The Lakota declare independence from the USA

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A Guard platoon with a Stryker from Camp Grafton should be more than enough to restore order. Better yet, simply have the county sheriff stop all beer trucks entering the reservation. That will compel their surrender in no time. Cleary they have forgotten their entire existence is at the pleasure of the United Sates government, ever since the Wounded Knee Massacre nearly 117 years ago. They are dependent on our government for everything but the most rudimentary goods and services.

A tightening of the economic noose will be all that is necessary to remind them of the fact.


IIRC, at no point in US Jurisprudence has the land the Native Americans occupied been actually considered theirs, since the US Government held ultimate title, as was decided in Johnson v M'Intosh. The Native Americans had the right to occupy the land, but it was still ultimately owned by the US. So if they break the treaties, couldn't the US simply throw them off the land as it reverts back to US control? It seems like the best bet is for the Department of the Interior to simply ignore this and keep going with business as usual. When they refuse to accept federal money, and return the loan monies, expel federal agencies and workers, then I will believe they are serious.

Otherwise it seems like a lot of loud talk. You can tell someone is making a real moral stand when they give up $$$ to do it. Well, if they were serious, they would have to immediately start negotiating treaties with the US for trade agreements, purchasing electricity and any other utilities they don't own, as well as negotiating with companies to provide medicine, food, and the thousands of other things they will need but not have anymore. From much of what I know of reservations, they are dirt poor, with crappy education, poor health care, and virtually no jobs.

There seem to be some real practical problems with them actually wanting to become truly independent. The president may be able to use his shiny pen and make the treaty null and void. This would create a huge problem that ultimately (in my opinion) hurts the Lakota living in the reservation system. A lot of the aid given to reservations is federal money and property rights are treaty dictated. A sudden stop to this money may hurt the Lakota much more than they anticipate and lead to some battles over who owns what.
This is exactly the reason why people hate Americans. Because we're dicks.
Way to go with the racial stereotyping there people tbh.
No kidding. We wouldn't tolerate it with people prejudicing other races, it's wrong to tolerate it with Native Americans.

Most people here are just pissed that they are declaring independence ~200 years after signing the treaties and whatnot, especially since they enjoy so many benefits as it is.

No matter how much they want time to freeze inside the reservation, it's not going to happen.

They're pretty insensitive comments directed towards the Native American race. They are exactly the kinds of comments I hear not only against the large Sioux Nation as they are directed at now, but Native Americas as a whole throughout North America.

It is the last defiant gesture of a people long bereft of dignity.

they will come crawling back like the pathetic, defeated people they are.

Better yet, simply have the county sheriff stop all beer trucks entering the reservation. That will compel their surrender in no time.

Those are comments about an entire race of people, Native Americans. They are sweeping generalizations and they are exactly the sorts of comments that people leverage at other races as well and are met by swift criticism of racism.
as much is said on almost a daily basis about muslims (mostly by our resident hater of muslims and all around simpering fool ..he shall remain nameless for he is an archfoe, a ying to my yang and the title of a star trek movie

substitute jew/black(less so) with native american/muslim and suddenly people are outraged

i think we can all agree that nothing makes people stop and listen than using the term jew in a sentence

"..AND THE JEWS ..."

as everyone collectively holds their breath hoping that the speaker wont say anything negative towards jews ..granted we've been brow beaten to death with images of the holocaust so many people are gun shy when it comes to criticising jews even if it is legitimate ..there's always someone waiting to scream "anti-semite" at the first opportunity
as much is said on almost a daily basis about muslims (mostly by our resident hater of muslims and all around simpering fool ..he shall remain nameless for he is an archfoe, a ying to my yang and the title of a star trek movie


On a related note, I'm not sure what you're trying to say Stern. Are you opposing my statement or going along with it?

Because I'm fine with people criticizing the Lakota's attempts at separation, but throwing in derogatory comments about the people in general is wrong.

