The most beautiful language in the world?

May 18, 2003
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What do you think is the most beautiful language in the world?

And how about the oh-not-so-beautiful-language?

I like Japanese and Swedish the most. I dont really know what i love about Japanese but i really like reading it. Im also a anime-nerd so i think that has some impact too :)

My first language is Swedish, and i like the sound of it. Its just a nice flow in the speaking. People i know says it sounds like music.

The not so beautiful language would be the Arabic language. It sounds so impetuous :/

One more thing that can be interesting is how many languages you can speak/read/understand. I can speak: Swedish, English, Spannish, Japanese (not good though). I can understand: (every language i can speak, doh) Dannish, Norwegian, German.

Im dont really like languages but i kinda pick them up as I go around.
According to Tolkien finnish in the most beutifull language in the world.
MaxiKana said:
According to Tolkien finnish in the most beutifull language in the world.

I cant understand a word finnish. Eventhough we live very close to each other. One more thing i cant understand is why the finnish people learn Swedish in school?

Can some one answer this? :)

Edit: I might found it out myself. They learn Swedish so they can communicate with Swedish, Dannish and Norwegian people. Am I right?
Spanish and French sound very nice to me. With a few simple words you can make clear what you mean. It is frustrating that the Dutch language is very inefficient, you have to use a lot of words while in other languages you could say the exact same thing in half the amount.
Oh and english of course, its so civil, you can curse someone to death and it still sounds very civil.

EDIT: oh forgot: I speak/write Dutch, English, German and a little French

EDIT2: I like the Elvish language from LOTR
Enkelt :P för när finlanf hörde till sverige för många många många år sedan gav den dåvarande kungen en massa land till svenska adlar i finland, så många flyttade hit och de flyttade inte tillbaka till sverige när ryssland tog över, så nu bor det ca.600 000 Finlandssvesnkar i finland, hufvudsakligen i skärgården, österbotten men också i Esbo och Helsingfors. Förrästen finns det dessutom MÅNGA platser som har enbart svenskt namn (speciellt i skärgården).
MaxiKana said:
Enkelt :P för när finlanf hörde till sverige för många många många år sedan gav den dåvarande kungen en massa land till svenska adlar i finland, så många flyttade hit och de flyttade inte tillbaka till sverige när ryssland tog över, så nu bor det ca.600 000 Finlandssvesnkar i finland, hufvudsakligen i skärgården, österbotten men också i Esbo och Helsingfors. Förrästen finns det dessutom MÅNGA platser som har enbart svenskt namn (speciellt i skärgården).

yeah I thought of something like that :)

Your Swedish is very good, do you learn it in school or are you "multi-language"?
I've haven't heard every language there is to hear, but for now my favorite is Latin, I really love the sound of it. It also has some strange allure to it, since it is in fact a dead language.

My least favorite language would also have to be Arabic, there is just something about it that does not fall well on the ear (no offense to any Arabic speaking people).
Im a "finlandssvensk" wich means my mothertongue is swedish, but i speak finnish too... I've learnd English through tv and later the internet... school hasn't really helped me with languages at all.
qckbeam said:
I've haven't heard every language there is to hear, but for now my favorite is Latin, I really love the sound of it. It also has some strange allure to it, since it is in fact a dead language.

My least favorite language would also have to be Arabic, there is just something about it that does not fall well on the ear (no offense to any Arabic speaking people).

Ah yeah, i forgot about Latin. Sounds very nice indeed.
Well, the two languages I like the most must be Real English and French, especially French. Gotta love cursing in french!

I speak English, Swedish, Spanish and French, and I can easily understand German, Danish and Norweigan. Though Danish is just barely. And Göteborska is a bit strange.

Länge leve hederlig Östgötska och Norrländska! ;) :P

EDIT: Yes, latin is very nice indeed.
[CoHn]FuSeD said:
Well, the two languages I like the most must be Real English and French, especially French. Gotta love cursing in french!

I speak English, Swedish, Spanish and French, and I can easily understand German, Danish and Norweigan. Though Danish is just barely. And Göteborska is a bit strange.

Länge leve hederlig Östgötska och Norrländska! ;) :P

EDIT: Yes, latin is very nice indeed.

Åh herräjävlar dö! Ja e la götöbörgare eller!? Så jävla gött...

The most beautiful languages are the click languages of the San bushmen of the Kalahari desert, I think.

One of the nastiest-sounding languages, in my opinion, is Bad English :E.
I love the way German and Japanese sound.

I can speak: english :( I can almost speak a bit of french though! Nah, I'm crap at picking up new languages
Japanese is the best I think.

Russian sounds awful I feel, it seems like you're spitting on yourself when you speak. (No offense to the russians)
The most beautiful L in the world is from china, while the nastiest one is Hebrow
I suck at speaking English (because of my weird teeth positions), but I pwnz0rs at it in any other area thanks to all the time I spend chatting in forums like this ! Thank you !!!

The most beatiful language.. Hmm.. Some african old language maybe with all the *click* sounds and Japanese maybe.. Not sure though.
CrazyHarij said:
I suck at speaking English (because of my weird teeth positions), but I pwnz0rs at it in any other area thanks to all the time I spend chatting in forums like this ! Thank you !!!

