The Lakota declare independence from the USA

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Not very funny, I think you just cant accept he's right.

he's right? the UK didnt have democracy till the US kicked hitlers ass? is this the sort of fact one gets from the back of a pack of matches? perhpas a cocktail napkin?
no thats not what I ment,without the US the Uk and Europe would all be talking german.
speaking zee german huh? while there's no doubt the US played a pivotal role they didnt do it single handily as hollywood would have you believe ..funny how no one outside the US feels this way
The infantile "crush the resistance with tanks and infantry!!!" and "annihilate all those who would question the greatness of the best Republic in the world (if you like small, unremarkable, xenophobic authoritarian police states anyway) with machine guns and nuclear bombs" routine is starting to get really tiresome.
It's like listening to a child with an overactive imagination.

I was kinda joking.

no thats not what I ment,without the US the Uk and Europe would all be talking german.

Nice job leaving out the soviet union and europe, without which, the US would have lost ww2. It was a united front you arrogent shit, and just because you masturbate to your flag doesn't mean you are right.
no thats not what I ment,without the US the Uk and Europe would all be talking german.

Oh dear.

The Nazis gave up with the idea of Invading Britain long before the US got involved, shortly after they realised attacking Britain would be virtually impossible (Battle of Britain). Not only that, but Hitler would have lost without your help regardless of our situation. Ever heard of the Red Army, you ignorant ****?
Oh dear.

The Nazis gave up with the idea of Invading Britain long before the US got involved, shortly after they realised attacking Britain would be virtually impossible (Battle of Britain). Not only that, but Hitler would have lost without your help regardless of our situation. Ever heard of the Red Army, you ignorant ****?

read up on some real history kid.
no thats not what I ment,without the US the Uk and Europe would all be talking german.

Please don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about World War II - if anything, it's a pisser they didn't get involved sooner.
I have to agree with repiV. Amurica, **** YEAH.

No, seriously. Weren't you guys still using kings when we had presidents? Totally old school! I don't know much about UK's history, but it seems to me that democracy didn't really kick ass until the United States started kicking ass in WW2.

I'm just assuming everyone here agrees that democracy = good? Well, besides a few particular pinko liberal commies that I just know love to say differently.

The US certainly didn't invent democracy, but it was the first liberal democracy. Out went birthright and aristocracy, in came equality, universal rights and merit.
The US certainly didn't invent democracy, but it was the first liberal democracy. Out went birthright and aristocracy, in came equality, universal rights and merit.

/obligatory Athens comment

read up on some real history kid.

That's one damn fine argument you've got there...
I was kinda joking.

Nice job leaving out the soviet union and europe, without which, the US would have lost ww2. It was a united front you arrogent shit, and just because you masturbate to your flag doesn't mean you are right.
This is true. A bit more vitriolic than the Rules or I really feel is necessary, but speakin' the truth nevertheless.
Oh dear.

The Nazis gave up with the idea of Invading Britain long before the US got involved, shortly after they realised attacking Britain would be virtually impossible (Battle of Britain). Not only that, but Hitler would have lost without your help regardless of our situation. Ever heard of the Red Army, you ignorant ****?
Not necessarily true.

Listen, the United States played a pretty huge role in turning World War II, and it's quite possible that the Allies would have lost if we had stayed out of the war altogether... but we are not the reason that the war was won, any more than Britain or Russia is. That's why the Allies won, because we allied. Come on.

Obviously it's a touchy subject because the way most Americans see it is that shit got stirred up in Europe, it got bad and then we went over there and a few hundred thousand of us died helping you guys win. So maybe calling a slightly over-proud American an "arrogant ****" or "arrogant shit" is uncalled for.

As far as I'm concerned you guys should just be happy that you got Sword, Juno, and Gold beaches, and we got Utah and Omaha.
/obligatory Athens comment

Mmhmm, except I'm not just referring to voting rights. The US has no aristocracy, or "ruling elite" - and neither do any Western countries anymore.
The concept of class is little more than a subject of debate for people with too much time on their hands, and an excuse for people not to improve themselves, thanks largely to the USA.

Besides which, I don't think it's fair or appropriate to compare a modern nation of millions to an ancient city-state with the population of a large town. They can't function in the same manner.

In other words, a group of prominent activists from a controversial group (AIM) are shopping around for recognition of an independent country they want to declare. They have issued a press release about it, and met with some embassies, and some of those embassies are saying "this is interesting" or "we'll talk about it". The people who would be part of this country, the Lakota Sioux, could join it by choosing to renounce US citizenship, but both the people and the land in question currently already have elected tribal governments and as far as we know, none of those governments have anything to do with this press release, nor do we know if anyone besides these four activists wants to join this country-in-declaration-only. Regardless of Russell Means' explanations for why it is legal for the Lakota to withdraw from treaties and have their own country, nobody has presented any reason why his group of activists has any legal standing to do so, so the talk of withdrawing from treaties is a red herring to distract us from the fact that this is, so far, nothing more than a press release looking for recognition.
The US certainly didn't invent democracy, but it was the first liberal democracy. Out went birthright and aristocracy, in came equality, universal rights and merit.
Surely France deserves some credit? :p
dum de dum dum dum duuuum de dum.....

Man, I don't even want to start about Canada.

Italians can say, "I'm Italian." and people will know they means business.

Russians can say, "I'm Russian." and people will know they mean business.

Even a grizzle jawed American can say, "I'm American" and get the same response.

but I haven't run into someone who can say "I'm Canadian" without me cracking a smile. Hell, the only Canadians I know pretty much leave out that portion of their life from daily conversation. My friends don't even really call our other Canadian friend by their name... we just call him Canadian.

I mean, how does it feel to be from the place that's constantly the butt of jokes? You can call Americans stupid and fat and people will laugh, but you can just call someone a Canadian and you don't even need a punchline.
Man, I don't even want to start about Canada.

Italians can say, "I'm Italian." and people will know they means business.

Russians can say, "I'm Russian." and people will know they mean business.

Even a grizzle jawed American can say, "I'm American" and get the same response.

but I haven't run into someone who can say "I'm Canadian" without me cracking a smile. Hell, the only Canadians I know pretty much leave out that portion of their life from daily conversation. My friends don't even really call our other Canadian friend by their name... we just call him Canadian.

I mean, how does it feel to be from the place that's constantly the butt of jokes? You can call Americans stupid and fat and people will laugh, but you can just call someone a Canadian and you don't even need a punchline.

Sure, when you talk to Americans you get morons who make fun of Canada and generally think of Canadians as weak and wimps and shit simply because they generally take a neutral stance on things like Switzerland. However, when you step it up and actually talk to people who are worthy of your conversation, like Americans who aren't complete macho attitude morons or people in other places of the world, Canada is generally regarded highly and worthy of much respect.
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