The level you like the most in Half Life 2

Which level you like the most ??

  • From the beginning to Black Mesa East

    Votes: 25 17.7%
  • We Don't Go To Ravenholm

    Votes: 22 15.6%
  • Highway 17

    Votes: 14 9.9%
  • Sandtraps

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Nova Prospekt

    Votes: 16 11.3%
  • Entanglement

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Anticitizen One

    Votes: 11 7.8%
  • Follow Freeman

    Votes: 17 12.1%
  • Benefactory

    Votes: 13 9.2%
  • Dark Energy

    Votes: 17 12.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I love this game, every single level are different and special, the gameplay is never the same.
Is there a poll coming?

EDIT: Yes there is. :)

I liked all of them. I don't specifically have a favorite chapter.
BTW: It's called "Our Benefactors". :p

But I did like very much the whole opening and beginning. :D
We Don't Go To Ravenholm because the different traps were cool and I love zombies.
me i haven't finished the game yet, i'm now at the end of Entanglement where you set up the turrets to defend you against the combines. I just love every single level I have played, it's never just run and shoot, there are huge variety of gameplays. I have been playing first person shooting games for many years now, starting with unreal, shogo, red faction, then sof2, ut serie, deux ex serie, halo, cod, doom3...I just finished moh pacific assault before I started playing half life 2, and hl2 is really the best first person shooting experience I ever have. For the poll, I hesitate between Ravenholm and Entanglement. Ravenholm just makes hl2 to have to the right amount of horror, not repetive at all, the atmosphere, the mood, the sound and everything else just make this level so great. I'm not going to forget the sound of the zombies climbing up the duct which makes me nervous and also the graveyard scene. At entanglement, I just love how to set up the turret against the combines, remember the place where we have to set up 3 turrets to defend the place until Alyx arrive, i have played that part again and again, not becuz i got killed again and again, but becuz i just enjoy setting up turrets in different ways to see which one is the most effective. I just love the way valve set up the game, every level has a different theme and different gameplays.
Our Benefactors, the whole ride through the citadel was amazing.
Probably Highway 17-Sandtraps, I loved those battles with the combine soldiers. So many ways to destroy them ^^ Rollermines were funny too.
Ravenholm was quite nice too, fast zombies scare the sh*t out of me.
I think I would go for Dark Energy, just sooo mesmerising (spelling?).
Subatomic said:
Our Benefactors, the whole ride through the citadel was amazing.

Agreed! It was very excellent. I'm not so sure many people appreciated its awesomeness.

I picked Follow Freeman. However I also loved Nova Prospekt, the beginning, and as well as the last two levels.
Subatomic said:
Our Benefactors, the whole ride through the citadel was amazing.
Totally agree. My jaw dropped when I figured out I had to jump into one of those pod things.
I voted Our Benefactors - Being carried through the Citadel seeing how insurmountable it all seemed, then being given the Uber Gravity Gun! I just felt like I was humanities last hope and I had to do something!
i voted for Nova Prospekt, not for the bug bait, but just for everything about it. When your outside fighting the gunships, I loved that. A very close second would be Our Benefactors and on, the Citidel was so awesome, the atmosphere and everything about it. Seeing how the combine worked and such, kickass level
Got to be Ravenholm, scary as sh** and i love the original zombies rather then the new combines
The Begining - Black Mesa East. Why? the pace was great, and I like the setting. it reminds me of something that could happen if I was in a suburban town escaping a task force. (and zombies) (and manhacks) (and aliens). :D
I like follow freeman because it's just fun and awesome having friends battling beside you!! :D
I liked Ravenholm a lot, and it's not that I don't like our benefactors. My quirk with it is just that you are shown so many cool things. ((3 gun ships, 3 striders. Those weird things that are green. Stalkers)) And you never fight half things you see, and the other things you fight small scale. ((2 striders at most and 2 gunships at most)). It's just the show is great but the action isn't =(
nova prospekt p'bably as ive just finished it again recently,the whole atmosphere and setting was just fantastic,i mean for the first 10-15mins your just walkin around the place,i loved looking at the security videos seeing whats up ahead,watchin the combine get annihilated by the antlion guard,huge holes in the floor etc like there something here we cant seee following us,it reminded me alot of the silent hill mental hospitals,fightning w/the antlions was really cool as i wasnt expecting it
Acturally i like wandering around the first level - Point Insertion, but the best level is "We don't go to Ravenholm..." 2nd runner up is Highway 17
I just completed the game a few minutes ago so I can finally make a proper (but still very hard) decision :). The levels I liked the most where:
- Ravenholm because of the creepyness and the ability to use those traps.
- From the beginning to Black Mesa East because of the atmosphere.
- Our Benefactors, because of the unusual, creepy and mysterious atmosphere of the level, which you really experience during those rides through the citadel
- Dark Energy, very beautiful, it contains important things about the storyline and it contains the ending which is very cool.

