the little things you love about the game...

I found out later if you take a paint can, use the manipulator to throw it high in the air, bring out your revolver, if you have good aim and timing you can keep shooting it in the air. Its frickin fun like those western movies!
I like in the citadel with the blue manipulator when you throw them in the enery balls things, they electricute them and they dissapear. And in those big things when you throw them in they slowly move around in it. And when you pull the computers from the wall how they break off. :D
Positive Female Representations! Alyx is pretty down to earth and almost an everyday girl type (though she does still seem to appeal to some of the resident fanboys :/ ), Mossman is a strong character as well... But more than anything, I like how Valve have gone and created compelling Female extras as well. So many Sci-Fi Games / Movies have an alledgedly strong Female lead, only to neglect females in just about every other area of their movie. Female characters in this game aren't given "special treatment" just because of their gender - they're there, fighting alongside the player and their male counterparts for their freedom. If Women hadn't been resistance members, it would have annoyed me to think that Valve felt that they women are "too weak" to fight in a last ditch battle for the survival of humanity. GG on challenging Gender Stereotypes Valve ^^

Oh and one other little thing that I love: Physics on grenades. Not only can you throw them back with the manipulator gun, but you can shoot them with any weapon to alter their course. I recently shotgunned one back into a Soldier's face. Which was nice ^^
things i love
things that are absent which should be in game
the more guns. Period
More aliens, i dont really think the only alien from zen left on earth are the vortigaunts. what happened to tentacles
still. the antlionguards are hilarious
In addition to all the excellent points metioned I really enjoy the variety in the game. Each chapter has a different pace and feel.
Everything, but blasting paint cans in combine faces turning them white is always fun, (if only there were more colors).

And when a gunship or somthing is blasting windows and crates about sending crap flying everywhere, just before it comes crashing down a few feet from your face and explodes into pieces.
Everything exept using up your flashlight so that it runs out, then going into water and getting killed.
I've decided to go back and play the game, just to write everything down everything that I came/come across that makes me go ,"Wow." I'll share that later on.

As for now, one of the many things I love about this game, is the cuss words. They aren't used in the "hip-hip" or "teenage" sense. I love when they swear in this game. You really feel it because they really mean it.

I love VALVe for not being afraid to cuss. :D
I love the grenades. Very nicely done.

And the magnum IS a sin to use. And I'm wallowing in it.

Oh, the mini-teleporter in Kleiner's lab DOES work with anything you can stack on it. You just have to try positioning it properly.

Psst- Try stacking a whole LOT of stuff on it... ;)
The pulling down of the Plaza Breen screen
Throwing dr breens miniture screens around

Grabbing a rollermine with the grav gun,throwing them in a room and blocking the room up with objects

The beginning sequence

The whole Sci fi world.

The wasteland outskirts, ravenholm and the dried up kanals etc

Grabbing combien with the super grav gin and throwing off into the abyss, throwing them against walls, throwing them into the energy beams and into the generators and watching them float around...and lobbing breens screen in as well

Headcrab drop pod

Hammering them with the crowbar (headcrab)