The Long Lost Art of Co-op

Sulkdodds said:
It's so stupid. Co-op is so brilliant and so rare that nowadays it's a big plus point for any game coming out - "ooh, I wouldn't mind buying that, it's got co-op." Are publishers and developers too lazy to code it? Do they not recognise the divinity of co-operative play? Or have the men in suits somehow come to the conclusion that co-op doesn't sell and that we don't want it?
I think the problem is the sacrifices they feel they have to make in order to make it work. You can't push a system to it's limit and still expect two people to be able to play at the same time.

Co-op game of the moment: Ratchet and Clank: Deadlocked.
It's great, but co-op just wouldn't work in most games now.
For example, a fps like Doom3 or HL2 would suck, because they are so damn easy with just 1 person anyway - the predictable AI makes them so.

So there's multiplayer. And let's face it there is more fun to be had with firing a grenade into the soft belly of a gobby, homophobic, illiterate cret on the opposite side of the planet than some lifeless AI robot that cheats and just ducks at regular intervals or simply runs at you. I mean, why play ALONGSIDE real people when you can EXPLODE them? :cheese:

Some games like WoW and BF2 encourage co-op play but the basis is still the good old human v human element that is undeniably more attractive than pure co-op.

If game AI could match a typical (sub)human opponent like the ones we all enjoy regularly turning inside-out online, then co-op would probably be as popular, if not more, than multiplayer, which itself is now more popular than single player.
CR0M said:
So there's multiplayer. And let's face it there is more fun to be had with firing a grenade into the soft belly of a gobby, homophobic, illiterate cret on the opposite side of the planet than some lifeless AI robot that cheats and just ducks at regular intervals or simply runs at you. I mean, why play ALONGSIDE real people when you can EXPLODE them? :cheese

I dunno, experiencing a game with a friend, especially a story driven one, can be excellent.

You're right about HL2 and Doom3 - I don't think they'd work in co-op. It was very good in Perfect Dark and Halo, though, especially the latter (shame about the dodgy frame rate)
I guess I will have to wait till one of my friends picks up and xbox 360 and perfect dark or Sven co-op 2 comes out for a decent fps co-op.

BTW does anyone remember perfect darks counter-op, that was the most fun I had on a N64 game.
Sainku said:
BTW does anyone remember perfect darks counter-op, that was the most fun I had on a N64 game.

Yeh - that was very cool :)
Doom 3 co-op on the XB is pretty entertaining imo.
<3 Micro Machines 2. I played that game until only scraps of disc remained. In Co-op. With my brothers. I even played it with my mom once lol :D

After that I really didn't play any (good) Co-op games anymore. :(
Well, I had Sven Co-op, which was great, but the maps got boring after a while.

But playing CS:S with some friends on a LAN versus 40 bots is still mighty fun :D
The issue about co-op being too easy with 2 players is easily addressed by making the enemy AI harder, adding more bad guys, or having a shared ammuntion and/or health supply

The issue about not enough processing power and resources can be addressed by a reduction in graphics, special effects or otherwise.

The main problem is making it work.

There are four ways i can think of on how to do it.
1you both have to stay on the same screen on side-scrolling games
2split screen view
3via internet
4system link

With a First person shooter like Half-life2 you couldn't force players to stay on the same screen so they would have to do it split screen (pretty lame) or via internet, which takes away the fun of having your buddy in the same room.

Certain games are easier than others to add a co-op mode too, and i agree, they need to include this feature more.
Swat 4 had pretty good co-op. I remember setting up private games with a couple friends and getting really into it. We even had our own roles, ie breacher, flashbanger, gasser, etc. Good fun.
Halo was great because it had co-op. Operation Flashpoint's coop missions are great. No one lives forever2. Swat4. Serious sam. Far cry would be awesome in coop! I agree, there are too few games with coop today. Streets of Rage was great on Sega on coop :D
Warbie said:
I dunno, experiencing a game with a friend, especially a story driven one, can be excellent.

I totally agree, I was brought up on oldskool arcade games like Heavy Barrel, Ikari Warriors, Gauntlet etc. and I loved stuff like dungeon seige and guild wars. And if TES4 was released with co-op play, I would squeal like a girl.

What i'm saying is I just don't think co-op would be all that popular compared to multiplayer in todays market, with todays type of game. People want to play against people, have been for so long, and making an AI to match that is a long way off. Upping the monster count or lowering health packs is a cop-out that would just remove challenge and add grind, not really a solution at all. To make co-op work long term, a new breed of game needs to be developed specifically for the purpose... there was the first person breakthrough, then the multiplayer breakthrough, why not a whole new co-op game genre?

i'd buy THAT for a dollar.
Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. RTS/Third person shooter. Great play style with great ww2 action. Sadly it was published by a really crappy company (Codemasters) and got low funding and literally no advertising. Well, anyway, the game is still fun and it has a large single player campaign, as well as multiplayer deathmatch or team deathmatch and other little modes.

But, the developer (Best Way) shows it's genius by putting in a coop mode. Let me tell you, un-freaking-believably fun. This game is PERFECT for coop. You often have only a few guys in the missions. Control over them is split up between up to four coop players. This game is all about tactics (It's on a squad level) and coop means some awesome gameplay, using teamwork.

This is about the 20th time I've had to describe the game and I'd rather not do it again >_>

The sequel, now being published by Ubisoft (**** yes) is scheduled to come out March of next year. It's called Faces of War. (Previously known as Outfront 2)

Graphics have recieved a large boost and all the great gameplay (including coop) will be there, plus more.
vegeta897 said:
Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. RTS/Third person shooter. Great play style with great ww2 action. Sadly it was published by a really crappy company (Codemasters) and got low funding and literally no advertising. Well, anyway, the game is still fun and it has a large single player campaign, as well as multiplayer deathmatch or team deathmatch and other little modes.

But, the developer (Best Way) shows it's genius by putting in a coop mode. Let me tell you, un-freaking-believably fun. This game is PERFECT for coop. You often have only a few guys in the missions. Control over them is split up between up to four coop players. This game is all about tactics (It's on a squad level) and coop means some awesome gameplay, using teamwork.

This is about the 20th time I've had to describe the game and I'd rather not do it again >_>

The sequel, now being published by Ubisoft (**** yes) is scheduled to come out March of next year. It's called Faces of War. (Previously known as Outfront 2)

Graphics have recieved a large boost and all the great gameplay (including coop) will be there, plus more.

he speaks truth.
Wow, I never would have thought I'd find someone else on this forum who has played it :D So you excited about Faces of War? The expansion looks like it will be fun too. Saboteurs it's called. I like controlling only a few guys, and sneaking around :D Although I don't like being the Russians. Even though their 71 round SMG is really good.
Ah, Sven Co-op... so many memories...
I've got 4 friends playing CSS. They also play WoW. And UT. =D

Playing CSS online with them = pwn. Especially because we nag enough so we can be like one team. =D
Don't play with idiots.

Unless all your friends are idiots.