The Last Great War: Pacific Theatre of Operations (WW2)


May 18, 2003
Reaction score

The Last Great War, a well-established Pacific Theater World War II modification for Half-Life 2, would like to remind everyone in the community about who we are again. Our site address has changed since the last major media update earlier this year, and while we have updated quite a bit since then, we havent advertised ourselves through many of the major media outlets. Until we release our next major media update, which will be early in the Fall along with a sleek, informative, new site we're designing, we've chosen to advertise LGW through word of mouth, and through the community. Please drop by the forums or the IRC Channel and show your crits and comments.

What makes LGW Unique?:
Unfortunatley for us, it has become a cliche to hear the phrase Realistic-World War II Mod. And while we do not describe areselves as thus, we do become marketed as one none the less. We feel there are several key features in our gameplay, and our content that will really set us apart.

What content and features?:
Australian & British troops as well as the more well-known ventures of US Marines in the Pacific fighting against the Japanese, mark the main focus of the content of the mod. The gameplay of mod is focused around team-play and fun. We're keeping realism in mind when designing all-aspects of the mod, however, we're not marketing ourselves to be the most realistic, and we're not cutting any of the fun to be more realistic. We'll do our best to be realistic. But our main goal is to have a FUN game to play. In the long-term, post Alpha and Beta 1.0 we plan to market a mod that can sport a full battlefield with frontlines, franks, hqs, and supplylines, however in the short term we're focusing mainly on an objective/class oriented multiplayer mostly comparable to Return to Castlewolfenstein. But we prefer not to compare ourselves to others, only to innovate our own ideas. We have a whole slew of innovative gameplay ideas that we hope may really bring some great multi-player gaming for everyone.

What will make LGW Succeed:
Everyone on the mod is determined to deliver a solid product to the public.
Our mod succeeded what is normally a rough beginning with a booming theme, World War II mods were a big thing, and although they're dieing out now we hope the new Pacific-Themed Miniseries (made by the people that brought us Band of Brothers) will revive interest in the community. And we hope our mod will play a Big part in the community for years to come.

Who we are: The Staff consists now of roughly 20 members, and while we want to expand that number to about 30 before we release a public playable version (Beta 1.0), we have a strong history, and have been around for a good while. We aren't a new mod at all, we're simple re-announcing our mod with the new URL. We're a well-established volunteer organization, with a history. Currently looking for a brighter future, and we're hoping some prospective new members full of potential can help out.

Some Media From LGW:

Sound Demo by Irish Tang
Type 44 Carbine

M12 Shotgun
Manila WIP
Manila WIP 2
Beach Scene WIP
So why make another WW2 game? Theres already 1000 out there.
WhiteZero said:
So why make another WW2 game? Theres already 1000 out there.

|LGW|Mith said:
What makes LGW Unique?:
Unfortunatley for us, it has become a cliche to hear the phrase Realistic-World War II Mod. And while we do not describe areselves as thus, we do become marketed as one none the less. We feel there are several key features in our gameplay, and our content that will really set us apart.

The basic ideas and work on LGW started before it became cliche. And we can't just give up all that hardwork simply because it has become a common genre. We're not gonna drop everything and say hey, lets make another themed mod! Way too much went into LGW. And the way we see it, we'll get out of it what we put into it.
I used to hang around your forums. Don't much anymore, kind of stopped when your site went down for a little while, but I'll still be first in line to download when it's released. I can't wait to see it and maybe when I'm done with some of my projects now I'll try to make a map for it.
Ive been waiting on a HL2 realistic WW2 mod.. please let LGW rock.