The most beatiful language.. Hmm.. Some african old language maybe with all the *click* sounds and Japanese maybe.. Not sure though.

You mean the sound Starvin Marvin does in South Park? :)
Majestic XII said:
Åh herräjävlar dö! Ja e la götöbörgare eller!? Så jävla gött...


Hehe..jojo..tänkte att jag kunde reta moderatorn lite medans jag ändå var igång :cheers:
I vote for hungarian (although I may be a bit prejudiced :- ) )

The only bad thing is that I can't imagine what do not-hungarians think about it.
Hey! You guys want a hungarian lesson? :- )
The most beautiful language in the world is Thai IMHO. Words can have a different meaning when you use a different tone for it. I just speak a tiny bit (nit noi) Thai, coz its so damn hard to learn.

The language I dislike the most is my native tongue, Dutch. It sounds like gurgling. The accent Dutch people have when speaking English is also very stupid.
I quite like English to be honest, at least when its spoken properly with full use of its extensive volcabulary.

Latin sounds nice.

Isn't Dutch a lot like old English?
qckbeam said:
I've haven't heard every language there is to hear, but for now my favorite is Latin, I really love the sound of it. It also has some strange allure to it, since it is in fact a dead language.

My least favorite language would also have to be Arabic, there is just something about it that does not fall well on the ear (no offense to any Arabic speaking people).

you read my mind, exactly what i was thinking.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I quite like English to be honest, at least when its spoken properly with full use of its extensive volcabulary.

Latin sounds nice.

Isn't Dutch a lot like old English?

i saw a program on BBC2 about this once. apparently english came from a small island off the coast of holland. the words they used were very similar to the words we use today. for example their word for sleep was 'sliepe', their word for work was 'worké', their word for sky was 'skay', and the similarities just continue.
This site says:

The history of the language can be traced back to the arrival of three Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes crossed the North Sea from what is the present day Denmark and northern Germany. The inhabitants of Britain previously spoke a Celtic language. This was quickly displaced. Most of the Celtic speakers were pushed into Wales, Cornwall and Scotland. One group migrated to the Brittany Coast of France where their descendants still speak the Celtic Language of Breton today. The Angles were named from Engle, their land of origin. Their language was called Englisc from which the word, English derives.
Arabic is the most beautiful written language in the world, closely followed by Japanese.

Italian is the most beautifully spoken language in the world.

English is both the ugliest written and spoken language in world. Russian is pretty ugly sounding too.
I like the strong and accentuated style of the German language, but Japanese is good too.

English is apparently one of the hardest languages to learn, actually. That said though, learning any language is difficult, really.
Nothing sounds more asinine than an American with a southern accent.
iamironsam said:
Nothing sounds more asinine than an American with a southern accent.

have you ever heard cockney from the region of Peckham/Illford/East End? by god it sounds awful sometimes. although i speak with a slight cockney accent, i hate hearing it sometimes "awright mate, 'ows it goin ven?" *shudders* it's worse when you get people from milton keynes trying to sound cockney.
Abom|nation said:
English is apparently one of the hardest languages to learn, actually. That said though, learning any language is difficult, really.

really? Japanese is a pain in the rear-end to learn :)

Kids in Sweden learn English from grade 3 and up (if i remember it correctly) so i really dont think its that hard.
Majestic XII said:
really? Japanese is a pain in the rear-end to learn :)

Kids in Sweden learn English from grade 3 and up (if i remember it correctly) so i really dont think its that hard.

It's hard to understand how difficult it is to learn english if you grew up speaking/reading/writing it. It's hard to learn english because of it's rediculous amount of irregularities and complete lack of structure. Asian languages like Japanese, Chinese, and Korean might be difficult to read/write, but the language is much more structured and regular than english.
Majestic XII said:
really? Japanese is a pain in the rear-end to learn :)

Kids in Sweden learn English from grade 3 and up (if i remember it correctly) so i really dont think its that hard.

I think grammarwise English is not that difficult, either. We do have to bear in mind that it's much more widespread in media than other languages, so people get in contact with english at a much younger age, whether they like it or not. Japanese and Chinese are really difficult to learn, one of my friend has a Japanese girlfriend, she moved to The Netherlands and was able to communicate with us in 3-4 months :eek: and he is still learning japanese now (for the past 4 years)
Arabic is almost like math to learn. Which makes sense considering they invented the math we use today.
Has anyone ever heard esperanto? It's a language that has been invented as a world language I think (like sign language)
Moi je suis Quebecois, franco americain d'emerique du Nord, un francais Canadien francophone du Quebec :-) Y'en as-tu d'autre comme moi? lol
Ti133700N said:
Moi je suis Quebecois, franco americain d'emerique du Nord, un francais Canadien francophone du Quebec :-) Y'en as-tu d'autre comme moi? lol

Yeah I'll have mustard with that s'il vous plait :naughty:
DeusEx2 said:
Has anyone ever heard esperanto? It's a language that has been invented as a world language I think (like sign language)

Yeah and its a combination of many other languages.