The life of a priest



The life of a priest.


Hello, my name is Father Grigori and i am a Russian Ortthodox priest in the "town" Ravenholm, if you could still call it a town and not hell on earth. I have been a priest in the town for the past twenty or more years, i have lost track of time over the past couple of months or is it years? I have seen my flock through the good times, the bad times and the very bad times, and continue to do so. I was there for it all, from the initial invasion, when the sky turned black and thousands of strange flying things filled it for mile's around in every direction, to when the first group of injured resistance soldiers and refugee's arrived from City 17 or Riga as i once knew it. To the day when IT happend, the day when my humble mining town was changed and taken over, turned into a warzone within a planet wide warzone, the day when at the crack of dawn the sky filled with hundred's of missle contrail's and Ravemholm became infected by them, the Crab's.

At first we managed to contain it, we burned, shot and blew up as many of them as we could, but for every one we killed there would be another ten lurking out there to take its place, hiding in the sewers, pipes and attics. Then the Walkers started to manifest, we initially thought that when the Crab's latched on they simply killed there victims and they themselves then died, the bodys would start to decompose for god's sake! Before we knew what was happening they were wandering the street's killing people left and right, a group of us quickly smartened up and barricaded ourselves in the top floors of buildings, we blew up stairways with small gas tanks, blocked off entrances and stockpiled ammunition for the few shotguns and rifle's we had scrounged from private ownership, the town had a large hunting community and so we initially had large quantity's ammo but this would not last long when compared to the sheer number of Walker's and who knows what else in our town that we were up against, food, water and medical supplies were not a problem thanks to the large winter reserve's our town built up before each winter.

For month's our small group was content with doing nothing more than taking pot shot's at Walker's, setting up traps and contructing walkways around the rooftop's, some of us attempted to escape through the old mine's but when none returned we quickly gave up on the idea. However one by one my brethren were slowly picked off in a variety of ways, from slimply tripping off our walk ways and falling to there deaths to accidently shooting each other in the middle of night, one by one they fell and by the end there was only me and Annabelle left.

More on the way....(action as well)

Any comments, praise, criticism, or plot requests is greatly welcomed. If for some reason you want to post this on your website then just email.
Here's the next part guys, the real start and not just a continuation of the intro, it gives a hint at the action still to come...


For months nothing happened, I was content with my routine of simply surviving and when possible sending some more of my flock to heaven. Then one day HE came, the man that re-instated my faith in this world and mankind.

The day started as any other, I woke at around dawn and immediately went to check the security of my hideout, checking to make sure that the one door to the attic was still bolted and blocked shut and that nothing had to tried to ram it and knock over the crates and assorted trash I had piled up in front of it. As was the same every other day nothing was amiss or moved and so I continued with the rest of my tasks, I lit the stove burner and put on some water and emptied as sachet of freeze dried coffee, while the coffee boiled I proceeded over to the “window” of my room, by window I mean a hole I knocked through the roofing then installed an enclosed gangway outside with my limited knowledge of welding, the only good thing that could be said about the view was that it was at least peaceful, instead of the usual hustle and bustle of an early morning with people going about there business, cars driving, milk being delivered and just general organised chaos. Instead there was none of this, nothing at all bar a Walker that was aimlessly wandering around looking for its next victim to attack, the thing was so brain dead that it did not even raise its head to me and instead continued its aimless, futile wander.

I had just poured my cup of coffee when my morning was interrupted by the one noise I had not heard in a long time, except when I made, there was a gunshot! I immediately pulled on my trusty Converse sneakers and dashed over to the wall were trusty Annabelle was racked, I pulled her down and making sure that a shell was chambered ran to the gangway, just in time to see an orange clad blow away the same Walker I had observed moments before, the man levelled what looked like a large Colt Python and put a round through the Crab that was perched on the Walkers head, the round blew through both the creature and the skull of its victim and sent a large lump of yellow stuff all over the ground behind it. I dashed over to the gas pipe running through my room and spun the valve all the way round, causing gas to leak outside at street level and coat the corpses I had strung up the day before, I than ran to the rooms light switch and switched it on causing beacon of light to spring through my window and into the dark early morning sky, I then ran back to the balcony and witnessed the orange man engage a further three Walkers, in each case calmly dispatching the creatures with a round to the head. I aimed Annabelle near the base of where the corpses were and fired a shell, the pellets struck against metal and caused sparks, this ignited the gas fumes and set the corpses on fire, the man looked up at me and simply stared I bellowed out a greeting, it was just after doing this that I heard a scuttling to my left.
nice cool POV - might need a bit more description of Ravenholm and where Father G is- but seeing that all of us have seen it with our own computers that works...
thanks evilsloth..... seriously guys if any one has any plot requests or you want me to continue with the HL2 version just say, this is my first fan fic so any requests or recomendations are greatky accepted.....
Sorry folks was in Virginia for a while, will post next part as soon as gain touch with realty again i.e. about a day, lots of action comin up soon
Oh after i conclude this story im thinking of setting a story after Gordon leaves and the Combine come to town to find "something", i wanna do it so we can see how the dear father reacts to live enemies i.e. unleashing the zombies upon them... anyone interested?