The Israeli/nazi coincidence?



This is not meant to be racist in any ways, but for those that are active in politics and are heavy on the news I just thought halflife 2 was very similar in many ways to the real world. Anyone that has read up a lot of the information on Nazis or Israel Zionists knows that Israel is currently funded by America and supplied their weapons and basically trying to control Palestine. Israels army constantly bulldozes familys houses related to a terrorist bomber and have a strong influence over the media to try to have people route on their side. Also if you look at constant patrolling on the Gaza strip and curfews that is another resemblance. Palestine however has the "Freedom fighters" and the "resistance". Small militias and terrorist groups such as hamas are constantly trying to gain their independence and regain their land from Israel. This was not meant to be a hot topic or any racism involved but from the Halflife 2 story everything seems the same.

You have these metropolice with a strong head figure "dr breen" trying to brainwash the people in city 17 that what is being done is for their own good. Constant curfews and control, power, and a large upgrade in technology from the benefactors. Those who are considered a threat or speak out or are known as part of the resistance/uprising or suspected of have their houses raided and people are killed or arrested.

I just thought it was interesting because if you studied history on nazis or Zionism (Israelis or jews that believe that israel is theres or something like that) it seems very very similar. Again please don't view this as racism, I myself am a jew and just thought this was interesting in the irony in the 2.
I...really don't see that coincdence. HL2 can be applied to any Dystopian Government vs. Rebels plot. The best coincidence would be 1984.
You can relate most things together if you're vague enough.

Half-Life 2/Star Wars
Combine = Empire
Breen = Vader
Metrocops = Stromtroopers
Rebels = Er, well the Rebels
Gordon Freeman = Luke Skywalker
wtf are u talking about?
im confused
better lay off the crac...........................................soda
Hmmm, he actually has a point, there is a resemblence, but there is also a resemblence to almost every other oppressive regime out there.
If you removed all the crazier aspects like gunships and striders, hl2 could be about a future where the soviet union never collapsed.
It follows just about every oppressive regime in history. Hell, it could be the Warsaw uprising against the Nazis, if you thought about it.

-Angry Lawyer
PILMAN said:
This is not meant to be racist in any ways, but for those that are active in politics and are heavy on the news I just thought halflife 2 was very similar in many ways to the real world. Anyone that has read up a lot of the information on Nazis or Israel Zionists knows that Israel is currently funded by America and supplied their weapons and basically trying to control Palestine. Israels army constantly bulldozes familys houses related to a terrorist bomber and have a strong influence over the media to try to have people route on their side. Also if you look at constant patrolling on the Gaza strip and curfews that is another resemblance. Palestine however has the "Freedom fighters" and the "resistance". Small militias and terrorist groups such as hamas are constantly trying to gain their independence and regain their land from Israel. This was not meant to be a hot topic or any racism involved but from the Halflife 2 story everything seems the same.

You have these metropolice with a strong head figure "dr breen" trying to brainwash the people in city 17 that what is being done is for their own good. Constant curfews and control, power, and a large upgrade in technology from the benefactors. Those who are considered a threat or speak out or are known as part of the resistance/uprising or suspected of have their houses raided and people are killed or arrested.

I just thought it was interesting because if you studied history on nazis or Zionism (Israelis or jews that believe that israel is theres or something like that) it seems very very similar. Again please don't view this as racism, I myself am a jew and just thought this was interesting in the irony in the 2.

"freedom fighters"? lol. if these "freedom fighters" weren't blowing up innocent civilians at pizzarias and malls, there would be no need for the policing.

also, "if you studied history on Zionism," you'd know theres nothing sinister about it. its simply the belief that the Jews, as a people in exile for more than 2000 years, deserve a national homeland.

not that the israelis are perfect by any means...but the situation is by no means all their fault, and i shudder to think of anyone, esepcially a jew, who classifies the terrorist organization of Hamas as a bunch of "freedom fighters"
PickledGecko said:
You can relate most things together if you're vague enough.

