The most awesome things that could possibly happen

Paradoxing the Nth dimension.

Restarting human history.

Going back in time and observing copper age Europe...
Actually being sent into the future would be awesome. I'd be able to experience all the awesomeness of future accomplishments.

Also be able to see how you fags died :D
Actually being sent into the future would be awesome. I'd be able to experience all the awesomeness of future accomplishments.

Also be able to see how you fags died :D

What if the awesomeness that is the future is really a post apocalyptic hell?
Then I'd be happy humanity was burnt up in its crapness.
Why do people get extremely offended when someone criticizes their own country, but no one bats an eye when people criticize our own species.
Firstly, because we all are the same. It'd be like me critisizing and Englishman to the guy next to me. He'd just take it as a joke, but we'd both get on high horses if you tried to have a go at us (probably not actually).

Secondly, because we all accept the crapocity of our species, and it no longer becomes a competition as to who's the best species (besides, no-one argues against us anyway), but a competition as to who is the best of the species.
Why did samon give me cheese? I don't understand?

Oh and btw, as a fan of half life 2, a portal storm and a combine takeover would sum up awesomeness.
I considered that, but I didn't really like the idea of dying a random rebel somewhere from a Barnacle.

So I'm going to alter that...

Oh and btw, as a fan of half life 2, a portal storm and a combine takeover with me, fighting against them as Gordon Freeman, would sum up awesomeness.
Or worse -- Dystopia.

That just gives you a chance to become a leader among men, pushing against the opressors, fighting the good fight, beating down those who oppose you, helping the needy, weilding AR2s, carving a path for a new world.