the little things you love about the game...


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
theres just so much stuff in the game, what are your favourite little aspects of it?

little things i like...

- the cardboard boxes actually flap open, instead of being indestructable cubes.

- the uber cool forcefield shield things that combine have

- the way time/days progress... the sky gets lighter/darker

- the combine flatlining when they die

- shooting birds

theres plenty more but my minds gone blank. what little things do u guys love about the game?

dont forget spoiler tags if ur posting anything that might be spoilery
Things I love:
- the combine flatlining when they die (yeah copy paste)
- Headshooting a combine
- Magnum
- Combine
- Alyx's butt
- Manipulator Gun

Things I hate:
- Ant Lions
- Ravenholm
- Zombies
- The way the Ant Lions come out of the ground.
One of the little things i love about it, is the barrels. Shooting them, wtching them burn, watching them roll.. and boom. Also how combine set them on fire and roll them at you.
Also the way the glass shatters and breaks in sections.... could go on and on....
I love how I just spent *30 mins* trying to get past about 10-20 headcrabs (yes, ONLY headcrabs!) with only the manipulator and some exploding barrels (and some other objects here and there) spread throughout the area (this involved dying a lot, I suck :D). Had this been any other game, this would have been irritating and annoying (I mean, come on, spending 30 mins on HEADCRABS). Instead, it was some of the most fun I've had in game in a long time pre-HL2.
i luv just about everything

i hate the manhacks tho..
I hate those damned
or whatever. They're a total bitch.

spoiler-i-fied incase someone hasn't gotten to them yet.
EC said:
I hate those damned
or whatever. They're a total bitch.

spoiler-i-fied incase someone hasn't gotten to them yet.

They are so annoying. I hated Ravenholm.
I hated it, but I loved it at the same time. I love everything about it.
I love the sounds of the pistol and SMG, and the way your cmbine friends react to them
  • Throwing the can at the guard
  • Throwing just about anything
  • Throwing Paint tins at objects made them turn white and left paint splatter
  • The day/night cycle also caught my eye
  • Loved the whole of the Citadel, awsome

one dislike, too hard to keep all the resistance guys alive when they have a tendancy to run under striders.
- saw blades + the manipulator

- throwing suitcases/bricks/bottles/cans/boots at the combine at the start of the game, then being chased

and the magnum is truly awesome, i spend my ammo on it too damn quickly!
The gun sounds are ****ing awesome. They just make me want to keep shooting the weapons, and i do..and keep running low on ammo ;)

I love it in Ravenholm when the super fast zombies are climbing the pole to get me on the roof and i'm just standing there shotgunning them off, watching them ragdoll back to the ground.

I love killing an antlion in the air and watching it's carcass hit the deck.

omfg i love this game :D
- having unlimited bugbait pheremones... so you can send antion after antlion into crossfire, just for the hell of it
i loved it in the beggining when you are walking through the playground and you can hear the kids playing, but they arent there. i loved the ending! i loved everything about this game!
I love how creepy ravenholm is
I love driving for an hour, and stpping at the stations and taking out some baddies
Gravity Gun
Flat Lining
I love how the black headcrabs move and act like spiders, they rattly and hiss at you
I love how ****ign scary the Speedy Zombies are... cha ching cha ching ch ching cha HOLY SHIT!
- The "concussion"/(going deaf) effect when something blows up near you. Simple to do, but very neat idea.
- Physics puzzles. So far been pretty simple, but I guess I am experienced in games enough to figure them out quickly, but, come on, those are nice.
- Combine flatlining is nice. Not only informative, but logical, since Resistance obviously had hacked Gordon's suit to hear them die for tactical information update.
- Overall, the whole style. Not only great Orwellian universe is created, but the fun thing it is very nicely fused with creepiest alien technology. Somehow it all fits together... Yeah... And the environment is scary, both in city and in industrial areas. You don't wanna be there... ;)
- G-Man appearing and walking by... :) The guy has about 10 times more polygons now, but his style hasn't changed a bit...
- Have you guys tried talking ('E') to the Vortigaunt?.. Some philosophical dudes those are... It's a pity we had a miscommunication with one of those in the beginning of HL1, when damn thing broke out the closet door right as I was approaching, and scared me, and thus the consequent events, so to say, rendered that guy and all his brothers to a condition when they are no longer, to say... alive... But then again, blame it on the Nihilanth...

Some setbacks, i.e. things that are totally OK with me, but might annoy some fanboys.
- Sometimes you are forced rush things (don't mean Alyx here) and don't have time to smell the flowers (by that I mean gazing on huge industrial structures as you glide past them on the hoverboat) ;)
- Glass breaks in a modern standard, unrealistic way, like it's made out of sugar game had good glass breaking yet.
- Big Loading times and big waiting times when you change video options. Awesome graphix has its price.
- Where are the biozeminades?! I want my biozeminades!!! Oh man, Valve, you have ruined my childhood!... ;) ;) ;)
- Oxygen seems to runs out quicker.. And yes, I know it has the same energy source as the Flashlight.
- pinning the combine to stuff with the crossbow
the whole presentation is awe inspiring, even with the few if noticable at all setbacks the game as a whole overshadows my expectations. wow can't believe im here, back to the game... the pistol feels too real, and when you shoot a combine in the head with the magnum, one word.. sinful. this game is to good to be true.
I love..

