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Finished The Stranger by Albert Camus. Still didn't like it. It was just meh.

Currently reading Spook Country by William Gibson. It's alright. Much like the other novels of his I've read (Virtual Light and Idoru). William Gibson was very enjoyable for the first book but is now just ok. By the time I started reading All Tomorrow's Parties, I wasn't into it as much and stopped a couple of chapters in (also, the font was pretty awful and literally too distracting to read).

I'm hoping the second half of Spook Country gets better. I prefer Neal Stephenson.
I'm thinking about getting Spook Country, I'm big fan of Gibson I loved previous Pattern Recognition book which is set in thr same universe...
Dream Songs Volume One - George R. R. Martin
Liking reading the intros to each section as much as the stories themselves. Volume two is on my bookshelf ready to be taken down as soon as one is finished. After that it's either Dune or Nation.
I'm thinking about getting Spook Country, I'm big fan of Gibson I loved previous Pattern Recognition book which is set in thr same universe...

I just finished it. It was pretty good -- definitely worth reading. There were a few characters I really liked. It started out a little bit confusing but everything wrapped up nicely at the end.

Is Pattern Recognition connected to Spook Country in any way other than the same universe (e.g. are there recurring characters?). I may have to read that one too.
I need to read Spook Country. As far as I'm concerned Gibson is the god of cyberpunk and goddamn do I like cyberpunk. Although seeing as how I'm super poor it's more likely I'll just take this summer to reread the Bridge trilogy.
I just finished it. It was pretty good -- definitely worth reading. There were a few characters I really liked. It started out a little bit confusing but everything wrapped up nicely at the end.

Is Pattern Recognition connected to Spook Country in any way other than the same universe (e.g. are there recurring characters?). I may have to read that one too.
There is at least one recurring character, and it's pretty good one. Excellent book, great style and perfect main character, highly recommended.
I need to read Spook Country. As far as I'm concerned Gibson is the god of cyberpunk and goddamn do I like cyberpunk. Although seeing as how I'm super poor it's more likely I'll just take this summer to reread the Bridge trilogy.

Use the library!!!

Unless you are one of those people who needs to own his books (one of my friends is like that.)
To Dream in the City of Sorrows - Kathryn M. Drennan

Always been a huge Babylon 5 fan.
Just finished reading Neal Stephenson's "essay", In the Beginning... Was the Command Line. He wrote it in 1999 but it's still interesting (and has a heck of a lot of metaphors). I downloaded it (available free on his website!) thinking it was just a short essay, maybe 10 pages at most, then started reading it. Almost 3 hours later, I finished.

Re-reading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian as well, and re-realizing how violent this book is. One or two chapters in an somebody's already trying to either stab someone's eye with a broken bottle or pluck it out by hand. Another couple of chapters later, someone actually succeeds at doing it.
Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan, the eleventh Wheel of Time book. After sitting through 10 books, and especially that last, incredibly dull 10th one, I really want this one to be good, because 800 more pages on the stuff that made up book 10 would take me ages to read.
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