The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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slayer- cleanse the soul

been listening to a bit of slayer lately, and it's not what I thought it would be.
Untitled Track 13 by Odd Nosdam

Great texture and beat...
something with Sly and Robby (the Riddim twins) but the video doesn't have the song name... Apparently they're supposed to be the greatest reggae rythm section ever, but they sound just like every other I've heard... maybe they were just really influential :p
KA said:

I'm listening to Portishead for the first time.

Listened to a few older songs so far (1994). Wow, incredibly beautiful singing, I totally love it... but ... annoying/repetative Hip-Hop beats? bleh. :/
Breaking Benjamin - Unknown Soldier
Death Cab For Cutie - I will Follow You Into The Dark
cheVelle - I get It
INXS - Afterglow

Man, if I could find other songs that sound almost exactly like this... nothing heavy hitting just everything mellow, I'd be so happy.
Pandora almost does it, but they included a few songs that would give me a headache rather than soothe my ear drums.
Relaxin' At Club ****in' - Koop

Scandinavian Nu Jazz? Same Koop, Koola Mena?
Sigur Ros - Gobbledigook

Listened to this like... 20 times now. I really hope the new album is like this.
Wet Tip Hen Ax - Fenixfunk 5.

So this totally belonged on Drukqs.

In other news, I need the new Notwist album.
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