The Lion King

The Lion King is without a doubt one of the greatest animated films ever. I wish I had it on DVD. :<
Disney are basically like MJ12 in Deus Ex when it comes to video releases. They ration out the DVDs for short periods, lock them away and cause the children to riot in the playgrounds, forcing rich parents to bid ever higher for dodgy copies on ebay. Then it turns out that Disney manufacture the Bootlegs as well :O

But then I prefer the Little Mermaid anyway. Under the Sea could take you all on.
The Disney Vault really is just a way of squeezing out sales. "For limited release on DVD, then it goes back in the vault...until we release it again in 2 years." Hence why I try to pick up everything before it goes back into the vault--which is, of course, exactly what Disney wants. But eh.

You can still find places that sell the Lion King on DVD. Usually it's in a 2-pack with Lion King II.

Kupo said:
But then I prefer the Little Mermaid anyway. Under the Sea could take you all on.
Managed to get the platinum DVD of that too before they shoved it back into the vault. Pretty hard to find now.

You know what, though? "Under the Sea" is, IMO, the worst song in that movie. Which isn't to say it's a bad song, but it pales compared to all the other songs in the movie. Well, maybe not the chef's song. But "Part of Your World," "Kiss the Girl," and "Poor Unfortunate Souls," are all way better songs.
It's pretty much the opposite case in the UK. Plenty of copies of the Little Mermaid, virtually none of the Lion King.

OJ says "Ooooooo" due to the lack of OJ

Putin contemplates killing OJ and Lion King.
Brilliant thread. I know a dozen of the movie's conversations by heart.

Probably saw it too much when I was little.

Mufasa is displeased with the direction the thread has taken. Mufasa will return to the stars to spy on you plebs.
I agree with Darkside. Scar is the best. Plus i love the fact that Jeremy Irons plays him. Jeremy = awesome.