But I can't really choose which of these levels I liked the most, they were so different so I can't choose between them. And the levels which I didn't listed where fun too play too most of the time but I remember not as much memorable moments from these levels and the vehicle parts was somethings a little less exciting than the average HL2 level. And the level where there where antlions coming out of the sand unless you only step on the objects was sometimes even annoying.
i'd say the whole nova prospekt sequence, including the approach with the antlions. wonderful level.
"Benefactory" is the single coolest level I've ever seen in a video game.
You know that "WOW" feeling when you start the game in the trainstation? I felt like that at the start of every mission, so I cant decide.
Mountain Man said:
"Benefactory" is the single coolest level I've ever seen in a video game.
Correction: "Our Benefactors"
our banifactors + dark energy the whole citadel level is what makes HL2 stand above other games.
the architecture is amazing the ambience is great too pitty the chapter is too short.
i'd wouldnt mind if half of the game was played in the citadel i freaking love this level,
other levels were great (besides the airboat ride) but these 2 are masterpieces
I really enjoyed the contrast from Ravenholm to highway 17... coming out of the mines into the light.. then onto the coast.. really nailed it for me... everything else is fantastic...

HL2.. best fps ever... :| Best game Eva! :E
joule said:
Correction: "Our Benefactors"
Yeah, I knew the correct title. I was just using the name given in the poll for the sake of consistency.
Air boat (whatever that's called - the entire Route Kanal levels)
Highway 17
Nova Prospekt was probably my favorite chapter, because having the antlions do all the work was so cool.
The whole game was awesome and each level had its unique twist. I'd have to go with the beginning of the game because at that point you don't know what's ahead and it's very interesting trying to analyse all that you're seeing. then, the esaping part is pretty cool too.
I just finished around 20 minutes ago, man that game is Tops.

It is also the longest FPS i have ever played, and each environment is do different. You dont get that 'cookie cutter' room and environment feeling like some other games have.

I dont know if i could choose the best level. All the levels were highlights for me, although i do think Dark Matter would win just for that 'different' ending although not exactly unexpected.

The super manipulator was the best.. although i really enjoyed the hover boat :D
The entire game was awsome, but Ravenholm really stood out. This one level single handedly beats Doom 3's ass! (soooo damn scary!) My second favorite level was sandtraps- Those epic battles with the combine and using physics to stay off the sand was really nifty. The end of that level rocked, too. With those machine gun towers mowing down your allies as you scramble for cover... it was like D-day or something.
Highway 17 was great. There was really something post-apocalyptically creepy about being the only living person crossing an empty highway in your makeshift dune buggy.

Also, every section that happened in a tunnel filled with car wrecks. Especially the one with the big puddle of waste where you jump onto the car, and then your realise the car is melting.
Favourite Half-Life 2 Chapter - " We don't go to Ravenholm ". Being the only living person around apart from Father Gregori was very creepy, as were the poision zombies suddenly turning up out of nowhere ! Got less scary in the cemetary though, because of Father Gregori fighting alongside you. The mines were ... unexpected ... I knew there were going to be quite a few headcrabs, but I found the exit in about 1 minute, and from there on the tunnel was a breeze. However, I won't quickly forget the relief when I saw that light at the end of the tunnel !!
Cukel, when i first read your spoiler qoute, i thought you made it up (still made me laugh). Then when i played through again, i heard him say it and damn near fell out of my seat laughing, that is some funny shit. Easy to miss if you zip through.