I just hope I'm not the only one who feels this way. D:
we pick and choose who it's ok to be racist against ..there's no consistency
EXCUSE ME I just want to announce that I myself am not a racist. I hope no one suspects this.
we pick and choose who it's ok to be racist against ..there's no consistency

I don't think we should be racist against anybody. I think that's something we should strive for. Native Americans are a distinct race of people, and not just a culture, as they were the indigenous people who inhabited these lands long before we ever arrived. Quite a few separate, distinct indigenous races that make up North and South America.
I don't think we should be racist against anybody.

doesnt change the fact that some of our members are racist

I think that's something we should strive for.

it will never happen's too ingrained in public consciousness I'm referring specifically to muslims ..the things said about wouldnt be tolerated had it been jews or asians or any other group

Native Americans are a distinct race of people, and not just a culture, as they were the indigenous people who inhabited these lands long before we ever arrived. Quite a few separate, distinct indigenous races that make up North and South America.

ok but I dont pick favourites ..humans are humans, we either hold the same rules for all or we pick and choose the race-to-pick-on du jour thereby accepting our selective racism
it will never happen's too ingrained in public consciousness I'm referring specifically to muslims ..the things said about wouldnt be tolerated had it been jews or asians or any other group

Muslims are not a race though. It's a religion. Criticizing Muslims and saying bad things about them, is like saying bad things about Christians... as they're both just religions. If you're talking about the race that makes up a bulk of Islam, Arabs, that's another story altogether. And one which would be racist.

It's hard to define races really, since they can be so diverse and include so many subsets, but I think some of the supersets are as follows.

Native North American
Native South and Middle American

If I'm missing any of the major supersets, let me know.
so we should have special consideration for races but not culture, religious affiliation or creed? thankfully things like the declaration of human rights dont differentiate between the two ..a human is a human is a human ..specifically targetting someone for thier way of life/culture etc is just as damaging as targeting them for their skin colour, even more so because it is ideas not limited to skin colour
so we should have special consideration for races but not culture, religious affiliation or creed? thankfully things like the declaration of human rights dont differentiate between the two ..a human is a human is a human ..specifically targetting someone for thier way of life/culture etc is just as damaging as targeting them for their skin colour, even more so because it is ideas not limited to skin colour

You know... I generally agree with what you say there... but that's not the case here on these boards. People are rabidly critical and say offensive things about religions in general, especially Christianity and Islam on these forums.

You should know that.

Ideally, I'm of the belief that nobody should be prejudiced against based on their race, culture, or religion. But religion is one of those things that takes a heavy beating here, and culture as well.
I disagree's not just religion it's cultural one comments of the religious cultural traditions of christians even though many of them are utterly ridiculous

muslims are directly targeted regardless if the issue is religion, culture, way of life

not for a second would anyone get away with a stereotype like

"oh look he's jewish therefore he must be a penny packing cheap bastard" ..but that much is said about muslims on almost a daily basis, and no one bats an eyelash

and religion should take a beating ..if they expect us to respect them stop ramming their idiotic ideals down our throats ..that goes for every religion
I disagree's not just religion it's cultural one comments of the religious cultural traditions of christians even though many of them are utterly ridiculous

muslims are directly targeted regardless if the issue is religion, culture, way of life

not for a second would anyone get away with a stereotype like

"oh look he's jewish therefore he must be a penny packing cheap bastard" ..but that much is said about muslims on almost a daily basis, and no one bats an eyelash

and religion should take a beating ..if they expect us to respect them stop ramming their idiotic ideals down our throats ..that goes for every religion

I do agree that Islam has heavy ties in both religion and culture.

But I also did say that both religion and culture are criticized on these forums.

American Culture gets just as much criticism on these forums as Islamic culture to be honest.
Would they really go broke without the US subsidies?
I assumed they were planning on funding themselves with things like the casinos.
I wish we had some Casinos here in Texas. Have to travel all the way to ****ing Louisiana for the riverboats or the lame casinos up in Oklahoma. Casinos that only cater to slots players piss me off. I like real games like Craps and Roulette.
Hahaha you said craps.

Gambling's for people with more money than sense, one way or another.
Hahaha you said craps.

Gambling's for people with more money than sense, one way or another.

Gambling is for entertainment, and a chance to win as long as you're understanding of the risks involved.

My first time I played craps in the actual casino, I took 100 dollars and transformed it into 250 dollars using a strategy I devised. Of course I got greedy, and kept playing and wound up with only 40 dollars ahead.

Tons of fun though. As long as you follow some basic ground rules, such as making sure you don't spend more than you've set aside to gamble with. And quitting while you're ahead and not getting greedy. I sort of got greedy that time, but it was fun. I've played craps many times before, but that was my first time at an actual table.
Oh I actually meant gamblers are people with more money than sense. i.e. people who do it regularly.

