The Last Chapter, something i didn't get


May 20, 2004
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Can someone explian to me why gordon pretty much became "Super gordon" after the confiscation thing, i mean the Manipulator was pretty much explained but why did you suddenly get the ability for your suit to go up to 200?

Don't get me wrong, it was awesome, but i just don't get it.

And another thing why in HL1 did Eli have a Brithish-ish accent and in HL2 he looked and spoke like Bill Cosby

I still think the game is the best game ever made. But thos parts i just don't get

In the same way the
grav gun got changed by the machines that take weapons away maybe the suit did as well?

Other option being the power sources in the citadel are simply better than in the city.
As they did health and suit at the same time I go with that option.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
And another thing why in HL1 did Eli have a Brithish-ish accent and in HL2 he looked and spoke like Bill Cosby

I believe that HL1 and HL2 have differrent voice actors for Eli.