-breaking glass
-shooting birds
-firing the saw blades with the maniplulator
-the satisfaction of killin combines/antlions
-the sounds of explosions
-the horrible scream of the zombies when they are on fire
-the sound of the striders when they are hit, its a mechanical/animal sound, impossible to describe..
-the alternate fire of the combine rifle (Ball of energy that disintegrates peeps)
-Letting the roof hanging mutants eat the enemy...
-Watching the citadel eat the city
(there is more, but it goes on and on..)
(why oh why wasnt there hl mp :( )

Things i dont like..

(The loading between sections, gets tedious..)
I love the echo effects in the canyons along the coast.

This is the first time in a long time where I have laughed out loud with enjoyment while playing a game.
Once you realise the manhacks can be 'grabbed' by the gravity gun, like me they will become your favourite.
echo effects
the i-rifle is gods gift to gaming
crossbow pinning is so sweet
nades are incredibly fun
exploding barrels with the manip.
combine killing satisfaction
the gun u get on ur airboat
jesus christ everything about this game ****ing owns
Dr.breen said:
Once you realise the manhacks can be 'grabbed' by the gravity gun, like me they will become your favourite.

holy crap, i must do this :O

then i can fight fire with fire :farmer:
i dont think anyone has said this yet...
But the last gun... oooooh god was that fun...

The super manipulator thingy... when the citidel gives it some extra power for some odd reason... soooooo much fun... almost god like...
I like the fact that this game is set it Russia... or one of the republics from the Soviet Union.
During the hovercraft part, when you come to almost the end, where you have to open the huge gates to get to the warehouse, it says Port 5 at the very top of the gates, in Russian.
i love this
Id Crisis said:
I like the fact that this game is set it Russia... or one of the republics from the Soviet Union.

There were a lot of discussions. This is NOT Russia, that's for sure. The design is Eastern European, I believe inspired by Romania (again, NOT a Soviet Union Republic, although heavy influenced by The Empire).

However, I have actually seen ZAZ parked on the street (full name is Zaporozhets, the cheapest car in Soveit Union, total shame to drive :borg: ) . Father Grigory also sounds like he's got Russian heritage. But the name Ravenholm... Not Russian at all, guys... Sounds German or smth...

Anyways, the style is great... I do not really care where it is.
I'd really say it is Russia, there is Russian writing, for one. What other country, other than Ukraine uses nearly the same alphabet? Read the spoiler if you didn't. Also, Grigory is a Russian name (not limited to Russia). The buildings remind me of Russia in a lot of areas. I don't know what other country it could be, unless you do. Oh, and Russia is in Easter Europe. :thumbs:
Absolutely loved it when the combine soldier at the start knocked the piece of rubbish off the bin and told me to pick it up. After i unwillingly did so he just walks off chuckling.
Played the game with a huge smile on my face since. This is the ultimate gaming experience.....
lol he told me to chuck it in the bin, so i picked it up and threw at his face, thatll teach him :D
I love:
- The design of the combine attack helicopter
- The little physics puzzles
- The look of the biomech dropships, (escpecially when your in your airboat and one flies over yah)
- The screaming of zombies on fire
- The sawblades and other sharp tools for your manipulator
- Dog's ball
- The vastness of city17 and its wasteland outskirts including ravenholm
- The posters and grafiti on the walls who tell you more stuff about the story then the characters do.
Id Crisis said:
I'd really say it is Russia, there is Russian writing, for one. What other country, other than Ukraine uses nearly the same alphabet? Read the spoiler if you didn't. Also, Grigory is a Russian name (not limited to Russia). The buildings remind me of Russia in a lot of areas. I don't know what other country it could be, unless you do. Oh, and Russia is in Easter Europe. :thumbs:
I think it was one of the artist's that came from romania and they based city 17 on that, but they included alot of eastern european styles in it.
Good list of stuff guys, there is one little thing I'd like to add though...

When you are underwater and someone shoots at you, I LOVE how the effect it gives when a bullet goes flying past your head under water. The bubbles... the sound effect... it's all glorious. Looks like it was taken straight from Saving Private Ryan (Dunno how realistic this effect in real life is, but it's SWEET! :E )

DoD is gonna have a fun time with that little detail.
no one mentioned this, but in klieners lab, theres a little machine with a cactus on it, press the button and itll teleport it to the other side. you can put other stuff there as well and it teleports, i did a computer monitor. i tried sitting on top and pressing the button but it didnt work.