The [-MOD-] Team


Dec 21, 2005
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Hey there! Well, there was a team I made about 2 years ago that basically is focusing on making mods for HL2. We are doing a mod vote right now which is when we will add a poll on mod ideas in the mod ideas section and people will vote yes or no. We need some voters to go to our forums, and we also need team members urgently. The reason is, I had many team members at one time, though I allowed a 9 year old to be in the team and beta test anything we made. I made a map I called MazeOfAnubis, which I sent to him so we could beta test it, but I forgot a model. The server crashed because there was a model called NeptuneT.mdl missing and I forgot to include it in the zip file I sent him. He got all pissy at this and nearly terminated :borg: us. We only have 3 members now. Just a thought I have been thinking about it alot, and only 3 team members destroyed the clan he made. He made a sven coop clan and how he nearly destroyed us was he convinced all but 3 of my team members to join his clan and ditch our team. But onto the subject, we urgently need team members! If you can't or don't want to join our team, at least come to our forums and participate in the mod vote so at least the clan members we have will be able to decide what mod to do. Our forums:

Like I said before, please join. But if you can't at least participate in the mod vote!

Note: If you want to join, post in the recruiting section with . . .

Profession: Basically what you can do, I.E. modeling, mapping, skinning, coding etc. etc.
Age: We don't accept under age 10, look above to see why . . .
Job: We kind of want to know if you have a real life job to know if you will ever be able to help. If you don't want to share, it's not terribly important.
well in responce to your query in the other thread i am now writing a 'jungle based mod'. if only to have something online to show people when they ask about my writing.
We don't accept under age 10

aww damn!

so how can you have created a hl2 mod team 2 years ago when hl2 hasnt been around for two years? also what skills do you and the other two members have?
rambler said:
well in responce to your query in the other thread i am now writing a 'jungle based mod'. if only to have something online to show people when they ask about my writing.

Buuh i hope you aren't stealing any of our ideas =D
TigerStar said:
Hey there! Well, there was a team I made about 2 years ago that basically is focusing on making mods for HL2. We are doing a mod vote right now which is when we will add a poll on mod ideas in the mod ideas section and people will vote yes or no. We need some voters to go to our forums, and we also need team members urgently. The reason is, I had many team members at one time, though I allowed a 9 year old to be in the team and beta test anything we made. I made a map I called MazeOfAnubis, which I sent to him so we could beta test it, but I forgot a model. The server crashed because there was a model called NeptuneT.mdl missing and I forgot to include it in the zip file I sent him. He got all pissy at this and nearly terminated :borg: us. We only have 3 members now. Just a thought I have been thinking about it alot, and only 3 team members destroyed the clan he made. He made a sven coop clan and how he nearly destroyed us was he convinced all but 3 of my team members to join his clan and ditch our team. But onto the subject, we urgently need team members! If you can't or don't want to join our team, at least come to our forums and participate in the mod vote so at least the clan members we have will be able to decide what mod to do. Our forums:

Like I said before, please join. But if you can't at least participate in the mod vote!

Note: If you want to join, post in the recruiting section with . . .

Profession: Basically what you can do, I.E. modeling, mapping, skinning, coding etc. etc.
Age: We don't accept under age 10, look above to see why . . .
Job: We kind of want to know if you have a real life job to know if you will ever be able to help. If you don't want to share, it's not terribly important.

No offense mate but you don't sound a bit over 14-15 yourself. It was written in such a simple language that i actually forgot what was written in the sentence before the one i was reading. What about talking about what the mod is about and what you plan to do instead of talking about how your team was "destroyed" earlier. I would never join a team that i heard had been "destroyed" earlier as the chance of they breaking up again is far greater than others
okay your forum turned out to show me that your ppl literally aren't a year above 15. A more experienced person should be leading a development team. What skills do you people even have ? besides some ideas that will never be brought into life ?
You have to be able to contribute something yourself.

and besides, the fact that you allow people who are 10 years old to join in shows the team is kind of immature and unserious.

To attract talent you need to have something that pulls people in, something that grabs people's attention and interest. Unfortunately since you don't yet know what mod you're making you cannot provide your idea. You've also posted about your team almost breaking up and you recruiting 9 year olds - which will most definately put people off. There is nothing right now as it stands that will interest people in joining your team, and even more evidence that the management and the team will be poor.

