The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Thom Yorke - Analyse

Really can't get enough of this album now for some reason. Every time I try to put on In Rainbows, I end up listening to this.
Radiohead - You and Whose Army?

Haven't heard this in AGES but popped up randomly on itunes, when the piano smashes in at the end it sends tingles down my spine lol.
Queens of the Stone Age - First it Giveth

So very much fun to drum along to.
Thom Yorke - Analyse

Really can't get enough of this album now for some reason. Every time I try to put on In Rainbows, I end up listening to this.

Me too! I listen to a ton of In Rainbows but I've been listening to The Eraser a lot as well now. They go well together.

The Field - A Paw In My Face
Venetian Snares - Integraation

New album is ****ing win.
Explosions in the Sky - Yasmin the Light

Haven't rocked out to these guys in too long.
Mogwai - Auto Rock

Mogwai - Mr. Beast Album

Radiohead - House of Cards

I don't wanna be your friend,
I just want to be your lover,
muummmble mummmble I'mmumbleThomYorkmumble
Venetian Snares - Colorless

My god, how does this man make such incredible orchestral tracks.


Venetian Snares - If I Could Say I Love You

This is the god damn soundtrack to time and space.
Mogwai - Christmas Song

Mmmm, Mogwai binge.
Kelly Bailey - Magnusson Device

Dunno the exact track names, so I'm making up my own. Episode 2 had a badass soundtrack.
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