The Mandatory "What are you listening to now?" thread

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J.S. Bach - Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 62: Chorus: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland (performed by Collegium Vocale)

Bach still still kicks ass.
Old Man Gloom - Zozobra

Just playing this record for the first time after finding a rare copy on vinyl in a store in Wales and it sounds utterly fantastic. Only OMG release I've yet to hear and I'm glad it's through vinyl. 27 minutes of some of the best experimental droning hardcore from members of ISIS, Converge and Zozobra.
Mason Williams - Classical Gas

**** yeah.
Linkin Park - With You

I dont care, I like their first album.

Amazing what you can find while rummaging through a box of cds in the attic.
The Dillinger Escape Plan - Baby's First Coffin

Can't stop listening to these guys lately.
"La Mer" by Nine Inch Nails

I recently just picked it up again at a store for $25. I'd lost it years ago and haven't listened to it for a long time, or at least not in its entirety.

It's easily my favorite album of his. And as these things tend to go, my favorite tracks have all rearranged. I've heard a lot of people say it's not really that different from The Downward Spiral, and I question if these people have ****ing ears. Everything's so wonderfully lush and layered. It's not just an industrial like grind like TDS was. It takes influence from so many other genres and varies so much that it always holds my interest, and his technical recording prowess (with credited technical assistance) is still unmatched by most people in his genre, or industry for that matter.

It's kind of sad to know that albums like this are behind him now, not that I don't dig his new material as well. But it's unique because it still nonetheless sounds like a product of torment, which he was going through plenty of at the time. A clean, sober Trent wouldn't have the state of mind to labor over this.
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