If you're really serious about modding and have the skills required, come up with a really unique idea and see if you can find any friends who can help - if you don't end up with a team, pitch the idea here. As it stands, this post is unlikely to attract anyone :) I know I may sound harsh, and I don't usually post stuff like this, but this is an overwhelming impression I got when reading the post, so as I've said, I was inclined to comment.
All right, know what? I'm 11. I'll admit. I am an advanced mapper with alot of html coding (which I know will not help with a mod, but I'm making an awesome looking site with that knoledge ;)) and I as well know how to code in C++ . . . a little bit. I am way smarter than an average 14 year old though I don't have the english of it. Please, just because I am young, don't underestimate me. We were almost destroyed, we have two sixteen year olds in the team and including me, theres 3 clan members. Like I said, if you absoloutly can NOT join the clan, and must insult us, at least participate in the vote. The more the team members, the better the mod results though . . .

And for Crackhead, we started 2 years ago and we were going to do a half life 1 mod, but we held off until half life 2, then we nearly got destroyed. Pheonix and I have decided to accept under 10 . . . BUT, it will be on special occasion, like you can actually do something besides making a box skinning it yellow and saying "This is the damn best work in the world!"

If you can actually do something, like modeling, skinning, or other, I might let you join. Just apply like it says in the recruiting section.
:D i was joking about the under 10 thing. i was just picking up on the fact that you wont let anyone in under 10. also theres no point displayign that because anyone under 10 reading it wanting to join will say there 11 or whateva. anyway i posted an idea in you forum. im going to post some more i really liek the idea of having a voting system for the mod idea but i didnt see any i liked. also

do something besides making a box skinning it yellow and saying "This is the damn best work in the world!"

when have i ever done that?where did that come from.
zyd said:
Buuh i hope you aren't stealing any of our ideas =D

what bloody ideas? why on earth would i want to steal your ideas?

oh, and who the hell are you?
dont act so childish. hes working on one of the most unique mods and also on a computer game.
it's not childish, it's defensive. I wan't to know who he is. I also want to know why he thinks I would steal his ideas. joke or not, it was insulting.

I don't need to steal your ideas, I'm quite content with my own.

go on then, someone link me to his stuff... It's probably depressingly good.
as far as i know the website coder got stabbed by his own mother and so there isnt a website up yet. i have seen some fantastic images from the actual game but im not sure if they have been officialy released. and yes you acted defencively childish.
defensively childish? firstly, you spelled that wrong, and secondly, it makes no sense.

maybe you meant childishly defensive?

and he was stabbed by his own mother? that's GOTTA hurt!!
firstly, you spelled that wrong, and secondly, it makes no sense.

yeah i spell lots of things wrong. refer to the other thread for an excuse :D

and i think it makes sence in an unsensical kind of way.

and he was stabbed by his own mother? that's GOTTA hurt!!

yeah its harsh. notice i copied your formatting.
Well, that's interesting. I haven't heard of an 11 year old doing mod work. I know how tough that can be, with other people taking assumptions that just because you are young means that you can't get any work done. I don't think that way. You just need to accept the fact that some people are stereotypical and some people will look down upon the fact that you are of a younger age.

So, all you have to do is ignore them and continue working. If people have a problem with it, "screw 'em". They don't deserve your mod.

Honesty is great, but certain things should be left unsaid. I would agree that you shouldn't go around telling that story of the kid you let on your mod team.

Anyway, I hope you guys turn out well. Sounds to me like you're willing to do real work.
Thanks for the nice comment, StAtIc. I know I shouldn't tell people things like that but . . . I'll admit I'm gullible and will fall to tell people pretty much anything except where I live and personal things like that. Yeah, I'm a good mapper and know a little coding and all, but that isn't going to really help us to have an intermediate coder and 2 mappers . . . we need more members. I know the best mod out there had only 9 people on the team, so I know we don't need many, but I think we at least need 6-7 people on the team. Does anyone here know PHP or CGI by any chance and be willing to make a forum for our team? I may be able to send you like 10-20$. I already have a host for the site now, which is already payed for for 2 years . . . but I feel we need more than the PHPBB crap I'm using now. I can already host forums and a site, so I just need someone to make a forum for me. Like I said, I might be able to pay 10-20$ to you.
There is no such thing as a minimum number of team members. The more members the more complications and difficulty in management, exponentially.

