the latest from Fragmaster

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Oct 30, 2003
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Recently, another fan site foolishly proclaimed that Half-Life 2 "will be released this year." Of course, this is the same site that kept insisting 9/30/03 was the correct release date last year while we continued to scream like jerks that it wouldn't happen, but oh well...

Priceless! And oh so true.
iamaelephant said:
Priceless! And oh so true.

i posted on this earlier. the thread was locked, as it is simply site bashing. i got an e-mail back from him though, that shed some light on things. here it is:

PHL will be under new, improved management soon. It's obvious I'm not that big of a fan of Valve anymore and shouldn't be running the site.

That being said, shouldn't be making statements like "the game will be released this year" because that's not a sure thing, and they're setting people up for more disappointment. They did the same thing last year by continuing to insist Valve was going to hit 9/30 when in fact HL2 was undergoing so many changes at the time that it was unplayable.

I find him to be much more reasonable when not writing the geiger counter. I personally don't mind his point about I take every bit of news regarding HL2 releases with a grain of salt anyhow, so a bit of optimism is nice.
I cant see the problem with his comment about when it's so obviously true. Of course the admins of this forum refuse to accept any form of criticism and will close this thread, even though I honestly dont believe it's "Site bashing". Tell me one thing in that paragraph that isnt 100% true?
this thread isn't site bashing... that last one was.

EDIT: and i'd disagree that these mods won't accept criticism... i've done my fair share of criticism here, and i've never had a thread locked for bad reasons. I really enjoy the balance this community has.
Spiffae said:
this thread isn't site bashing... that last one was.

Indeed. I suppose it should stay open as long it doesn't turn into such.

Oh well, I do agree that Munro shouldn't have said "is coming out," rather that VALVe says it is. Either way.. doesn't really matter to me.
iamaelephant said:
Shuzer LOL @ the Biozeminades sig :D

lol, that's the best preview I've ever seen of a game, it deserved a tribute :) :laugh:
iamaelephant said:
I cant see the problem with his comment about when it's so obviously true. Of course the admins of this forum refuse to accept any form of criticism and will close this thread, even though I honestly dont believe it's "Site bashing". Tell me one thing in that paragraph that isnt 100% true?

Ding ding ding, we have a winner.
iamaelephant said:
I cant see the problem with his comment about when it's so obviously true. Of course the admins of this forum refuse to accept any form of criticism and will close this thread, even though I honestly dont believe it's "Site bashing". Tell me one thing in that paragraph that isnt 100% true?
I'm not closing this thread, you're not "bashing" us. I don't know which paragraph you're referring to (Munro's statement or Fragmaster's).

Fragmaster just got annoyed that Munro said the game will come out this year. I'll admit Valve doesn't have the best track record for releasing games, but on several occasions they have said the game WILL come out this year. Munro just put his faith in Valve. We'll see when it gets released. Munro's an optimist and Fragmaster isn't. Of course there's a chance the game won't come out this year, but Newell's quote didn't say it's coming in 2005.

It all depends on how much you trust Valve. Munro's main intent in making that news post was to assure everyone that Gabe didn't say he was delaying the game again. If you're like Fragmaster and you're not trusting Valve (you have the right to be), you can believe the game will be delayed. If you're like Munro and you do put some faith in Valve, then you know the game will be released when it's ready - this year like Valve has said.
synth said:
I'm not closing this thread, you're not "bashing" us. I don't know which paragraph you're referring to (Munro's statement or Fragmaster's).

Fragmaster just got annoyed that Munro said the game will come out this year. I'll admit Valve doesn't have the best track record for releasing games, but on several occasions they have said the game WILL come out this year. Munro just put his faith in Valve. We'll see when it gets released. Munro's an optimist and Fragmaster isn't. Of course there's a chance the game won't come out this year, but Newell's quote didn't say it's coming in 2005.

It all depends on how much you trust Valve. Munro's main intent in making that news post was to assure everyone that Gabe didn't say he was delaying the game again. If you're like Fragmaster and you're not trusting Valve (you have the right to be), you can believe the game will be delayed. If you're like Munro and you do put some faith in Valve, then you know the game will be released when it's ready - this year like Valve has said.

Thank you synth. I couldn't have said it better.

