The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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AFX - Xmd5a

Been listening through all of the AFX collections recently as I never really got through them all in a proper sit down. Some cracking stuff, sadly amongst a lot of rubbish, but theres so much of it to listen to that it's all worth it.
Kelly Bailey - Guard Down

I love how each game has it's own distinct sound. HL1 had this really old, sci-fi sound. HL2 was more electronic and energized. EP1 had this sense of "Oh shit gtfo". EP2 was all **** YEAH ROCK ON. EP3 will probably have guest star Tiny Tim.
Dawn Chrs - Brds Of Cnd.

I love how each game has it's own distinct sound. HL1 had this really old, sci-fi sound. HL2 was more electronic and energized. EP1 had this sense of "Oh shit gtfo". EP2 was all **** YEAH ROCK ON. EP3 will probably have guest star Tiny Tim.

EP3 soundtrack is confirmed to be an accapella band of four Swedish dwarves covering the entire back catalogue of Brain Eno.
Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing


RHCP - Under the Bridge

I'm quite proud of myself, learnt this song on acoustic in under 30 minutes
Eric Prydz - Pjanoo

But yeah anyway, shouldn't this be locked and and a new one made? It's been going on since 2004 :l
Pelican - March into the Sea

I think Pelican might just be one of the best instrumental metal bands around. This particular track is 10 solid minutes of downtuned, distorted fuzzy riffing then 10 minutes of blissful acoustics and piano. Mindblowing stuff through headphones.
Do Make Say Think - Ontario Plates

I haven't listened to this song in a long time, forgot how good it is....
but then most songs tend to sound awesome to me when I'm really tired. Which I am right now.

Except this song just got really crazy at the end, what the heck.
The music from the end of Fellowship of the Ring.

Edit: Now listening to The Manic Street Preachers (If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next).
Carbon Based Lifeforms - Flytta Dig

Alright, it's official. Despite how much I absolutely love and cherish Aphex Twin's ambient work, Carbon Based Lifeforms have surpassed him, for ambient at least. Still can't quantify them in relation to Biosphere though.
I've just listened to The Scissor Sisters' I Don't Feel Like Dancing twice now and I wanna listen to it again!!! It's so catchy and funky!!!!!
Ulrich Schnauss - Between Us and Them

Holy shit. Where have you been all my life?
Nine Inch Nails - No, You Don't

To think I dismissed this as crap before even giving it a chance. Bad move.
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