Half-Life 2/Star Wars
Breen = Vader
Metrocops = Stromtroopers
Gordon Freeman = Luke Skywalker

Breen: "Gordon, I'AM YOUR FATHER!"
Gordon: "..."
BlueIce said:
Breen: "Gordon, I'AM YOUR FATHER!"
Gordon: "..."
No no, let's keep going.
Dog = Chewbacca
Alxy = Leia
Mossman = Well I guess Lando Calrissian seeing as they both sell their friends out.
Big fat sausage on the screen near the end = Emperor Palpatine
SupaKoopa said:
"freedom fighters"? lol. if these "freedom fighters" weren't blowing up innocent civilians at pizzarias and malls, there would be no need for the policing.

also, "if you studied history on Zionism," you'd know theres nothing sinister about it. its simply the belief that the Jews, as a people in exile for more than 2000 years, deserve a national homeland.

not that the israelis are perfect by any means...but the situation is by no means all their fault, and i shudder to think of anyone, esepcially a jew, who classifies the terrorist organization of Hamas as a bunch of "freedom fighters"

Well if you take a look at the past why do you think palestinians are doing suicide bombings? The Israelis have violated many of the international rules such as building on areas like the gaza strip and other areas of palestine. They basically want to force the Palestinians out to establish complete control over israel. Many jews are against it and don't consider Zionists as jewish as most real jews oppose violence. Many Jews would like to live with muslims in peace and share the land but since Zionists have been invading the lands theres not much that can be done. Lets just take a look, Israel has tanks, apaches, a large army, guns, 3 submarines with nuclear warheads, and some other top of the line equipment. The Palestinians have rocks, slingshots and if there lucky a few have some explosives and AK's. If you've taken a look even closer many become suicide bombers simply because that is the last choice for them, they have had there homes bulldozed, they have lost their children or family, and what better way to benefit israel from a suicide bombing. How do they benefit? Simple, there are many jews that run the media over in the US and every suicide bombing makes Palestine look even "worst" which benefits aerial sharon for support and our tax money from big brother (US).

I was comparing halflife-2 to the whole Israel thing because it seems similar how slowly the israelis are taking over the rest of the palestinian lands and policing them, putting a curfew in effect and the technology they have. But it looks like someone took this thread personally.
It sounds like you're saying that you're Jewish just as an excuse for your racism, like believing that Jews control the media in the US (OMG they also control the media in Israel :eek:! The Jews are taking over the world!).

Anyway, more HL2/Star Wars analogy:

Dr. Kleiner = C-3PO
Lammar = R2D2
PILMAN said:
Well if you take a look at the past why do you think palestinians are doing suicide bombings? The Israelis have violated many of the international rules such as building on areas like the gaza strip and other areas of palestine. They basically want to force the Palestinians out to establish complete control over israel. Many jews are against it and don't consider Zionists as jewish as most real jews oppose violence. Many Jews would like to live with muslims in peace and share the land but since Zionists have been invading the lands theres not much that can be done. Lets just take a look, Israel has tanks, apaches, a large army, guns, 3 submarines with nuclear warheads, and some other top of the line equipment. The Palestinians have rocks, slingshots and if there lucky a few have some explosives and AK's. If you've taken a look even closer many become suicide bombers simply because that is the last choice for them, they have had there homes bulldozed, they have lost their children or family, and what better way to benefit israel from a suicide bombing. How do they benefit? Simple, there are many jews that run the media over in the US and every suicide bombing makes Palestine look even "worst" which benefits aerial sharon for support and our tax money from big brother (US).

I was comparing halflife-2 to the whole Israel thing because it seems similar how slowly the israelis are taking over the rest of the palestinian lands and policing them, putting a curfew in effect and the technology they have. But it looks like someone took this thread personally.

you have convinced me that you know nothiing.
^yes, g-man would be kenobi.

palpatine would be the advisor.
I think G-man would be yoda. Think about it, the mysterious character who you know next to nothing about but who guides you throughout the game. :naughty:
Don't feel bad Pilman. These guys are just geeks who would rather talk about Star Wars instead of real life :eek:
I think G-man would be a guy really far away watching Luke Skywalker that you never meet.
Lawnmower233 said:
Don't feel bad Pilman. These guys are just geeks who would rather talk about Star Wars instead of real life :eek:

Feel bad Pilman - what you say is complete and utter nonsense.
Nonsense? I could have sworn that the letters he typed were prepared in such a format that it made quite a bit of sense... hardly non-sense.
He was meerly contrasting the HL2 Oppressor vs. rebel story with a similar example he was aware of in his life, such as the Palestinian/Israeli troubles. You should be more welcoming and friendly towards young Pilman. :O
Alternatively we could deride him for doing his best to spill politics all over our nice clean Speculation forum :hmph:

It's a sad day when someone is trying to use a damnable game as a political lever in a covert debate.
Yeh sorry. I was thinking who Eli could be, wasnt sure, thought maybe Han, but Han gets it on with Lea which makes the Alyx/Lea comparison creepy. Your right Barney makes a much better Han, I forgot about him, especially with Alyx and Dog/Lea and Chewy thing.