<ahem> i'm supposed to be bashing you to show how understanding you are...darn, i blew it.
Nothing Fragmaster has ever said is untrue, I think it's silly that so many people here dislike him so. the amount of fragmaster bashing that goes on here is really uncalled for.
Pseudonym_ said:
Nothing Fragmaster has ever said is untrue, I think it's silly that so many people here dislike him so. the amount of fragmaster bashing that goes on here is really uncalled for.
as is the amount of trolling, valve-bashing, and flaming coming from you.
Spiff, if you continue to follow me around this forum and throw baseless accusations and slanderous remarks after my posts, I will have no choice but to file a formal grievance with the proper authorities of this forum. please refrain from such actions in the spirit of cooperation in making this forum a friendly and enjoyable place to be for everyone. Thank you.
I really don't think any of the moderators disagree that you've been nothing but a troublesome troll, Pseudonym.
Pseudonym_, your constant negative attitude is annoying the other members... just stay cool, OK?

Keep on topic, if there are further complaints then PM whoever you need to.
Synth, My attitude is only a reflection of my treatment here. How am I to be positive in an environment with people such as Spiff and Shuzer stalking me in this way and pounding me with negative comments everytime I post? I have not shown any negativity here, despite the harassment of these individuals. If they would simply agree to cease and dissist this conflictive behaviour, things would go much smoother.
Eh, Fragmaster isn't so bad. pessemistic but not bad. He's a really funny guy who's had his voice used in many animations, has acted in a video, and works on a crapload of websites at the same time

so what if he's a bit negative on hl2's status, there's more to a person than that. Thats like hating someone because they hate eggs while you like eggs.
Spiff, if you continue to follow me around this forum and throw baseless accusations and slanderous remarks after my posts, I will have no choice but to file a formal grievance with the proper authorities of this forum. please refrain from such actions in the spirit of cooperation in making this forum a friendly and enjoyable place to be for everyone. Thank you.

I'm laughing so much right now, I really can't tell you.
Pseudonym_ said:
Synth, My attitude is only a reflection of my treatment here. How am I to be positive in an environment with people such as Spiff and Shuzer stalking me in this way and pounding me with negative comments everytime I post? I have not shown any negativity here, despite the harassment of these individuals. If they would simply agree to cease and dissist this conflictive behaviour, things would go much smoother.

We're "stalking" you? :laugh: You happen to be posting in active topics, and, us being active, simply post in the same topics.

As for you NOT being negative, have you not proof-read any of your posts? They bubble with negativity towards VALVe :|
Yes you are active users, however, when I post on-topic and the both of you continually follow up with off-topic, slanderous remarks reguarging me, this essentially qualifies as stalking.

It pains me that there isnothing positive to say about valve at the preasent, but I cannot change the situation any more than you. The few qualities I find admirable in Valve are unfortunately not being displayed by them now.

Now please, you are both attempting to derail this thread and convert it to another medium in which to bash and lynch and take out your frustrations on others as you two so often do. please stay on-topic, as the moderator Synth suggested. Do the mature thing and take up any personal grievances in private messages.

thank you.
dear Pseudonym_

you are right, once again. I have been stalking you, and I have been throwing baseless and insulting claims your way in every thread I have stalked you to. I do this because I am intensely jealous of your red avatar (which is VERY red) and your underscore at the end of your name. I wish every day that I could be Spiffae_, but lo, i did not have the foresight to do such. My insults are purely a result of my childlike jealousy, and I will try to stop before you file a formal grievance.

My most sincere apologies,

It pains me that there isnothing positive to say about valve at the preasent

I would suggest that you rephrase that to:

"It pains me that I have nothing positive to say about valve at the preasent"

And stop expressing your opinions as facts.
Pim, your opinion that my facts are really opinions is your own opinion which yo uare attempting to pass off as fact. The fact is, both of us are opinionated and it is only human nature to referance ones own opinions as fact in a discussion.

Synth, please acknowledge the continued mockery of memebers such as Spiff, despite my efforts at reaching an agreeable end to this conflict. This behaviour is the crux of the problem here and should be corrected.
Pim, your opinion that my facts are really opinions is your own opinion which yo uare attempting to pass off as fact. The fact is, both of us are opinionated and it is only human nature to referance ones own opinions as fact in a discussion.

Pse, Your "facts" were utterly disproven last night in another thread. And it may be in your nature to reference your own opinion as fact, but I assure you that it's not in mine.
Anyway without bursting any arguement bubbles, i think the sensible money goes on Valve releasing this year. It is not only optimism it is strict business sense.

