The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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Backyard Babies - Pet Cemetery (cover)

I put this song on, it always works

i'm going to have to check out their other stuff

editing: hang on... why doesn't this allow me to put in piccy' this forum dibanned from showing pics?
I use to love In Flames such a ridiculous amount. Might re-download some stuff, actually. I don't care what anyone says, either - Reroute to Remain and Soundtrack to Your Escape were stonking albums. Might start back with them.

Battles - Race In

various Joshua Radin songs. He's one of my new favourite singers now!!!
I use to love In Flames such a ridiculous amount. Might re-download some stuff, actually. I don't care what anyone says, either - Reroute to Remain and Soundtrack to Your Escape were stonking albums. Might start back with them.

Battles - Race In

In Flames - Pinball map (album version)

I don't have a lot of favorites from Reroute, but Soundtrack to Your Escape is fantastic.

i also really like The Jester Race, a Sense of Purpose, The Mirror's Truth EP, Come Clarity, and Clayman. I've even got some favorites from Lunar

The Conony has a few great songs on it too

My least favorite albums are Trigger [EP], Whoracle, and Subterranian, but I might just need to get a little bored of the other stuff before I start liking those

In Flames - ...As the Future Repeats Today
Bar Feeders- Dogbarf (the lovely legend of Jared and Fido)
jared was a movie star, his face took him really far
It's all about tobacco, it's all about some crack
it's all about courvoisier and women on their backs
every time he drew a card he drew a ****in' ace
how could he lose with that face?
Fido lived in Jared's home, man and dog were all alone
Jared got way too high, fell on his back and died
vomit landed every place, even on his pretty face
three days elapsed and no one came to help
no matter how he whimpered, no matter how he yelped
no one there to feed him, not wanting to be dead
he used his tongue to lick the salty puke off Jared's head
and he swallowed OH GOD IT'S GOOD
dogs don't let food go to waste
he chewed and swallowed Jared's face
dinner didn't settle well it wasn't good but he can't complain
he laid down and fell asleep digesting Jared's brain
Sander Van Doorn - Riff (Fedde le Grande remix)

Christ, this is some good shit.
I've been listening to Rush 2112



Now I'm listening to Katatonia - Cold Ways

this song is a thrill ride

just finished listening to

Pink Floyd - Bricks In The Wall (parts 1,2,3)

Now I'm going to see if I won't enjoy listening to some Classical music
Atlantis - Finding You

Blisteringly heavy distorted bass notes over a gentle repeating piano melody.


Atlantis - We Are Almost There... more blisteringly ear-wrenching distorted transmissions with the atmospheric sounds of a harbour at work very early in the morning.

Man, I love post-metal, as pretentious as it can be.
All That Makes Us Human Continues by BT

This Binary Universe is all sorts of crazy awesome.
Just got through listening to a couple cuts from GZA Genius

One of my favorites was Beneath the Surface from the album of the same name


oh, well shit here

GZA starts it off
Killa Priest guest appearance. He kinda ****ed up the track, though I was a fan of his, he usually came better than that
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