Maybe G-Man makes a better Obi Wan, they both appear all over the place, most people claim the G-Man is helping Gordon. I'm still not so sure about Eli, how about that woman who says something like, "many bothans died getting this information" (Death Star plans)? Maybe that bloke that gives Gordon the rocket launcher is Yoda, cause he teaches Gordon how to use the force(of a rocket).

Anyway, the reason I started this Star Wars comparison was to show you that, in the loosest terms, anything can be compared to anything. Just because you see a few similarities doesn't mean its intentional. And I agree, this thread just seems to be a political viewpoint disguised as a discusion about a computer game.
Edcrab said:
Alternatively we could deride him for doing his best to spill politics all over our nice clean Speculation forum :hmph:

It's a sad day when someone is trying to use a damnable game as a political lever in a covert debate.
Oh yes, thank god violent computer games is never used in a political debate :p
It's religion's fault things are so screwed up there, let's try and keep a nice innocent game as far away as possible. And thank god Father Gregori isn't a Jew or a Muslim, cause then things could really get ugly.
And Pilman does make some good points.*hides from the flames*
The Fool said:
It sounds like you're saying that you're Jewish just as an excuse for your racism, like believing that Jews control the media in the US (OMG they also control the media in Israel :eek:! The Jews are taking over the world!).

Anyway, more HL2/Star Wars analogy:

Dr. Kleiner = C-3PO
Lammar = R2D2

Zionism is racism.

I am not a Zionist.

Ask practically any Jew, they are almost all against Zionism. Zionism is about a homestate for Israel and forcing the Palestinians out of the land. Most jews prefer to share the land with the Palestinians and live in peace as most jews are against the violence and bloodshed. Also a lot of Zionist aren't even jewish, many are Athiest and catholic as well. Google will tell you the same. You people are taking my comparison all wrong. Thanks for those who understand what I am trying to make a point of.
Zionism is about a homestate for Israel...

... and stop. There you have it, the definition of Zionism. I don't think I could've done it better myself.

and forcing the Palestinians out of the land

Great, you had to ruin it.

So you're basicly basing your facts on google? Good job making yourself unreliable. Let's see what else google says about Jews. Uh oh, seems like they drink the blood of infant Christians. Thanks google!

Let's stop. I have my opinions and - while I completly disagree with them - you have your opinions as well. I don't want to get involved in a politics discussion, at least not here.
So enough with this; Don't reply to this message and I won't reply to your next filled to the brim with crazy ideas post.
Jevbus Hellchrist, any idiot could tell you that Gman = Yoda. :p

"Do or do not, Mr. Freeman. There is no try."
Obviously, the strange speech pattern alone should be enough to give that away...
Dr.Kleiner - Yoda
G-man - Mon Mothma :D
Eli Vance - Old Ben Kenobi
Dr.Mossman - Yes, Lando :D
Vortigaunts - Ewoks, Gungans
Citadel - Death Star
PILMAN said:
Well if you take a look at the past why do you think palestinians are doing suicide bombings? The Israelis have violated many of the international rules such as building on areas like the gaza strip and other areas of palestine. They basically want to force the Palestinians out to establish complete control over israel. Many jews are against it and don't consider Zionists as jewish as most real jews oppose violence. Many Jews would like to live with muslims in peace and share the land but since Zionists have been invading the lands theres not much that can be done. Lets just take a look, Israel has tanks, apaches, a large army, guns, 3 submarines with nuclear warheads, and some other top of the line equipment. The Palestinians have rocks, slingshots and if there lucky a few have some explosives and AK's. If you've taken a look even closer many become suicide bombers simply because that is the last choice for them, they have had there homes bulldozed, they have lost their children or family, and what better way to benefit israel from a suicide bombing. How do they benefit? Simple, there are many jews that run the media over in the US and every suicide bombing makes Palestine look even "worst" which benefits aerial sharon for support and our tax money from big brother (US).

I was comparing halflife-2 to the whole Israel thing because it seems similar how slowly the israelis are taking over the rest of the palestinian lands and policing them, putting a curfew in effect and the technology they have. But it looks like someone took this thread personally.

im on yer side dood,
The US has jew run media? Shean hannidy and dan rather will be very upset :-/

although i do disagree with US military support for isreal and how the gov't has the right and subjectivity to define what a "terrorist" is whenever it fits its political views on the world. Honestly i think the US should just let isreal and palastein (sp) work it out on their own without our intervention. Hasn't the whole muslim vs. jews thing been going on for thousands of years down there though?
The Fool said:
... and stop. There you have it, the definition of Zionism. I don't think I could've done it better myself.

