, and none of them have been bad. All ground breaking. Valve put out HL. Which was ground breaking but thats only one. Gah this argument or debate rather, could branch off into a million different directions. My final thought is that Valve can make great games. They just dont know how to do anything else. No communication with the public. They make statements by sending emails to small websites. Havent updated there home site in years. It's sad almost. ID is on their game. I respect all your point views though. So dont get all ridiculous and start flaming me like half the other people on here seem to do. Boosting there e-ego. Pff. lol
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
I do agree that Valve is a monster game maker, and has really talented people. I dont see them eclipsing ID.

They already have ;)
this was the original TF, basically the members were hired by valve, and Valve used their mod developement tools to develope TFC.

so technically yeah valve did make TFC.

"Fortunately, while working on Half-Life development tools and source code for mod makers, Valve decided that the best way to test the mod development tools was to develop a mod with the tools themselves.

The result was Team Fortress Classic, which was released in April 1999 as a free add-on with the patch. So if you have a patched version of Half-Life, you already have TFC. "
Originally posted by razorblade kiss
I dont see it. I do agree that Valve is a monster game maker, and has really talented people. I dont see them eclipsing ID. John Carmack is near genius. He's put out lots of games, and none of them have been bad. All ground breaking. Valve put out HL. Which was ground breaking but thats only one. Gah this argument or debate rather, could branch off into a million different directions. My final thought is that Valve can make great games. They just dont know how to do anything else. No communication with the public. They make statements by sending emails to small websites. Havent updated there home site in years. It's sad almost. ID is on their game. I respect all your point views though. So dont get all ridiculous and start flaming me like half the other people on here seem to do. Boosting there e-ego. Pff. lol

Well no, they did make good engines but their games were really lacking content-wise.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
this was the original TF, basically the members were hired by valve, and Valve used their mod developement tools to develope TFC.

so technically yeah valve did make TFC.

"Fortunately, while working on Half-Life development tools and source code for mod makers, Valve decided that the best way to test the mod development tools was to develop a mod with the tools themselves.

The result was Team Fortress Classic, which was released in April 1999 as a free add-on with the patch. So if you have a patched version of Half-Life, you already have TFC. "

hear that imaelephant? :afro:
Okay technically Valve made TFC, but as far as I'm concerned it's just like saying Valve created DoD, just because they hired the guys who did. TFC was well under way before Valve ever hired them.
I'm affraid your wrong again elephant boy. TFC wasnt a game already being made by some people, that Valve decided to hire. Valve hired someone to make TFC. From scratch using the HL engine, and tools. They didnt buy anyone out. SO Valve made it.
Team Fortress was a modification for Quake. Seeing as it was one of Valve's favoruite Quake mods they recruited a few of the guys that made TF to make TF2. They released HL and continued working on TF2, and while they were working on the MOD tools, the best way they thought to get the community into modding was to make a mod themselves so they produced TFC.

That's why people get angry when people say "Omg, wher is teh TFC2 tey said it wud bee her soon!!".
Originally posted by Chris_D
Team Fortress was a modification for Quake. Seeing as it was one of Valve's favoruite Quake mods they recruited a few of the guys that made TF to make TF2. They released HL and continued working on TF2, and while they were working on the MOD tools, the best way they thought to get the community into modding was to make a mod themselves so they produced TFC.

That's why people get angry when people say "Omg, wher is teh TFC2 tey said it wud bee her soon!!".

that is exactly what I said a page back!