The last copy of hl2 is on the shelf...

Originally posted by Seikeden
actually I'd walk up to the counter and ask for a copy of hl2, thats where the cd is after all :D

not all places take the cd's out now. I work at an EB Games store in North Carolina, even though our mall has the highest theft rate in the state, we still leave PC games in their boxes, we dont have the space to keep them stored in the back room anymore.

On another note. I would laugh at the thought of not being able to get my copy of half life 2. I preordered it from the store i work in, not to mention i will be there at 10:00 to get my copy when the store opens.

And I would kill anyone that got between me and my game. Simple enough.
Originally posted by Tazman
I would see the kid looking at the, in the UK you have these old dears everywhere with their little dogs.....I would simply follow one of these dogs for about 2mins and wait for it to have a crap.....collect steamy crap using a plastic bag and then off I go to the store.

there, the kid is still looking at the box...I see him fumbling in his he getting his wallet out???? ready to pay???? I rush in and pretend to trip into him (cleverly smearing dog shite over his back)....I then get up and scream at the top of my voice


He would then notice the smell as would everyone else in the store......go completley red with embarressment and leave crying and I would have a nice shiny copy of HL2 to take to the counter for payment.

ahhh the disgusting plans are the best


wouldn't you also smell like the poo?

you did walk in with it in your hand originally.
1. "Quick, someones steeling your bike!!!!" then pick up the game and pay for it.

2. "Quick, someone's mugging your mum!!!" ""

3. "Quick, give me that game before I kill you with my crowbar!!!"
Originally posted by Tazman
I would see the kid looking at the, in the UK you have these old dears everywhere with their little dogs.....I would simply follow one of these dogs for about 2mins and wait for it to have a crap.....collect steamy crap using a plastic bag and then off I go to the store.

there, the kid is still looking at the box...I see him fumbling in his he getting his wallet out???? ready to pay???? I rush in and pretend to trip into him (cleverly smearing dog shite over his back)....I then get up and scream at the top of my voice


He would then notice the smell as would everyone else in the store......go completley red with embarressment and leave crying and I would have a nice shiny copy of HL2 to take to the counter for payment.

ahhh the disgusting plans are the best


Hmmm...did anybody else think that wasn't funny at all? :dozey:
I would kung-fu him for 30minutes then run away into the sunset with the box
I'll tell him the game blows and he'll put it back on the shelf, or I'll just sqeeze the life out of him with my hands around his neck.
-grab kid by the neck
-squeeze untill hear the sweet snaping sound
-go to the counter
-put the fresh corpse on the counter
-take out the wallet
-pay for the game
-go home
-play the game

simple and effecient.
i hope Gabe reads these threads for him to see how desperate we are.
I would wait for him to buy it, stalk him to his home. Break in and hide under his bed. Then I would lie there watching him installing it and playing for several hours until he goes to bed. Late at night when every one is sleeping I would crawl out from under the bed in a stelthy maner and strangle him with my black leather strangulation gloves while I whisper "Guess you wont be playing HL2 anymore after all you little freak." . This done I would turn on his computer and play all night, perhaps enjoy a snack or two from ther fridge.
Originally posted by Skammich
wouldn't you also smell like the poo?

you did walk in with it in your hand originally.

ahhh no my friend.....if you read again I used a PLASTIC BAG ha! no poo on me!

(and I would quickly hide the plastic bag under a shelf in the store)

Here's what I would do: Wait until he goes to buy it and then when they ask for his parents he'll be like "Uhhhh they're not here right now" and they won't sell it to him cause he's not 17. Then I'll take it from him :D
you know, he's just a kid, most of you are 17-30 years old, you COULD just rip it out of his hands "for his own good" and run off to pay before he sics his parent(s) on you
Originally posted by Feath
Am I the only person on this forum that won't kill a kid for Half-Life 2?

i wouldn't...and yea tie fighter was great...x-wing was my first computer game...after spectre (rofl remember that shitty vector gfx tank game?)

i wish they'd re-release TF with dx9 gfx...i played the other "xwing vs. tie figher" games and such...they just didn't play the same somehow.
What I would do,
First of all I would go to the store in my football uniform. Once I saw the kid I would line up for the kill. And tackle his ass! Then I would high tail it to the checkout throw 53 dollars at the clerk, yell hurry up and jump into my truck. All this happening in under 1 minute.
I would proceed to tell his mother the game promotes violence, then take it after his mom makes him put it back >=-D
Heck, I would grab him by the shoulders and try to assume a R. Lee Ermey voice..

"How old are you, headcrab?"
"Um, 14.."
"Can you read, headcrab?"
"I think so.."
"What does it say under that big black 'M', headcrab?"
"It says 'MATURE', I think.."
"Give me that game now, boy! I have one especially picked out for you."