The company has been focusing 0on this product for a long time, the community is ready to recieve it and the hardware is out there for Valve to ... Their company is going to either live or die on this product so obviously they want it to be perfect but at the same time they must be aware of the fact other companies are producing games that are coming closer and closer in quality. They shall want to release their game so they can have the feeling of satisfaction at accomplishment as well as raking in huge quantities of cash and rolling around in it.
Not a single person offered anything resembling proof which disagreed with the information I posted last night.

Pim, if you have anything else to say to me you should do so in PMs, rather than attempt to turn this into a public display and stroke your ego.
Pseudonym_ said:
Not a single person offered anything resembling proof which disagreed with the information I posted last night.

I can't even remember you really proving anything. You stated obvious stuff, such as "VALVe is out to make money," then you went on to act like iD does it ALL for the community, with no money in mind.

Also, people answered quite a few of your accusations with reasonable responses. You ignored them.

Lastly, Chris_D asked 4 times, what was your point? You never responded. Did you have a point? Or were you there simply to ruffle some feathers (seems like that's what your intent was)?

Also, would you get off your grammatical high horse? You're formulating your posts with synonmys to common day words to do exactly what you request Pi doesn't do, "stroke your ego." I'd go back and do a side by side of your previous posts (in the afforementioned thread, specifically) and prove that you're only posting in such a way to make yourself look "smarter" or perhaps more mature than you actually are.
Not a single person offered anything resembling proof which disagreed with the information I posted last night.


Doom³ has soundscapes. Most of hl2 is just a random techno track looping when you start to fight, and they call it soundscapes. thankfully in Doom³ you won't have to put up with that shit, the sounds will be atmospheric instead of disrupting the atmosphere.

Disinformation - you even later said that they use the same technology.

Not only can demons follow you, they can sense you with senses other than sight and sound. how many enemies in hl2 will be able to smell you. Oh, not a feature?
As was pointed out to you, Antlions can smell.

Don't kid yourself, Doom³'s facial animation is no less impressive. Infact, the lyp synch for hl2 is nothing impressive. It's done real time, but it doesn't look as good as the end. The lips are rigid and stiff, and move unrealistically fast. It's impressive that its done realtime, but the quality of the end product is lacking.

Disinformation. You could not possibly know what the end product of either game is like.

No every surface does not need to be bumpmapped, the perfeclt yflat surfaces dont. But almost no surface is perfectly flat. This is why hl2 looks so undetailed and flat like every other game before it, while doom³ is one generatio naway from final fantasy graphics, and hl2 is just a small step up form old tech.

You based your opinions on how HL2 looks on old media from almost a year ago. You have no way of knowing how much it has changed in the last year.

You claimed that Valve were anti-community, yet it was shown (partly by you) that they do everything that id does in involving the community.

You also stated that everything Valve did for the community was to line their own pockets, but everything id did for the community was out of the kindness of their own hearts. Yet you repeatedly failed to provide any evidence for this.

Need I go on?
Mods, take notice how Shuzer and Pim(a moderator at that!) continues to attempt to derail this thread for their own personal reasons. He is trying to draw me out in public rather than send me a PM. This is pure ego at work, and it is dissrupting this thread.

Also, notice how I respond to this harassment in a mature way and refuse to let him drag me into another immature, unproductive argument.

This forum is in serious need of purging dissruptive memebers.
I also feel it's necessary to point out that I have no need to stroke my ego. It's already large, magnificent and well-groomed.
Pseudonym_ said:
Mods, take notice how Shuzer continues to attempt to derail this thread for their own personal reasons. He is trying to draw me out in public rather than send me a PM. This is pure ego at work, and it is dissrupting this thread.

Also, notice how I respond to this harassment in a mature way and refuse to let him drag me into another immature, unproductive argument.

This forum is in serious need of purging dissruptive memebers.

This made me laugh. You're doing the exact same thing, and have been. I've hardly been flaming you, or been rude to you. My point was, you've changed your entire form simply to benefit your fake attitude.
This forum is in serious need of purging dissruptive memebers.

You're absolutely right. Let's purge the disruptive person that caused a 17-page argument. Or maybe that person wasn't at fault? It must have been everyone else in that thread! Of course....
PiMuRho said:
I also feel it's necessary to point out that I have no need to stroke my ego. It's already large, magnificent and well-groomed.
Now you're just baiting.
No, this is called "wit".

I'm merely responding to his claim that I'm doing this to stroke my ego.
can you close this thread or something, it's content isn't making anyone look good.
You know, I think I will.

Everything that needed to be said was said last night.

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