Tired. Sleep now.

I hope this works out for them.
Wow, that is an awesome flag emblem.
American Culture gets just as much criticism on these forums as Islamic culture to be honest.

not even remotely close ..american culture is virtually untouched ..we dont slam film/art/literature/music but rather worship it, in this america is truely the leader's just everything else: religious extremeism, the gun culture (I only acknowledge the best when speaking about culture and conviently ignore low brow culture like monster trucks and wrestling) foreign policy, imperialism etc etc ..we may stereotype, we may generalise but much like the muslims you're not exactly in a favoured light. People dot take kindly to grandstanding and lying your way into iraq ..I mean americans might have been fooled by the war machine but the rest of us werent ..and I am the first to admit schadenfreude ...what's Schadenfreude? glad you asked ...

and if that wasnt clear enough ..

Right now you are down and out and feeling really crappy

I'll say.

And when I see how sad you are
It sort of makes me...


Sorry, Nicky, human nature-
Nothing I can do!
Making me feel glad that I'm not you.

Well that's not very nice, Gary!

I didn't say it was nice! But everybody does it!

D'ja ever clap when a waitress falls and drops a tray of glasses?


And ain't it fun to watch figure skaters falling on their asses?


And don'tcha feel all warm and cozy,
Watching people out in the rain!

You bet!



People taking pleasure in your pain!

Oh, Schadenfreude, huh?
What's that, some kinda Nazi word?

Yup! It's German for "happiness at the misfortune of others!"

"Happiness at the misfortune of others." That is German!

Watching a vegetarian being told she just ate chicken

Or watching a frat boy realize just what he put his dick in!

Being on the elevator when somebody shouts "Hold the door!"


"**** you lady, that's what stairs are for!"

Ooh, how about...
Straight-A students getting Bs?

Exes getting STDs!

Waking doormen from their naps!

Watching tourists reading maps!

Football players getting tackled!

CEOs getting shackled!

Watching actors never reach

The ending of their oscar speech!

The world needs people like you and me who've been knocked around by fate.
'Cause when people see us, they don't want to be us, and that makes them feel great.

We provide a vital service to society!

You and me!
Making the world a better place...
Making the world a better place...
Making the world a better place...
To be!

The only criticism of Islamic culture I mostly see on these forums, are the things that I think deserve to be criticized. Human rights violations, oppression of women, middle age styled death penalties(stonings vs something more refined and civilized).

On these forums I don't hear much else actually criticizing Muslim culture norms. I mean, I'm sure it happens every now and then, but most of the stuff I hear are about those subjects.

Anyways, this topic is about the Lakota tribe separation, so I guess we should get back on topic now.
I saw a few commends on digg saying this was just a fringe group, not the central leadership. Either way, I don't expect much of anything to actually happen.
honor? Theres no point other than a proverbial "f you". We let people that are the tiniest but indian go to college for free, among many other things. How long are we going to pretend to feel sorry for taking their land.

Im also part Indian

One of my ancestors was indian. I have a picture of him on my wall. Used to scare me as a child. ONE.
Does that mean I'm free now?
doesnt change the fact that some of our members are racist

it will never happen's too ingrained in public consciousness I'm referring specifically to muslims ..the things said about wouldnt be tolerated had it been jews or asians or any other group

ok but I dont pick favourites ..humans are humans, we either hold the same rules for all or we pick and choose the race-to-pick-on du jour thereby accepting our selective racism

talking shit against Islam/Muslims is not being Racist,talking shit against native Americans is.
Do explain. :rolleyes:

Islam is a religion that promotes sexism,stupidity and medieval thinking. not to criticize it would be a mistake.

Native Americans are a group of people that that have gone through many hardships while they have their own religion as well, its not the same as Islam.
talking shit against Islam/Muslims is not being Racist,talking shit against native Americans is.

while not technically a race muslims can be applied to this definition:

UN International Conventions, "the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life

because ..

Ethnicity is also defined from the recognition by others as a distinct group and by common cultural, linguistic, religious, behavioural or biological traits.

there is one race: human ..all else is just social constructs
I for one welcome our new Lakota allies.
They served my British colonies well in Age of Empires III, therefore they should do so once more!

Let's send British forces in for peacekeeping instead of US ones.
*Sets up secret bases across the world to relaunch British empire*

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