Great, you had to ruin it.

So you're basicly basing your facts on google? Good job making yourself unreliable. Let's see what else google says about Jews. Uh oh, seems like they drink the blood of infant Christians. Thanks google!

Let's stop. I have my opinions and - while I completly disagree with them - you have your opinions as well. I don't want to get involved in a politics discussion, at least not here.
So enough with this; Don't reply to this message and I won't reply to your next filled to the brim with crazy ideas post.

couldn'tve put it better myself.
I think this topic needs to be closed, I didn't intend for argueing to break out, I was just trying to compare .
Wow where are you getting your information from. I only clicked this topic because I was like wow someone else noticed this is a lot like how Hitler organized the Jews into "herds" (why herds? many died in CATTLE cars on their way to the death/work camps. They died by starvation, stepped on, or disease.) Then I realized you have your information TOTALY confused.

Get your facts straight.

During the British control of Israel the land was very hazardous, impossible to grow vegetation of any sort, and filled with disease brought by mosquitoes. As WWII raged on and more and more Jews were forced to the only place they were allowed into, Israel( yes even the US turned its backs on them for a while.) In Israel Theodora Herzl developed a Zionist movement.

Zi•on•ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (z-nzm)
A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

Her•zl ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hrtsl), Theodor. 1860-1904.

Hungarian-born Austrian founder of Zionism. As a correspondent during the Alfred Dreyfus affair, he determined that the solution to anti-Semitism was the establishment of a Jewish national state. He founded the Zionist World Congress in 1897.

The Zionists began planting tree's that drained the mosquito filled swampy areas, yes there were swamps in Israel. They began irrigating many parts of the land allowing crops to be grown and there fore land to be lived on. Now any retailer, or person, would be able to tell you that when you lower the likelihood of receiving a deadly disease in an area the demand for that area goes up. It is important to know NEVER during this time or time before British control was there a Palestinian state, it was mostly controlled by Jordan’s, and other nations in the area. Eventually the U.N., after a lot of persuasion by the U.S., accepted Israel as a nation.

Now only, not sure how long it was after, hours or days later EVERY NATION AROUND THE COUNTRY goes into war against the tiny country. After 6 days Israel miraculously comes out the victor, and in the treaty receives a large portion of land from Egypt. Yes in the treaty they received this land. What happens next? The U.N. forces them to give it back, ouch that darn U.N. always looking to be fair to everyone (note they never said anything when those nations attacked Israel). Approaching the time area where most of the terrorism occurs Israel was constantly being attacked or plotted against ( Iraq tried to create a nuclear bomb, and was about week before their plant would become active but it was destroyed but Israeli Air. Why does a oil nation such as Iraq need weapons grade plutonium, given to by France, and a nuclear power plant.

Ok ending this up, at around this time, suicide bombers begin sprouting up on Israel, they kill anyone and everyone that happens to lie in their path, Olympic athletes or civilians. They take innocent lives. NO, and I mean NO politically correct rebellion came into effect by killing civilians, they attacked the government. Israel determined to protect their civilians reluctantly gives up about 30% of their nation to the “Palestine.” For 10 years or so the suicide bombings and other terrorist acts slowed down and almost stopped. Then around 2000 they returned and were worse then ever. There were bombings every month, then every two weeks and then every week. Israel could not just keep attacking “high level hamas or other organization leaders” So they investigated and realized many of these people came from the Palestine area. So they did what any smart nation would do, they put in checkpoints and fences, with the only difference from the Mexican border being the higher security and technology. (By the way the only areas that have the cement huge walls are the areas that people would openly jump do to being next to a high hill or something easily accessible, the cement walls shown take up about 1% of the fence. Now sir, how is a nation protecting it self and seeking to destroy the individuals that want their people dead and want to destroy everything they built and worked for wrong. They are protecting their nation, and flicked off the U.N. a while ago when they wouldn’t allow it.
No coincedence. Hate to be political but Israel and Palestine are at war. And in my opinion, Israel is in the right. The Palestinian people don't exist, they're just arabs in the israeli area. They have a state. Jordan.
Plus, last I checked, Israel wasn't suicide bombing barmitzvahs.
Only thing I saw that reminded me of the Iraq War is when the Resistance Forces pulled down that TV thingy and cheered.
Reminded me of when the statue of Saddam fell in Iraq.
pretty much anything can be related to a 'real world' situation in some manner