Smaller teams = better.
rambler said:
what bloody ideas? why on earth would i want to steal your ideas?

oh, and who the hell are you?

You sure can't take a joke eh ?

I'm the leader of the first tribal mod in the hl2 community thats why i made a joke "now don't go steal any of our ideas eh ? =D" if you can't handle that and find it insulting you should really get some anger management or something. If you ever wish to work in a game company they will actually be telling you to make sure not to copy other games etc. if they did that would you shout out ?

You just need an attitude adjustment and stop taking things so seriously when its OBVIOUS it isn't

ps. like crackhead said i'm also the owner of Phase Tech Studios
Ennui said:
There is no such thing as a minimum number of team members. The more members the more complications and difficulty in management, exponentially.

Smaller teams = better.

depending on where people are located. For instance our mod is made by people mostly working at the same office. Therefore we can devote time together and be able to keep ourselves updated on the other peoples work 24/7.

But most mods that succeed actually did have small teams so it's what you have to head for if you live across the world etc.
headshot is 13 and hes a pretty talented modeller. i have a lot of respect for modders that are young if they actualy have skills.
crackhead said:
headshot is 13 and hes a pretty talented modeller. i have a lot of respect for modders that are young if they actualy have skills.

As do I. I think its really amazing. I sure as hell didn't know how to map even when I was 13... and I still wasn't that good.
yeah me too i think i actualy learnt to map when i stayed up to see the tyson / lewis fight with my dad. it started at somethign liek 6 in the morning. and lasted 49 minutes! but yeah im not sure how long ago that was but it sure wasnt that long.
Can we stay on topic please? This is sort of like my forum, always goes off topic with every thread! :p
well its ok when they have their story theyll no doubt post again in a more professional mannor and explain what the storys about and show some concepts. you know how it goes.
Ennui said:
There is no such thing as a minimum number of team members. The more members the more complications and difficulty in management, exponentially.

Smaller teams = better.

One-man teams = best. Conquest: City 17! D:

-Angry Lawyer
sure if that one man can do it all. what if hes just a mapper ? :D
Then you use the UT engine where a lot of it is laid out nice 'n' simple, or you make a basic expansion pack-style mod with maybe a few custom weapons (not neccessarily custom models).
RAWR! I feel like da retard of t3h centery right now :(

I played my guitar at school today . . . to . . . many . . . requests for other songs ;(
Angry Lawyer said:
One-man teams = best. Conquest: City 17! D:

-Angry Lawyer

How is that going, i know your sorta focused with ZM at the moment, but i saw a video a while back, can't wait to have a fiddle around with an RTS version of HL!

Crackhead said:
sure if that one man can do it all. what if hes just a mapper ?

It is Angry Lawyer your talking about, plus he is useing alot of HL + HL2 models i think.
no its not angry lawyer. angry lawyer isnt working on zm by himself. he wasnt talking about any one specifically and nor was i.
evilsloth said:
How is that going, i know your sorta focused with ZM at the moment, but i saw a video a while back, can't wait to have a fiddle around with an RTS version of HL!

Well, I had to scrap a lot of my work (actually, it ended up in Zombie Master) because large scale RTS games just can't work in Source without some major rethinks on how the game handles things. So, I decided to scale it down. It's now a squad-based RTS, a little like the X-Com games but in realtime. It's all about picking a balanced squad that compliments one another, and keeping them alive.

There'll still be a few larger-scale battles though, using some map tomfoolery ;)

Editshens: Crackhead, although ZM is a team-based effort, I'm also working on CC17, which I'm mapping, coding, modelling, animating, and everythinging for.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, I would like to see how it turns out. What's it about again?
:sniper: :borg:
Angry Lawyer said:
Squad-based RTS game in the HL2 universe :D

-Angry Lawyer

Yer would be better than large scale RTS, but can the squads be inter-species?

What percent would you say it would be done? Seeing that Samon seems to have played a Alpha version, or is just having fun pulling or leg, either one.