And then I would take him over to the kiddie section, and pick him out a nice Mary Kate and Ashley game. "Bet your Momma will have NO problem buying this one for ya, headcrab.. No violence, no crowbars, and no fun. Enjoy!!"
Originally posted by FriScho
I would go home and play my 6 month ago pre-ordered and already delivered collectors edition...
Eh.... You can't pre-order collectors editions.
What ever happened to good old fashioned violence. I wouldn't lie to the kid, I would just shove a gun in his face and tel him to hand over the freaking game or I would leave him picking lead out of his face. Either that or slug him in the face with brass knuckles, grab the game and run to the cash register. ANd if the clerk asked any questions, hed get a gun in his FAT FACE TOO. The scene would look like this....
I'd probubly pretend to be an undercover store detective and ask him to give me the copy, whilst making everyone within earshot think that he was trying to steal the empty box.

Muhahaha. *ahem* :devil:
Originally posted by Garp
Lick it.

Hmmm, I can picture the scene.

<Garp enters game store gasping for breath and spies a small, chubby little cretin clutching tightly to the last copy of Half-Life2>

Kid: Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, oh yesssssss. The last copy. Heheeeee.
Garp: Hey kid, you don't want that game.
Kid: Why not!?
Garp: Because.......errrrrrr.........errrrr.....because......

<Garp's brain kicks into overdrive, searching for the perfect reason. A fabrication strong enough to dissuade the child without sound absurd.>

<Garp grabs at the box and licks it all over, leaving the kid with a look of confusion and disgust.>

Garp [to self]: Ahhh, the sweet taste of success.

Kid: I already did that.
Originally posted by Rock Lee
I would wait for him to buy it, stalk him to his home. Break in and hide under his bed. Then I would lie there watching him installing it and playing for several hours until he goes to bed. Late at night when every one is sleeping I would crawl out from under the bed in a stelthy maner and strangle him with my black leather strangulation gloves while I whisper "Guess you wont be playing HL2 anymore after all you little freak." . This done I would turn on his computer and play all night, perhaps enjoy a snack or two from ther fridge.
I thought you'd open your gates lol.. Start spazzing out on him, you know. Then use your forbidden technique.
I would tell him he's not old enough for it and buy the game myself
Heh, I could think of many mean things. Kick him in the balls and while he's in pain grab the game and run.
Originally posted by Majestic XII
I did it months ago.
You pre-orderd it where? I only saw regular copy you can pre-order.
I would perhaps wait till he goes to the clerk an the tell the clerk hey, he is to young for that, u cant sell that to him.

or i would go to the clerk and ask about a copy (because the cd isn't in the box most times)
Option the Ath:

I challenge you to honorable combat for that copy of Half-Life 2. Choose your weapon!
Originally posted by Magicpants
What's blackbagging? Is it the same as ballbagging? (don't ask)
Leather bag with lead in it ?

Pretty much yeah, it's like blackjacking someone. Of course the other option is to suprise them by shoving a hessien sack over them then beating them with various lengths of hose pipe. I used to live on a farm we got bored real easy, and that's the excuse i'm sticking to ;)

The true connoiseur would wait for the other guy to steal it off the kid then get the other guy as he walks away all smiling like he's a champion, yes that's the ticket, bide my time ;) :)
after i had finished pissing on the kids corps, i would grab HL2 out of his cold dead hands and then wear his face for a week. -- j/k lol :x
i would wait till the kid puts the game in teh shopping basket (i buy teh game in a supermarket for this to work), and when he goes and see other things i simply take teh game from teh BaSkEtXoRz and laugh hard just to see teh kid cry!!!! than i would tell teh kid how teh game RULEZZZZZ so he cries even more!!! :dozey:
I'd accidently trip over the kid and take the HL2 copy as compensation for the physical and emotional damage I took because he tripped me. Then I'd tell him how darn lucky he is not to get sued by me...
You guys are evil. Keep it up!

I'd follow the kid from the store, find out where he lives, go home and get kitted up in all my paintball gear, then storm his house, firing paint everywhere and demanding the copy of HL2.

Or I'll go to a different store, whatever. Both are good.
Anyone who suggests damage to the poor kid probably IS the poor kid.
If i have to be serious, I'd probably say to the kiddo' :"Hello, excuse me , there's someone outside looking for you, he says it's urgent!" and grab the game.
so do i: i would look at HL2 he was holding and start to laugh, hopping that the kid would drop the game thinking it sucked so bad that it amkes me laugh!!
grab him by the shoulders and lead him to the section where all the Sims expansions are ^^